Wildly Inappropriate

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"Is Miss Abby going to be mad at us?" I ask as I sit in the dancer's den with Chloe.

"I hope not." Chloe answers, "I don't like when she's mad."

"Me neither." I agree, "But you won with your trio."

"She argued with my mom during awards." Chloe comments, "I don't think she's happy with her."

"Maybe." I shrug.


The two of us make our way to studio "A" and sit down.

"Phoenix was rough, you guys got your butts kicked. Here in Pittsburgh, you have won everything, but it's clearly a different story when you get in a plane and fly across the country." Abby starts the pyramid and all the girls look at her, "For years, I took the kids by myself. I made sure the hair was right. I made sure the makeup was right, I put the headpiece on. All the mothers want to go now because they are reliving their childhood through all of you, and that's when the trouble happens."

Were they? Who knew. I just knew one thing, this week was going to be way harder than the last one.

After all of us got corrections from the teacher, she turned around the chalkboard to reveal the pyramid.


Paige    Chloe   Genevieve

Brooke   Nia    Mackenzie

The new group dance was entitled "Electricity". There were three solos. The first was Maddie's and it was entitled "Cry". The next one was Chloe's and it was entitled "Baby Mine". The last solo was mine and it was entitled "Handclap". It was mainly jazz, but my best style was lyrical, so I needed to cross my fingers that I would beat Maddie with her beautiful lyrical contemporary and Chloe with her musical theatre. They were both good with that kind of solos, and I was typically second or third with jazz, but luckily, I have always placed. It would be a shame that the first time I didn't place would be on national television.

The day after pyramid, the three soloists spent our time in studio "B". I did my final pose and the other two girls clap.

"That was so cool!" Maddie smiles and I sit down beside her, "Chlo, you're next!"

"All right." Chloe smiles as she stands up and walks up to the middle of the room.

"Remember what Miss Abby told you." I tell my friend, "The facials carry the dance."

Chloe starts rehearsing her solo and we look at her amazed as she continues dancing. Once she finishes, she gets into her final position and we clap.

"We are so gonna win this." I say, "Maybe we could have a clean sweep!"

"That would be so cool!" Maddie agrees, "But who is going to be first?"

"Is that a question?" Chloe smiles and does a pose, "Me!"

"No." I stand up, "I will."

"Now that I'm thinking about it, it should be me." Maddie stands up.

"No fair." Chloe laughs.

"I will," Maddie assures her.

"No, I will." I smile, "And I'll go to the group dance rehearsal first so that Miss Abby notices how dedicated I am."

"That doesn't make sense." Maddie smiles, "But it will if I go first."


The three of us run out of studio "B" and as we're about to enter studio "A", Abby enters the dancer's den.

"Is everybody here for the "Electricity" competition group?" Abby asks and Chloe gets on the floor.

She starts stretching as Maddie and I look at each other. Not moving my eyes from the dance teacher, I get on the floor and start stretching.

"Moms, before we rehearse, actually, Sandy is here, and she's gonna do a costume fitting, so we can get these finished for today," Abby explains.

"What color are they?" Brooke asks.

"Black and turquoise."

The mothers and Abby left right after that so that we could change into the new costumes.


Nia leaves the dancer's den and I hear something from outside.

"Where's the rest of her costume?"

"That sounds like Holly." Brooke comments.

"And she sounds serious," Paige adds.

"Um, why?" Maddie asks.

"Who knows." I shrug and look over to the younger Ziegler, "What do you think, Kenz?"

"Those are weird." Mackenzie answers.

"Not helping," Chloe says.

The door opens and Nia walks in.

"I don't even want to know." Brooke sighs as she takes a selfie with Mackenzie.

"You better not." Nia sits down, "Paige, you're next."

"Ooh, yeah." Paige smiles as she leaves the room.

Let's just say that the moms were divided. Holly, Christi, and Mom thought that it was too "sexy", but Kelly and Melissa thought that it was "okay".

After that, we were back in the dancer's den.

"I guess it's not that bad." My older sister, Giselle, comments as we all hang out.

"It is, Elle." Maddie says, "At least, it is for Holly, Christi, and Nicole."

"Also known as our mom." I tell Giselle, "Who knows. I really like it, but she doesn't."

"Ooh, the boys are coming." Chloe comments, causing everyone to look at her, "Come on, it's just Zane and Jake, but it still counts!"

"It just sounded weird." Paige says, "Like, boys."

"Boys, boys, boys." I smile as the two boys enter.

"Uh, we should probably come back later," Jake says and the two boys turn around.

"No." Brooke smiles and jumps from her seat, "You've got to be here."

"Why?" My older brother, Zane, asks.

"Nothing." Brooke smiles, her smile turning into an evil grin, "Mads, what were we talking about?"

"The group dance costumes. Why?" Maddie asks and notices the grin, "Oh, now I get it."

"What's up with you two?" Nia asks.

"Evie." Maddie says, "How would you describe the costumes?"

"Ha ha ha," I say in a sarcastic tone.

I look at the two boys and the same evil grin Brooke has comes to my face.

"You know, probably like the ones those girls were wearing in that movie mom and dad were watching last week," I answer.

"Wait, what movie?" Giselle asks.

"The one that they were watching at twelve-thirty at night last Saturday."

Zane's eyes widen and Brooke starts laughing.

"All right, I'm out." Zane turns around and leaves the dancer's den.

Jake follows him and all the girls laugh.

"You've got to grow up!" Giselle yells to the boys as she laughs, "Wait 'til you hit puberty, you need it!"

Competition days were typically stressful, but it was even worse having to get ready on the bus. Personal experience. The bus is obviously moving, people are almost yelling outside, and I have to look as if I worked with five personal stylists.

Someone knocked on the door as I adjusted my solo costume.

"One minute!" I yell and look at my reflection in the mirror.

Satisfied, I open the door and Chloe rushes in. I walk over to Mom and she styles my hair into a high ponytail. Meanwhile, I did my makeup.

After the other girls finish getting ready, the bus finally stops and the seven of us get off the bus.

The three girls go in front, being followed by our mothers and dance teacher. The rest of the team soon followed us as we walked down the hallway.

Once the three girls were backstage with Paige, I took my team jacket off as Chloe walked onstage.

"This dance is so cute." Paige smiles as Chloe dances.

"It is cool," Maddie adds.

"Yeah." I agree.

Once Chloe finishes, everyone cheers as she walks offstage. The next one was Maddie, so the three of us watched Maddie perform. Her facials were over the top.

"That looks elegant." Chloe comments.

"Big words, Chlo," I say and we both laugh.

After Maddie finished, the last soloist left from the ALDC was me.

"Entry number 208, Genevieve Turner." The announcer says and I go onstage as everyone cheers.

I get into my starting position and the music starts.

After I finish, I leave the stage and am greeted by the three girls.

Next up was the awards ceremony, so we all made our way out to the stage.

"Second place is number 208, Genevieve Turner." The announcer says and I go receive my award, "And in first place is number 206.5, Madison Ziegler!"

Everyone cheers as Maddie go receive her award.

The next day of the competition only had the group dance, so we could get to the dressing room a little later than usual to get ready.

Mom worked with my makeup as I put a turquoise bow on my hair.

"Girls, let's go!"

The six girls leave the dressing room and start their way backstage, getting some confused looks from the other people around.

"And next up, junior small group dance, "Electricity"." The announcer says and the music starts.

The audience was horrified as we performed.

I personally consider this dance as one of my favorite ones ever.

At the end of the day, the dance didn't place, and while Holly, Christi, and Mom argued with Abby, we just celebrated Maddie's big win.

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