Welcome Back . . . Now Don't Get Too Comfy

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"I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night

I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do"

Giselle shoved the TV remote and I jolted to a pause. My eyes widened in surprise for a moment before I grabbed it and brought it to my lips.

"But she wears short skirts--" I turned my head over to my sister as she grabbed Mom's purple hairbrush from the coffee table.

"--I wear T-shirts--" She sang, shutting her eyes closed.

"--She's cheer captain--" I continued, starting to skip around the living room.

"--And I'm on the bleachers--" She opened her eyes again, grinning as she looked directly into the camera. "--Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find--"

I attempted to push her aside as I looked directly into the camera with a mischievous smile. "--That what you're looking for has been here the whole time--"

As Taylor's voice continued singing from the small, black RadioShack speaker, I burst out laughing and I heard Giselle sigh loudly.

"That was my line." She scoffed, although she didn't look like she meant to scoff.

I peered my eyes open, controlling my laughter for a moment. "You always get the good girl lines and I get the mean girl ones." Laughter took over again. "I wanna be different for once."

"It's not fair," Giselle muttered under her breath.

A beeping noise was heard and both of us looked back at the camera.

"Battery low," Zane informed from behind the camera. "Something you wanna say?"

I took a deep breath, trying to control my laughter once again. I bit my lower lip rather harshly as I started waving frantically at the camera with both of my small hands.

"The battery sucks," Giselle commented off-screen, seemingly from the kitchen because she came back to it holding a glass of fruit punch.

"I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong--"

The video abruptly stopped and a slight frown came onto my face. Hovering the white mouse over to the white X, I clicked on it as the window closed entirely. I took a glance at the name of the video "20090712" and realized that it wasn't just a bunch of numbers as I had previously thought. It was a date. The video has been recorded on July twelfth of two-thousand and nine, which made me a six-year-old in the video, along with a nine-year-old Giselle and a ten-year-old Zane from behind the camera.

It was a sweet video, although it felt bittersweet. Back then we were already arguing over the simplest things, but we came back every time. This time, however, has been the complete opposite. At this point, it has been over a whole year since the last time we've had a normal conversation with no interruptions, no snarky comebacks, and none of the things that there are now. It was two sisters and their brother, singing Taylor Swift songs in their living room with horrible yellow-ish lightning.

My phone buzzed from where it lay right next to me on the bed. I snapped back to reality as I grabbed the phone and tapped on the text notification:

M&M: Did you find the photo?

M&M: Evie

M&M: Evie

M&M: Evie Turner answer rn

M&M: I'm walking to your room now

Right on cue, there was a knock on the door. Rolling my eyes in amusement, I heard the girl say from the other side of the door: "Knock knock."

"Who's there?" I played along as I tried to stop smiling.

"Madison." She answered in a playful tone.

"Gosh, the Madison?" I quickly stood up from my bed. "Like, Madison Ziegler--" I walked up to the door and swung it open to reveal a grinning Maddie. "--The dog?!"

I immediately burst out laughing as her facial expression changed immediately. She hit me playfully on the shoulder before allowing herself in my bedroom and sitting on my bed. As I continued laughing, I closed the door and walked up to my bed, getting back into my previous position. Maddie grabbed the mouse and started looking for something in the laptop. Knowing what she was looking for, I let her continue as I lay back on the bed.

"Found it!" The brunette exclaimed, turning over the laptop to me so I could see it.

I turned to my left to see a photo of Chloe, who had somehow managed to get stuck on top of a tree. Her small face rimmed with tears and I couldn't help but let out another laugh.

It may sound mean, but I'll explain it real quick. So you know how people do the "Secret Santa" thing? We decided to do something like that. The group ― minus the usual two ― made up our own version. We were going to be given someone, and we were supposed to find the most embarrassing photo of them we had and make sure no one else had it. That meant that it had to be from our camera roll, so we couldn't go ask their mothers for any embarrassing photos. But in my case, it's not like I can really talk to any of them. They're still the same as last time.

Chloe was my victim and Paige was Maddie's. I was curious to know whose victim I was, and how bad the humiliation was going to be. For the last part of this whole thing, we were supposed to place the photo somewhere everyone could see it. That made the studio the only place we were going to be able to have it.

Maddie followed and started laughing loudly as she placed her hand over her mouth. The two of us continued laughing, up to the point where I could feel tears in my eyes. I shot up from the bed and took a deep breath before proceeding to laugh my butt off again.

"Girls." Mom interrupted as she opened the door and we both looked over at her. "We're going to the studio now, so go get your bags."

A voice ― which I'll guess was Giselle's ― called her from another room, so she closed the door again. Maddie and I shared one more look before laughing again.

"I'm gonna go print it out," Maddie announced as she gently grabbed the laptop from the bed. She then looked me up and down as a small grin came onto her face. "I don't think you'll be able to dance with that--"

"--This is from when I was seven--" I looked down at my cream and brown-colored monkey pajamas. "So don't make fun--"

"--I left my phone at the table downstairs." She started laughing again. "I wish you had been my victim so everyone could see--"

"--Buh-bye--" I interrupted her, quickly grabbing a fresh set of clothes from the closet and "dance" drawer before pushing her out of the room and closing it.

From there, we went opposite ways. While Maddie went to my dad's office to print the photo, I walked down the hallway to the shared sibling bathroom and closed the door behind me.

A quick tip: Don't share a bathroom with your fourteen-year-old brother and your thirteen-year-old sister, you're gonna regret it.

Ten minutes later, I walked into my parents' bedroom, up to the giant vanity, and opened one of the drawers. I grabbed a blue hair tie, placed it on my mouth as I brushed my hair, and then tied it into a high ponytail. As I started working with my light makeup, I heard some footsteps run into the room, and I didn't even have to look to know who it was.

"You being able to move around alone is dangerous," I commented as I applied a bit of eyeshadow.

"No." Out of the corner of my eyes, I watched as Ava shook her small head. "No no no--"

"I get it." I interrupted her. "You're really dangerous."

"I'not." She continued.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I grabbed Ava's chubby hand and slowly helped her walk downstairs. Letting her go, I walked into the living room, finding Nick and Giselle talking-- I wish.

"There is no time to waste," I told them, looking away from the couple and grabbing my dance bag. "Oh, and Maddie's sitting on the front today, so you're stuck in the back with me--"

I was then interrupted by a groan. Considering it a win, I rushed outside and got into the backseat of the car. As I buckled in my seatbelt, we were blessed ― not really ― by the presence of my older sister. Mom also arrived, and after getting ready and getting handed the embarrassing Chloe photo, we left for the studio.

Mom and Maddie were having a conversation at the front, which I was a part of until I was too tired to keep up. My sister, who sat on the left side, had her eyes glued to her phone and a stupid grin on her face. Every single time she goes somewhere Nick isn't, they act as if it was the Titanic or something like that. Ava had already given up and fallen asleep on her cat seat in the middle seat. As Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" ― one of her newest songs ― played in the background, we finally reached the all-too-familiar white, black, and pink building. The car stopped moving, and when I heard Mom pull the parking brake, I unbuckled my seatbelt and got off the car, deciding that Ava would be their issue, not mine.

Maddie caught up with me and we reached the building. Pushing the glass door, the two of us walked inside to be greeted by an empty desk. The two of us shared a mischievous look as I zipped my dance bag open and rummaged for the photo. When I finally felt it, I pulled it out and ― grabbing a white pin that was placed there with nothing ― pinned the photo to the bulletin board while grinning. Maddie did the same with Paige's, and as soon as we looked at it, we high-fived without looking at each other.

When we heard Abby's voice, the smile disappeared from my face. Maddie placed her left arm around my shoulders, and after giving me a reassuring nod, the two of us entered the room. We were the second and third girls to enter, right after Kenzie did. I was finally back at my old spot between Maddie and Chloe-- except that Payton took Chloe's place instead. Trying not to look stressed or anything, I crossed my arms behind my back and smiled nervously as I stood between Maddie and Payton.

With a seemingly genuine smile on her face, Abby started talking. "Congratulations to all of you that participated in "Home Again". You did it. You won." We all clapped ― except for the four that hadn't been at the competition ― and Abby looked around proudly. "This is the fourth year that the Abby Lee Dance Company's elite competition team has been going out every single weekend--"

Lie! What about the week we made the two-hour episode that resulted in a really ugly Kelly-Christi fallout?

That's why it was two hours. I finally found out! They made up, though, but they allegedly said that "it wouldn't be like before".

"--And it might not be the same kids too much longer. We have some that have other opportunities, others that can't follow the rules, people that are working diligently and improving faster than ever, and other people that are too lazy to take class. So something's got to give." Abby continued. "Everyone's replaceable."

That catchphrase should be trademarked or something.

"I am holding open auditions in three major cities: Orlando, Atlanta, and New York--" Abby announced. "--And you can bet I'm gonna find some talent."

I heard some gasps as I stared at the teacher.

I wouldn't be replaced, right?

The pyramid started, and the bottom two weren't all that surprising. After all, they weren't even able to attend the competition due to their mothers. Both of the girls apologized before Abby moved on to the next, which was-- shocking. On the headshot, Nia wore a baby pink dress with a pink headpiece and a genuine smile. It sucked to know that she wasn't smiling like that at the moment.

"I'll come back to you," Abby told the girl, which resulted in some confused looks from the mothers and the girls. "Brooke. Can't get a ride to come to dance class?"

"We missed one day before we were in New York for Fashion Week." Kelly jumped in. "She has been here every single day that we've had class--"

"Well, Evie and Maddie were there too and told me with anticipation." The teacher interrupted their mother as she motioned over to the two of us with the headshot cover. "Why couldn't she do the same?"

"They were there for very different things." Kelly defended her daughter.

Abby grimaced as she revealed the next headshot. "Paige. You know, for years we've said, when Paige is a teenager, it's all gonna click and she's gonna be amazing. Well, sweetheart, you're almost a teenager." Kelly ultimately gave up. "Mackenzie. You were second. I'm sorry--" She turned over to the group of mothers. "--I think Asia would have won. Asia pushed your buttons, and before she did, Julianna pushed your buttons too. They made you cry. They made you pout, but they made you better. They made you work harder."

That's . . . Not so inspiring. Both Kenzie and Melissa seemed unhappy about the situation. Maddie took a glance at her younger sister, seemingly upset for her. That action made me feel a little upset myself. If only my sister cared about me as Maddie cared about hers.

Abby continued. "And Kendall." Both Vertes grinned at the revelation. Abby looked back at the pyramid confusedly. "Oh, this is what's wrong." She turned to the pyramid, placing the headshot coverings under her armpit, and took Kendall's headshot out of its spot.

I took a glance at Jill, who was now smiling uneasily. That made me smile, but the camera had to record that. With the smile now gone, I turned back to the teacher, who switched Nia's and Kendall's headshots. Maddie nudged me on the shoulder, whispering: "Nia's trying so hard not to smile." The two of us looked over to the Frazier girl, confirming Maddie's comment. She was about to smile as big as the one she had on the headshot.

Jill was overly annoyed at this point. "So Kendall comes in second, and comes in behind Genevieve, Paige, and Nia who didn't dance at nationals?" She shook her head. "Paige wasn't at Booty Camp--"

"Excuse me, Nia did dance at nationals," Holly spoke over Jill's whining.

Jill was quick to correct herself. "Who didn't do a solo at nationals."

"The three of them did dance at nationals." Mom backed up Holly.

"Oh, she's gonna cry." I heard Payton mutter under her breath.

Looking at Kendall's reflection in the mirror, she was teared up, blinking rapidly so no tears would fall and be yelled at by our dance teacher. The teacher turned over to the mothers, specifically one Jill Vertes, and spoke: "I think you're very disrespectful."

The older Vertes titled her head to the right in confusion. "Why is that disrespectful?"

"You were disrespectful for not being here," Abby answered the bewildered mother. "Your kid gets a solo she gets the opportunity, she's at nationals, she's doing this and she's doing that, and then pfft: "Forget about you. Forget all about you."."

Jill shut up right after that, and I felt on cloud nine for a second before I was dragged back to reality. "Evie," Abby announced. "All eyes are on you, kiddo. You're finally back for the very beginning of the season, and there's a lot of things I want to work with you on this year." I nodded in response. "Second on the pyramid is Giselle. You won a title. You worked your butt off at Booty Camp. Something to be proud of."

One of the first times Giselle has been above me, and I can't bring myself to care half as much as she did. She wore a Cheshire Cat type of grin as Kendall side-hugged her. She looked at me from the corner of her eye, and I immediately looked back at Abby as she revealed the top headshot.


Giselle   Genevieve   Nia   Mackenzie

Paige    Brooke   Kendall   Payton   Chloe

"Now, this week we are traveling to Wheeling, West Virginia to attend Sheer Talent," Abby announced. "Maddie, we have you doing a solo this week." Maddie smiled. "And my other solo, which you would think would probably go to Kendall, is going to Nia." Everyone clapped as Paige side-hugged her. "You have worked hard, so I'm rewarding you with this solo." Melissa and Holly high-fived each other with both hands. "My last solo is going to Giselle. I think you deserve it, and I want to see if your winning streak is going to continue." Giselle smiled as everyone clapped again. "I have a trio. Paige, you have to cut the mustard. Chloe, you're gonna bookend Paige, and you're both gonna back up either Kendall or Evie."

Everything went silent.

And Christi broke it. "What do you mean either Genevieve or Kendall?"

"I mean that Kendall and Evie are going to fight for the spot," Abby answered and Jill groaned. "They'll have an improv competition after they started learning the group dance, and whoever is chosen by the seniors is going to have the lead in the trio." She looked over at Jill. "Jill, don't start with that. I trusted your daughter to win twice, and she failed twice. Evie hasn't done that, and I want you to notice for once and for all."

"Well." Jill started again. "If you gave Kendall more opportunities, she could--"

"Kendall gets the opportunities all the time." Mom interrupted her, turning over to look at her. "She never wins, but she always manages to get solos two or three weeks in a row." Melissa then turned over to her and whispered something. "No, I don't care about what he says anymore." She turned back to Jill. "You're always picking on my daughter. That just goes to show you don't think your daughter is good enough to beat mine."

"I think I can beat Genevieve," Kendall spoke up.

"Let's remember who's a national champion, and who let a national solo slip through her fingers," I spoke up, crossing my arms over my chest as I leaned forward to look at the brunette. "Twice."

"You've never gone up against me," Kendall told me. "Ever since arrived, you haven't performed." She then fake-pouted. "Wonder why. Too scared to lose, Evie?"

"Let's settle this once and for all, Vertes." I challenged her, confidence overcoming my body. "And by tonight, when I start learning the dance with Paige and Chloe, let's see who's the one crying to my sister."

Abby cleared her throat, and that was when I realized that everyone was staring at us, meaning that they had heard everything. The confidence vanished as I stood back in my original position and started picking at the purple chipped nail polish on my hands.

"Everybody is in the group routine, as of right now. The group routine is entitled "Girls Night Out"." Abby continued with the pyramid. "Payton, you think you're up for a fight?"

Smiling uneasily, the eldest girl spoke: "Yes."

Abby nodded. "Interesting."

The group routine was jazz, and it made sense by the title. When Kenzie pointed out that the ones fighting were Chloe and Payton, it immediately clicked for everyone. They were portraying their mothers during the fight in New Orleans. About three days after nationals, Nia and I were the first ones to find out what had happened, and soon enough, everyone else did. But Chloe also had previous commitments, so her having to leave in the middle of

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