Waiting For Joffrey

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"At the bottom of the pyramid, Chloe." Abby reveals, "You are one of the most advanced dancers sitting in this group, but I want more from you. You need a challenge. You need to work up to the next level. Remember, there is no "i" in team, but there is an "m" and an "e", and it's all about me. Understood?"

As Chloe nodded, I looked over to the overly confused mothers.

Yeah, Abby's English class didn't make sense.

"Nia, that trio-- you wanted it, you got in it. Like I said, you have the style and the sass, but the rest of it is a mess." Abby explains, "Paige. You did a great job, you did your part. I want more."

Abby then reveals the last headshot on the bottom row.

"Giselle. You were good. You had your section in the group dance with Maddie and it was great." Abby says.

"Next, I have Mackenzie." Abby continues, "Mackenzie, you continue to improve each week. Every week, I come into the studio, you learned a new trick, but I don't want it to all be about your gymnastics. Got it?"

Mackenzie nods in response.

"And Brooke. I thought that your part in the group dance was excellent. Just watch the chin and the chin stand; no more hickeys." Abby explains as she touches her own chin, "Second on the pyramid is Maddie. You beat all the boys, but you didn't beat Genevieve, which is why, on top of the pyramid, we have Genevieve. You redeemed yourself. You beat Justice, you beat Maddie and you won the overall high score. I need you to be just like that every week from now on."


Maddie   Brooke    Mackenzie

Giselle   Paige   Nia   Chloe

"I need to talk a little bit about this week. There's going to be a scout from the Joffrey Ballet in Michigan at Energy Dance." Abby tells everyone, "He is scouting kids to go to an audition for Joffrey. So, you need to be your best. You need to represent the Abby Lee Dance Company to the best of your ability."

Everyone talks about Joffrey and everyone talks about getting in it. No one really talks about being in it.

"The group number this week is entitled "Nip And Tuck"."

All the moms look at each other, clearly confused.

"We need that." Melissa comments, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"I know that you talk about having some work done." Abby says as she looks over to the mothers, "Kelly."

"What?" The mother asks.

"We all know what you want," Abby tells her.

"Boobs?" Kelly asks, "Yes!"

The rest of the mothers then cheer for her as all of the girls laugh.

"You all know that you have beautiful, gorgeous children. So, this is a message about our body image. It's a message about people that do have work done." Abby says, "It's kind of eerie. It's kind of dark, and I didn't want to use everybody in the routine at first then I figured: you know what? you're never gonna get any better sitting around doing nothing." She then announces, "We have two trios and a duet. The trios will be Mackenzie, Paige, and Nia. You will be doing a high-energy jazz routine incorporating gymnastic tumbling. Then I have Genevieve, Maddie, and Chloe. You will be doing a contemporary-lyrical routine. Chloe, it's about the trio. The duet goes to Brooke and Giselle. You will be doing a contemporary-acrobatic routine."

Christi: Nia, Paige, and Mackenzie finally have their special moment, their trio, and I think that they should have a chance to win on their own, because when you're putting them against Maddie, Evie and Chloe, I mean, it doesn't really seem like that's gonna be too much of a fair fight.

"Chloe and Maddie will be doing a solo again." Abby continues, "I'm excited about going. I had a great time in Chicago. I hope this next trip is just as fun, without Cathy from Candy Apples, but I'll tell you what, she's easy to beat. The people at this competition aren't gonna be that easy to beat."

After pyramid, we started learning the group routine. It's a contemporary piece and it's weird.

"Ready?" Abby asks as we stand in a line, "Five, six, slow-motion, and a-one."

Maddie does a pose.


I do another pose.


Nia does hers.


Chloe does her pose.


Paige does another pose.


Giselle does yet another pose.


Finally, Brooke does hers.

"All right, move on to the next part."


"Bus driver, we're gonna stop at my house and pick up my dog, okay?" Abby says as soon as she sits down.

"Oh, I don't think we can deviate from the route," Jim tells her.

"Ooh, so he's brave brave," I comment as I take a bite of my granola bar.

"Oh, yes, we can-- I'm the boss." Abby tells him, "Trust me."

"I'm the captain of this ship," Jim says.

"We'll always remember him for his sacrifice," Giselle comments as she finishes eating hers.

"Oh, you tell her, Jim!" Kelly exclaims.

"Oh!" Mom and Melissa exclaim as Abby looks at him, clearly impressed.

"Way to go, Jim." Holly adds, "Abby Lee Miller's not on the name!"

"That's why you're our favorite bus driver." Mom finishes.

Soon enough, the trip starts and I just sit in silence as Giselle does her homework.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Geometry," Giselle answers, not looking up from the textbook.

"Sounds boring," I comment.

"I know." She agrees, "But I gotta have this done by Monday."

"Bad for you." I tell her, "I've got no homework."

She then goes back to focus on her work as I take out my phone and start playing with it.

"Aw, come on." Abby complains, "Jim, you're killing me!"

After the long ride of Abby complaining and Melissa giving the moms gifts, we finally arrived at the competition place and got off the bus.

Once we're in the dressing room, I start doing my makeup while Mom helps Giselle with her hair.

"All right, girls, now, listen to me. First, we have Maddie's solo, then the two trios. Then Chloe's solo and the duet." Abby says, "Maddie, Chloe, tights, shoes. Yes? Understood."

After Maddie performed her solo, we all got ready for the trio and then went back to the backstage area.

Chloe: I'm really excited to do a trio with Maddie and Evie in front of the Joffrey Ballet scout because Evie and Maddie are really good dancers, so I think we'll do really good.

"Please welcome to the stage Chloe, Maddie, and Genevieve." The announcer says and we walk onstage, "With the trio performance, "Somebody Told Me"."

I think the song is really cute, and it's a fun piece to perform.

I just hope we can impress the scout.

Melissa: The music's beautiful, the choreography is absolutely beautiful. It's more mature and I think the girls were together the entire time.

The three of us walk offstage and immediately sit down.

"Please welcome to the stage Mackenzie Nia and Paige with the trio performance, "Girl Fun"." The announcer says and we clap.

The music starts and the three girls go onstage.

"Please tell me we haven't missed anything important." Giselle quickly says as she sits down next to us with Brooke.

"What were you guys doing?" Chloe asks.

"Talking with a certain someone," Giselle says in a teasing tone as she looks over to Brooke.

"Stop." Brooke tells her, "I shouldn't have told you about him."

"But you did." Giselle reminds her, "And you better not annoy me, or I'll tell them who I'm talking about."

"So you're not gonna tell us?" Maddie asks and Giselle shakes her head.

"Rude." I comment, "I tell you everything."

Right on cue, Maddie looks over to me, knowing that I'm clearly lying.

"Most of it." I correct myself.

"I won't tell you." Giselle says, "Unless this girl drives me insane."

"Hey!" Brooke complains.


"Junior division." The announcer says, "In first place, in the junior division. Can I get a drumroll, please? Entry number 39B, "Quiet Voices", Maddie."

Maddie stands up as everyone cheers and goes to receive her award. Chloe looked a bit disappointed for not even placing.

"We have a top-five in our power junior duo/trios." The announcer says, "Third place going to entry number 99-- "Fly On The Wall", Kathy's School Of Dance."

Everyone cheers and Kenzie takes my hand.

"Second place goes to entry number 127-- "Crazy Little Thing Called Love"." The announcer continues, "And our top-scoring power junior duo/trio, entry number 130A-- "Somebody Told Me", Abby Lee Dance Company."

I stand up and go receive the award. I go sit back down, being greeted by an overly excited ten-year-old and a pretty upset seven-year-old.

Abby: The overall went to the group who did the lyrical-contemporary routine. It showed more technique. Don't forget, they didn't have a seven-year-old in their number.

"Top five teen duo/trios." The announcer starts, "Fifth place goes to entry number 105-- "Everyday"."

"I'm bored." Kenzie comments.

"We're almost finished," Paige tells her.

"And in first place is entry number 107-- "Two Butterflies", Abby Lee Dance Company."

Everyone cheers as Brooke goes to receive the award.

"Moving on to our power junior small groups, we have two high scores, two top scores." The announcer says, "In second place, entry number 116-- "TV Land", Studio Three. In first place is entry number 131A-- "Wipe Them Out", Star Dance Studio."

Even though we didn't win all the trophies, we've got something better. We're going to the Joffrey!

First said by Abby, now repeated by every TV.

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