Rehearsals the following week were-- Well, there weren't even any rehearsals.
Everyone was in the studio, except for Ally. Mom was talking with Jackie before she had to leave to answer a phone call and still hasn't come back. Abby was really enjoying the fact that the other girls were all gone, and also the fact that we had won with three out of four solos.
I still wasn't used to hanging out with the new girls, but I was getting there. Annie was still over the moon over winning her solo. Kaeli and Bella were having some sort of competition while Sophia gave them tips. I was attempting to contact Brooke, with no answer whatsoever.
Just when I thought that Ally had arrived, Abby announced that both Bella and Kaeli were out, leaving Sophia, Annie, and I in studio "A". We could hear the crying from the other room as Annie did some improv. I looked up to the viewing room, hoping to see my mother. She still wasn't back. There was a space between Katie and Jackie where she was supposed to be.
And the moms came back.
Which meant that the girls came back.
I don't know if I was excited or nervous, but I was really wondering what was going to happen with the pyramid.
But here we were.
"Well, well, well. Here we all are again." Abby starts as she looked around the room. "Ladies, last week, we went to a competition in Fort Wayne, Indiana. There were over a thousand people there just to see the Abby Lee Dance Company. While you all were out in the parking lot, Sophia, Annie, and Giselle were in here, learning." She slowly nodded as she started revealing the headshots. "Chloe. Nia. Maddie. Mackenzie. Kendall. You all realize, with the exception of Sophia, Annie, and Giselle, that you are on probation? You are all on the same playing field. That's what all of you wanted. You didn't like the pyramid, moms. You want all the kids to be treated equally. That's what you got."
Not missing a beat, she revealed the two headshots in the middle and the one on the top.
Giselle Annie
Kendall Mackenzie Maddie Nia Chloe
"This week, we are going to Ohio. The group routine is called "Red Carpet Special". It's a really sassy, hot, funky number." Abby announces. "Sophia, you are doing a solo called "Superstar". I think you did an outstanding job last week, and I want to see a repeat of the same thing." She took a glance at the pyramid before turning back to us. "How many turns do you do?"
"Fifty-four." Sophia answers.
"My next solo will be Chloe. It's contemporary. You are the national title-holder, and you want to keep it up? Then you have to keep winning." Abby continues.
After a whole speech about loyalty, we started learning the group dance. Abby was still annoyed with the moms. As a result, she was being mean to the kids. Every single kid except for Annie, Sophia, and I. Abby took more time with Sophia's solo than she did with Chloe's or Nia's. None of the moms were happy, but why would they?
Abby was just as confusing as ever.
Watching the different choreographies, it was obvious who had the clear advantage. Well, besides the fact that the person can do fifty-four turns. Comparing Chloe's and Sophia's solos was nearly impossible. Let's not even talk about comparing Sophia's and Nia's. The group dance was another confusing piece. It was about being celebrities, and guess who the star was? Yay, Sophia!
Annie and I were the closest to being the stars without actually being the stars. Some of the girls portrayed photographers and Kenzie, well, she pulls out the carpet.
After the first group rehearsal was over, I finished working on the video I was going to send Evie for her birthday. I had tried to have as many people as possible in the video, and it was going pretty well. I had everyone I needed for it. It was her tenth birthday, and the first one we spent apart.
I hoped she'd like the video and wouldn't feel so far from home.
I already felt she was too far.
But she isn't little Evie anymore. She's Genevieve Turner, a star on the rise.
I hoped she wouldn't fall.
It was also really hard to imagine how things would be if she was here. I can't even imagine her being on Abby's bad side. Abby absolutely adores that girl and is really confident about her.
It remembers me of the day of the final audition.
Music blasted on the radio as Mom continued driving. As she continued, Evie and I kept on singing the song, with her having almost a full concert in the backseat. I turned my head over to watch her as she swayed her head from side to side. As the music continued playing, she looked over at me, a huge smile on her face.
"I wanna have someone to dedicate this song to." She said. "It'd be so cute."
"Too young, Eves." I laughed.
"You're going out with Nick." Genevieve pointed out. In response, I hit her on the shoulder. "Hey!"
"Sorry." I smiled.
Ignoring the previous conversation, she started moving again as the bridge started.
No one compares
You stand alone, to every record I own
Music to my heart that's what you are
A song that goes on and on
"We're here." Mom interrupted.
The two of us looked over at her. I kept on smiling as I felt the movement stop.
"Right now?" Genevieve asked, the playful tone now gone.
"In twenty minutes. "Mom checked her phone. "Yeah, in twenty."
"I'm gonna take a walk." Genevieve blurted out before she unbuckled her seatbelt.
As the song finished, she opened the door, rushing outside and closing it. I turned again to watch as she walked down the sidewalk. "Should I follow her?"
"She's got her phone." Mom told me. "But if she isn't back in ten minutes, let's go out."
"Okay," I answered, sitting back straight on the seat as I grabbed my phone.
About five minutes later, I noticed how Genevieve still wasn't back. I took a deep breath, convincing myself that everything was okay.
She was definitely nervous. This is probably the biggest audition of her entire life and she's a perfectionist, to make the matter even worse.
I still knew she'd nail it. She's Genevieve, for God's sake.
A couple of minutes later, there was a knock on one of the windows. Turning over to check, Genevieve smiled as she waved.
Then she got it. Just as everyone knew she would.
Genevieve is Abby's go-to girl.
Their relationship was a bit weird, but Eves always won at the end of the day.
Here's to hoping I can do the same.
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