I'm telling you, the drama backstage was over the roof. Since then, the whole deal fell into everyone's ears. Yes, everyone. Abby, the moms, the producers, everyone, so guess who decided to invite Payton this week?
As soon as I heard, I knew this week was going to be a nightmare. Brooke, Giselle, and Payton? I needed to skip dance. Maybe I could make up an excuse. I don't want to be in the same room as the three of the most, well, the most dramatic girls at the moment.
However, it was all just a dream, because once I entered studio "A" with Nia and Maddie, they were all standing there. The three of them and . . . Nick?
I swallowed hard as I stood between the Zieglers, not really wanting to stand next to my sister, who stood next to Chloe. The pyramid soon started, with Abby ignoring the awkwardness and rather addressing the fact that both Kelly and Paige were missing.
"Where are Paige and Kelly?" Abby asks as the moms entered the room.
"They're at the doctor's," Brooke speaks up.
"Wish she had gone too." I heard my sister whispered.
Chloe shushed her and I bit my lip, trying to not let my amused smile show.
"Today?" Abby asks, clearly not expecting the response given by the teenager.
"I think it's more serious than just a toe." Christi comments, looking at Abby without turning her head.
"She said it's really swollen." Melissa agrees, nodding in response.
"Oh, my goodness." Abby looked back to us from our mothers, now looking a tad concerned. "I told her not to fool around. Kids, do you understand that your body is your instrument? That you need to take care of it? And I said, "Girls, don't fool around.". There's cement underneath this carpeting. I remember vividly saying that."
"Where's Jill?" Christi speaks up, taking all of the attention.
I looked around to notice that Kendall wasn't standing there with us. Involuntarily, I let out a sigh of relief.
If the Vertes weren't here, it meant that there was less drama. Everything was going to be focused on the teens instead.
"Jill is not an official member of this competition team," Abby answers, earning nods from all the moms, even Leslie. "She would like to think so, but I may forgive people, but I don't forget."
Moving on from the topic, Abby clapped her hands as she spoke up again.
"So, congratulations are in order. We had an amazing trip to Lancaster. I entered four solos in the competition, and I had four girls in the top ten."
At that moment, all of the moms and some of the girls applauded, huge grins growing on their faces. After being told about competing in Philadelphia, the grins only grew. Then, Abby started with the pyramid, revealing five headshots in a row.
On the bottom was Paige, who Abby explained had been great, although the injury could be worse than what we've imagined until now. Next to Paige were, in order: Payton, Giselle, Brooke, and Nick.
"Payton, you weren't here last week, although, you played a big role in-- situations that occurred during the past week, both in the competition and in the studio." Abby starts off. "Then we have Giselle. You didn't perform in any dance, but, then again, your name was mentioned at least five times in less than five minutes."
Maddie, Chloe, and I all shared knowing looks, remembering the argument between Nick and Brooke minutes before going onstage.
"Brooke and Nick, you both performed in the group dance that was first place. I would have loved for you to be on the second row, or maybe even at the top, but it didn't happen." Abby shrugs. "I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Giselle last week: grow up and stop acting like little kids. Stop being over-dramatic and focus on what actually matters."
"Ooh," Maddie whispers under her breath.
Abby then moved to the middle row, revealing Kenzie's headshot.
"Mackenzie, if you're in a competition, you're there to learn," Abby tells her. "And next, I have Chloe. Chloe, you did a great job. You didn't have a solo or a duet, so it's a little difficult to judge, but you did a great job in the group dance." Chloe nodded in response. "Third on the pyramid is Nia. Nia, you went out there and you sold that number."
Both Holly and Nia smiled.
From what Maddie told me, Nia got a standing ovation. Too bad I was in the dressing room trying to not freak out.
"Second is Maddie. You came in second, again, but it doesn't mean you're any less fierce." Abby explains. "And, on the top of the pyramid, is Evie. Evie, you were the highest-scoring soloist in the entire competition. You beat everyone else and won another title, just like I told you a couple of weeks ago. Keep it up."
Everyone clapped as I smile, but I tried to not look at the mothers, who I was sure were just wearing fake smiles on their faces.
I wasn't sure if they were actually happy for me, or if they were just pretending to be. Either way, it didn't feel genuine and I didn't enjoy the attention I was being given.
Maddie Nia Chloe Mackenzie
Nick Brooke Giselle Payton Paige
"All right, now, not everyone is in the group dance," Abby announces. "Brooke and Giselle, you aren't in the dance this week. Also, Mackenzie isn't in the dance either. Mackenzie, you have a solo. Maddie, you'll also be doing a solo." Maddie smiled. "There are going to be two group dances."
At that moment, everyone looked confused.
Two group dances?
"The first one is with Nia, Chloe, Maddie, Evie, and, if everything's good, Paige," Abby explains. "The second is with Brooke, Giselle, Payton, and Nick. We're gonna get through your issues by dancing, how 'bout that?"
None of them looked excited. It was quite the opposite. Payton tried not to look that annoyed. Brooke was back to her "I'm bored" attitude. Giselle was trying not to look at Abby. Nick was pretending to stretch.
They were failing.
"Chloe, you have asked me for years about a duet with you and Paige." Abby continues, ignoring the scowls. "This is the week."
At first, Chloe got excited. Then, she remembered Paige's injury, and the excitement faded. Christi looked over to her daughter with an upset look, possibly realizing the same thing.
As usual, we worked with the group routine. Although this time there are two, we still started with the "main" one. It's entitled "Allouette" and it was fun to perform. As we continued, smiles came onto our faces. Said smiles disappeared as soon as Paige came into the room wearing a boot.
"We just got back from the orthopedic doctor," Kelly explains as Chloe rushed to hug Paige. "It's broken. Yep, four to six weeks. She can't dance."
"No," Abby says as we all hugged our friend. "Four to six weeks?"
We all went back to our previous positions, with Chloe still hugging Paige. She then walked back to us with tears rolling down her cheeks. Abby proceeded to tell the Hylands about the duet, with Paige ending up having a guilty look on her face. After Abby told Kelly a couple more things, surprisingly without a fight, Kelly left as Paige sat down and we resumed the rehearsal.
About an hour later, we were all dismissed as the four other dancers made their way into the room, clearly uncomfortable with something as simple as each other's presence. Entering the dancer's den, we all sat down as Maddie took out her water bottle and Nia showed Paige some of the steps.
"It's sad that you're out." Chloe comments. "I didn't think it was that bad."
"I just hope the moms don't manage to blame me for this one," I comment. "It's hard enough for Paige to be out and whatever is going on with those four to have the moms blame me for, I don't know, paying the cement under the carpeting."
Nia chuckled at my comment. "I don't think they're gonna blame you, Evie."
"They did last week." I point out. "And the week before that. And the one before that."
"They were just upset that we didn't get the role," Paige says. "And they think Abby planned it from the beginning."
At that moment, the guilt returned. Maybe because it was actually planned from the beginning, and Abby had a lot to do with it, but if I had to blame someone, I'd blame Lifetime. If I blame someone else, maybe it won't hurt me that much.
"Yeah." Maddie agrees as she takes out her phone, soon realizing something. "And I have a private right now."
"Why's everyone busy now?" Paige asks as we all stood up and started looking for stuff in our dance bags.
"I've got tap." Chloe says.
"I've got acro with Eves," Nia adds.
"Yup." I agree.
"And I already said I have a private," Maddie repeats.
"I have to do something," Kenzie says. "I don't what, but I have to."
Kenzie then rushed out of the room as we all laughed at her comment. Maddie and Chloe soon followed, with me waiting for Nia to put her phone away before saying goodbye to Paige and leaving. We walked to studio "D", which was crowded. I met up with the younger ones as we made a line.
"Boring life?" Riley asks over all the noise.
"Yeah." Nia answers. "But you won't believe what happened between Brooke and Nick."
At that moment, a squeal filled the room. Everyone and everything stopped as they all turned to the source of the sound: eight-year-old Annie White.
She looked around, realizing what she had done. She smiled in embarrassment as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Sorry, got excited."
As everyone went back to what they were doing and the loud noises started again, she turned back to us.
"I heard about what happened." Annie smiles. "Mommy told me not to get involved, but I did and now I can't go back."
I smiled at the amusement in her voice as both Nia and Riley laughed.
"I'm here." We all hear Kenzie say as she made her way over to us. "I heard Annie from outside."
"Sorry." Annie apologizes again. "Excitement."
"How is the rehearsal going?" Nia asks.
"I heard that they're going to film the interviews tomorrow." Kenzie answers. "Tomorrow afternoon, but with the other part, I was there for, like, a minute before I was told to get here."
Riley groaned softly as she watched a junior dancer practice her standing back tuck. "Wasn't that what hurt Paige Hyland?"
"Yeah," I answer, looking at the dancer as she smiled after nailing the trick. "But it ended in a different way."
"A loud crack noise." Nia agrees. "It sounded so ugly."
I nodded in response as we continued waiting.
Somehow, acro was actually distracting. Like it wasn't for the show, I got to avoid the moms and the drama. I didn't have any other rehearsals for the day and I didn't see any member of the quartet until I got into the car and realized that one of them is my sister.
The next day, we didn't go to school. We had spent the morning packing my suitcase for when I flew out to film Drop Dead Diva. Mom was originally going with me, but with the whole deal of having three other kids and one being an infant, she wasn't able to. Dad wasn't able to either, especially with having to fly out of the state for a business meeting. At first, I was a little jealous, but then I remembered that I easily go out of the state way more often than him, so I just asked him to buy me candy from wherever he was going.
They were acting as if I was leaving for eternity. Seemingly, they hadn't gotten the memo that I was going to be gone for only a day, but that didn't stop a mother from overpacking her nine-year-old daughter's suitcase with nine pairs of socks that she didn't plan on wearing.
I wasn't allowed to be on set without a guardian, so Kara, my agent, was going to be there with me.
I was already looking forward to that. I wasn't the first kid to ever be on set without their parents, but it was my first time, and I was excited. Although, it's also my last time.
Going into the studio that afternoon, Giselle went back to her annoyed self, complaining about the group dance and the producers wanting to take advantage of an issue that's meant to be a private one. I hated to say it, but I agreed with her. It's just three girls having a crush on the same guy, typical teenager issues.
I guess.
It was weird that they wanted to show that to millions of people who tuned in to watch the show on a weekly basis or who just happened to find it as they looked for something to watch as they worked with their laundry.
Giselle continued her way into the dancer's den as Mom and I stopped in front of the front desk, where Abby was currently sitting at. As soon as she noticed, she turned to face us.
"Evie has to fly out tomorrow morning to film Drop Dead Diva," Mom tells her.
"The group comes first," Abby tells us.
"I know, and it will." Mom continues. "I was just letting you know that she won't be at rehearsals tomorrow."
Abby: A couple weeks ago, Evie auditioned for a role on Drop Dead Diva. She got the part, and I'm thrilled for her, but we have a competition this weekend.
Abby looked at me, looking a bit confused and a bit upset. I tried to not let my own confusion show by not looking at her.
Abby: Missing a day of rehearsal is huge
"Look, this TV thing is a special event, but I wish you were here for rehearsals tomorrow," Abby tells me. "That group dance better be perfect."
I nodded in response as I walked into the dancer's den, which I'd say was definitely overcrowded.
There were dancers of all ages, from four to seventeen. Out of all the girls of the group, including Kendall, only Kenzie was there, talking with Brooke Kosinski.
I just decided to turn around and leave the room.
Too many people.
Instead, I walked into studio "A", where the older dancers were rehearsing for their group dance. Surprisingly, even though they still looked uncomfortable, they seemed to trust each other.
Smart move from the teachers to give them lots of partner work.
Giselle was the youngest, but Brooke was the shortest, making her the one being lifted every five seconds. Giselle was a close second, but Brooke was fourteen, whereas Giselle was twelve. Payton was, unsurprisingly, the tallest, but Nick was the one who carried Giselle and Brooke.
That was also when I realized that, in the dance, they were fighting over the guy.
Life imitates art.
I slid down next to Maddie, whose eyes didn't seem to leave the dancers.
"So different from the real situation," I whisper.
"At least it isn't a cheesy jazz dance," Nia whispers from Maddie's other side. "If they were minis, they'd be doing that."
"A couple weeks ago, I heard about a mini duet about a boy and a girl, and the girl hit the boy on the face," I whisper back. "I think the dance was called "Break Free"."
We all focused on the dance, and Brooke, who looked like she was in pain. After their dance, Kenzie rehearsed her solo. Next was our group dance, which I really wanted to just perform perfectly so Abby wouldn't have to worry that I was falling behind.
But instead of starting with the group, Abby decided to hold auditions for Paige's replacement in her duet with Chloe. I was immediately out due to the fact that I'd be missing rehearsals tomorrow and would just have one day to learn and perfect it. I thought I could do it, but both Gianna and Abby didn't seem to think the same, much to my dismay. Both Nia and Kendall also auditioned, with Abby seemingly preferring Kendall's dancing with Chloe over Nia's.
Later, after a quick confrontation between the moms and Abby because of the duet, we rehearsed the group routine. Abby yelled some corrections, with Gianna repeating them in a much softer tone. Everything was great, at least until the door opened and my Mom stood on the other side of it.
"I'm sorry for interrupting, but I need to take Evie." She says.
At that moment, everyone stopped dancing and looked over at her. I furrowed my eyebrows as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Maddie, who pointed up to the viewing room. Looking up, I noticed Kelly and Christi, who both had annoyed looks on their faces. Jill and Melissa were talking, but clearly distressed. Holly just looked fed up with whatever had happened.
"What happened?" Gianna asks.
"They won't stop." Mom answers. "They keep saying that the audition was rigged from the beginning and don't think that Evie should go film."
I watched Abby's mouth move, but I couldn't hear the words she said.
The moms were still complaining about the same thing. They still thought I didn't deserve it, even after I decided to turn down any future opportunities because of them. What am I supposed to do then? Stop dancing entirely?
The next thing I knew was that someone pulled me and I started walking. Snapping back to reality, Mom held my hand as we both left the building, with Giselle following us close behind. I hadn't heard what Abby told her, but by the look on her face, she seemed a bit relieved. Still, she still looked pretty annoyed and angry.
I decided to not ask any questions, not wanting to add any more fuel to the fire.
Less than twenty-four hours later, I was on set, getting ready to film one of my scenes.
Kara, so far, looked really excited for me, which made me smile even more.
Not that many people seemed excited about my accomplishments lately.
Kara was a couple of years older than me. Eleven years, to be exact. She was turning twenty-two in early July. She looked sixteen, though. I know twenty-year-olds weren't supposed to look ancient, but she looked younger than the rest. At least that was what I figured out when that elderly woman called me her little sister.
She also called me cute.
She also said that she thought Kara was seventeen, which made her laugh.
She was a really sweet woman.
Again, she called me cute.
As I filmed the scenes, I told myself the same things over and over again:
One: Don't overreact.
Two: Still use facial expressions.
Three: Get into character, even when you're taking a break between scenes.
Four: I know you can't be Meryl Streep, but do your best.
After filming all of my scenes, we both sat in the airport, waiting to get back home. Kara told me about how great I was, and I really hoped it was genuine.
I was starting to crave it.
"You think you're going to do more of that soon?" Kara asks.
The smile on my face slowly disappeared, making hers disappear too.
"I decided to not do anything anymore," I tell her, sitting back straight on my chair. "The moms are really mad about it. They think I don't deserve it."
"Look." She says in a soft tone.
I turned over to her, who softly grabbed my chin, making me look directly at her. Her eyes had a genuine look of . . . worry?
"You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but I saw you in there and you seemed to be loving it." She continued speaking in a soft tone. "The mothers may be upset, but that's just for now. They'll turn around, but don't convince yourself that they're out to get you. It's not your fault, okay?"
"But it is." I tear up.
"Why?" Kara asks, her eyes now having a curious look.
"I knew about the job. The rest thought they had a chance at getting the role, but they didn't." I admit, feeling some tears fall. "And I feel so bad. I felt so sad when their smiles fell when they found out I got it. I feel bad because I have to lie to them that I didn't know. I have to be as bad as the moms just because I don't want to get in trouble--"
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