The holiday spirit was all over the studio, and I was starting to get really excited.
By the front desk, Mrs. Miller had pinned a Christmas-themed calendar, and every day, a different person would cross another day out. There were thirteen days left until Christmas, and Zane had already started making predictions of how many gifts Santa Claus would bring us.
For some weird reason, yesterday, there was a gift under the tree, and Elle asked Mommy about it. When we woke up today, the gift was gone, and Daddy was carrying something out to his car.
Every single afternoon β at least Monday through Thursday β, I'd skip into the studio, look up to the "December 2006" calendar, and get even more excited when I noticed that another day was crossed out.
There was one last competition some of the kids at the studio were going to before the break. It was this Saturday, and one of my closest-- my best friend, Chloe, was going to compete with her first solo. She was barely a year older, but we did everything together. She was really excited about her "Princess Chloe" solo, and I liked watching her rehearse.
I had also been rehearsing a dance of my own. It was called "Don't Rain On My Parade", and it was from a musical. Miss Jeninne β who had just graduated β had been helping me with it, and what she wanted to do was to have it ready by next year's dance concert. According to them, I was still too young to compete, and if I competed, then some of the older dancers should compete as well. Just like Chloe, Elle and Paige hadn't competed solos. Ever.
But I thought I was doing good with my solo. It was really funny, and I knew all the lyrics to the song. I was on a Broadway level of good!
On the afternoon of December twelve, Chloe and I were sitting in the den. She was showing me a game her mom's new phone had, and I was leaning on her. I was wearing one of my brother's big jackets because the room was really cold, and it was also snowing outside. I had my knees pulled up to my chest, covering them with the black and gray jacket, and my hair was down.
Every couple of seconds, she would cough really bad. She was getting really sick, and she looked fatigued, but she was still trying to pull through to dance this weekend. The only reason she was out there with me and not rehearsing was that she had tried to, but she couldn't breathe well, so it was either breathing or dancing. She was sent out to calm down and see if she would get better.
The door that led to the front desk opened and we both looked up from the small device. The brunette assistant teacher looked at us before asking. "Are you feeling better, Chlo?"
I turned to look at the blonde. "A little--" She then coughed again. "--Bit."
Jeninne sighed in disappointment, and I pouted as I watched the older girl hold back tears. Then, the woman's eyes fell on me and I sat up straight, pulling away from my friend.
"I think I have an idea." She muttered under her breath and then spoke up. "G, can you go over your routine in studio "A" with me?"
I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding what she had meant, but once I noticed Chloe's encouraging look, I realized what it was all about. I then nodded in response and stood up to follow her, with my best friend wishing me good luck.
It's crazy to think how our relationship basically went downhill from there.
I was trying my hardest not to think about her anymore, but we had known each other since we were two. She was a big part of my life, but it didn't seem like I had it in hers. I still tried to pull through and not think about it anymore. I wanted to enjoy my time with the other girls, even if we were getting yelled at most of the time.
With the lawsuit from the Hylands and the comments from the Lukasiaks, everything involving the show was hectic. They needed a way to get back to the positive kind of relevance, and sadly, I may just have been the thing they needed. Even if I hadn't been told anything about it yet, I knew I had to be ready if it did end up happening. I wouldn't be able to pull out due to the restrictive contract, but perhaps I could talk about it in a way that they couldn't edit me to seem cocky.
Three days after the competition, we started filming the second episode of the season. This time around, things were different, starting off with the fact that instead of us having to go to the cameras, the cameras came to us. We had been told to stay outside for a moment, and just when we thought we were going to be told to go inside, Abby stormed out of the building instead, with some documents in hand and looking very distressed.
Like the β not so β good team we were, we followed her, wanting to know what it was all about. Honestly, I didn't care, but I didn't want to be left behind either.
The woman walked up to her car, unlocked it, and opened the door. "I just had an officer of the court walk through my studio, and serve me with papers, in my business--"
Apparently, they are even going to exploit a lawsuit for a storyline.
Fast forward to the pyramid, she still looked very stressed. "Mackenzie. You were to be freaky and weird, so that the people go, "ooh and aah when they saw your tricks. You didn't do that. You looked like a little ten-year-old girl doing tricks. It could have been better, weirder." Kenzie nods. "Genevieve. You had a prop, and you should've taken advantage of it. You looked like a six-year-old playing with a beach ball out on that stage-- And it wasn't the weirdest performance, and that's what you needed--"
I honestly thought I did well.
Kalani Kendall Nia
Maddie Genevieve Mackenzie
"This weekend," Abby started. "We are traveling to Detroit, Michigan,"
"So, we're going to--" Melissa spoke up and we all looked at her. "Energy Dance Competition?"
The teacher nodded in response and Jill spoke. "You know who lives in Detroit-- in Michigan." All the moms nodded. "Ava and her mom, Jeanette."
"I already know she's doing a solo." The Gisoni mother added. "It's on Facebook."
Abby sighed before turning back to us. "Kalani, you're doing a solo. You earned it." We all clapped. "Maddie, you'll also be performing a solo." The girl thanked her. "And the last solo is going to Genevieve-- The three of you will be going up against one another."
Melissa: "I'm worried at this point. Maddie and Genevieve are going up against someone that's two years older than them, and that's-- a fabulous dancer."
"This is the big showdown-- everybody's been waiting for," She looked directly at us. "But if that other kid, the stalker's kid, gets anywhere up there-- even near you guys, look out."
All right, so it's Maddie, Kalani, and Ava. I've already beat Maddie and Ava. I just have to find out if Kalani is even in the same category as us.
The group routine, "Stomp The Yard", is inspired by "Orange Is the New Black", to continue Abby's television show saga. We were set to start working with the solos on Wednesday, get a day off on Thursday, and finish by Friday to compete on Saturday. Basically, it meant that we only had two days to learn and perfect the routines with the pressure of having to beat Ava and come out on top.
On Wednesday, we were set to do a photo shoot for the new headshots. As usual, everything was set up in studio "B", but there wasn't that much time today. There was an acro class happening at three-thirty, and it's currently one-thirty. We only had two hours to work with the headshots of seven different people, and it may sound like it's not a lot, but it usually takes at least thirty minutes with a single one of us.
Luckily for most of us, we didn't need to wear hair rollers. However, Kenzie and Kendall β not that I was complaining about the latter β did, and they looked absolutely ridiculous. Still, I did wear a single curler for my fringe for about two hours just because I felt bad about Kenzie being the only one who looked like DoΓ±a Florinda.
In the room, everything started off with Kenzie. They finished working with her outfit, hair, and makeup, and the rest of us had to do our own thing. I was able to overhear Abby saying that they only had fifteen minutes with each girl, which was stressful.
There was not going to be enough time.
But I had to get ready, so I started curling my hair with Kalani's curling iron. Kendall was complaining about her hair being pulled while Kalani took selfies on her phone with Lexi, Maddie waited for the makeup artist to finish applying her lipstick, and two other people started working with Nia's hair entirely. After Kenzie was done, Maddie was called in next, and Kalani was called in to help Kira and Melissa with the clothes. I was then given three different outfits, and I chose the first one I saw.
It consisted of a red t-shirt under a denim jacket, and black leggings because they didn't even care about that. After all, that isn't even noticeable.
Kalani was called in next as the makeup artist finished with mine, and Lexi was called in to replace Kalani on clothes duty. Around twenty minutes later, I was called in and I walked up to the white backdrop and sat down on the black wooden stool.
With Abby's β not so good β suggestions β which included looking jealous, looking cocky, and looking like I wanted to kill someone β, the first fifteen minutes went by, but she simply ignored it and continued giving more suggestions β looking more professional, looking like you won prom queen, and looking like I just won a free vacation β until the timer buzzed again. Then, instead of leaving, I was told to change into another outfit β which looked more professional as I was wearing a blue blazer over a white blouse and my hair had been entirely straightened β and started again, repeating most of the same facial expressions as the previous time.
The timer buzzed again and Becky β the photographer β walked up to Abby. The woman in question whispered something to her and proceeded to point at me, then looked over her shoulder at Kalani and Lexi, and pointed at them. She turned back in her seat and pointed at something on the screen, and then pointed at Melissa, who was talking about something with my mom.
I had no idea what it had been about, but I was then told I needed to change once again. For the β possible β last time, I changed into a white turtleneck and denim overalls. My hair was tied into a high ponytail with a few strands out, and my makeup was retouched before the photoshoot was resumed.
By the time I was finally done, my eyes were hurting really bad due to the camera's flash, and I sat down on an empty seat next to the rack of clothes to wait until I stopped seeing things-- like those random spots you see when you stare at the Sun or at a lightbulb. Lexi was called over, and Kalani took some other clothes outside, possibly to give them to someone.
Due to the time Abby took with each girl, by the time Kendall was supposed to do hers, it was already three-thirty, and the den was packed with students. Rubbing my eyes, I stood up and left the room, wanting to meet up with the other girls.
After the whole photoshoot drama β and Abby saying that she's taking some of us to a photo studio tomorrow to finish with the new headshots β, we started rehearsals. More specifically with the solos.
Kira: "I have been dying for Kalani to compete against Maddie and E--Genevieve. Abby has never allowed Kalani to become a star like them. I wanna show Abby that Kalani is her new star."
Kalani was up first, and the two of us sat at the back of the room as we watched the teenager learn her acrobatic routine. We wouldn't be going up against one another in the same age category, but we would be doing that in the overalls. Again, the overalls are the only thing that matters in the show because it's the way they can twist the results to their advantage.
After Kalani, Maddie worked with her solo, and I took a break outside with the teenager before I had to go back inside. Abby dismissed Maddie, telling her to go drink some water and tell everyone else to get ready for another group dance rehearsal. I hadn't even realized what was happening until I heard a door close. "So, how long do you think you can run away from me?"
My breath hitched as I slowly looked up at the older woman. My lips parted to speak, but her green eyes penetrated into my soul, and not in a good way. It felt like her eyes had an x-ray vision, and she could see everything inside of me. My lips trembled for a moment before I pressed them together once again, not wanting her to notice.
Unluckily for me, she had already noticed, and she let out a laugh as if to make fun of me. "You forgot how to speak now?"
And then, she sent me a glare. That glare. That glare was able to get me to do absolutely anything she wanted me to do. The same glare that she had used on me so many times before, and she had succeeded each and every time with it.
Unintentionally, I took a step back, trying to get away from the older woman, but she had to take a step forward. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" She gave me a fake smile, but the glare never left.
She turned back around to sit down again, and I looked up at the viewing room in distress. Before I could figure out what moms were there, a door was swung open, and Maddie hurried into the room. The twelve-year-old tried to play it cool by calming down, but it was obvious she had been in a hurry due to her quick breathing.
Her blue eyes fell on me, and it looked like she was relieved. Her shoulders β which were previously hunched over β relaxed, and the ghost of a smile reached her lips but disappeared as soon as she heard Abby's voice. "Shouldn't you be taking a break?"
I looked back up to the viewing room, noticing that everyone except for Mom was up there. Melissa turned to look over the bleacher, seemingly calling out for someone, and soon, my mom walked back into the area. They both seemed relieved as Holly spoke, but then I looked back down.
"I did, but most of the girls have classes now and I'm bored," Maddie explained, walking over to the spot she previously sat at. "And I thought that it would be fun if I joined you guys here."
Not wanting to fight, the teacher simply turned back to look at me and started explaining. "What I want to do with you this week is show off your versatility, so I thought I'd switch it up and give you an acro routine this week--"
At that moment, I realized I was screwed.
She had been hating me for months, so why would she give me a solo to go up against both Maddie and Kalani? Correction: why would she give me a good solo to go up against two of the best dancers on the team? Of course, if she was going to give me a solo. A solo to embarrass myself.
I didn't think it would be so bad. After all, I had done acro solos before. Once, but I had done those. It wasn't until she started teaching me the choreography that I realized how bad it actually was.
I was an eleven β almost twelve-year-old preteen, and I was given choreography that I would've nailed the last time I did an acro solo-- when I was six.
At least I'm good with acro, but why did I have to pose so much? Why did I have to look so stupid? Why is the solo called "What the Heck" and it's to "What the Hell" by Avril Lavigne? Why am I dancing to "all my life I've been good, but now--"? This song is not even about what she thinks it's about. Why did I have to do a routine not even Kenzie would've done back in season one of the show?
Except that she's still holding a grudge, and it wouldn't be surprising.
But it's all about versatility, right?
"This is not about some stupid versatility!" I ranted as I sat on the middle bench of the dancer's den. "This is just a way for her to get back at me and embarrass me in front of who knows how many people, and it's just so-- so-- so freaking frustrating 'cause I know I can't do anything to change that, and she gets to keep messing with me like a-- a-- a stinking puppet!"
"You could change up the choreography," Kalani suggested, looking like she was still processing my entire five-minute rant. "I don't know--"
"And have her on my back for the whole year because I did something she didn't like?" I sighed, covering my face with both of my hands. "I'm gonna end up losing anyways-- but figuratively and literally. I can't do an acro routine while you guys get pretty lyrical and Ava competes with a dance she's been working on for months--" I looked back up at Kalani, who sat between Maddie and Nia. "And I know you do acro, but you do contortion. The only thing I do is thirty back handspring flips, side aerials, and freaking peewees."
"Hey!" Kenzie called out from where she sat with Brooke Kosinski, sounding slightly offended. "Peewees are cool."
"Not when you're about to start competing in teen," I told her and turned back to look at the other three. "She's setting me up to lose."
"When even was the last time you did an acro routine?" Kalani spoke up again. "A solo."
"When I was, like, six," I answered. "Or something like that."
"Wasn't it to a Britney Spears song?" Nia queried.
"Wait." We all looked back at Kalani, who now seemed confused. "A six-year-old dancing to Britney Spears?"
Maddie clicked her tongue. "There's been worse."
"One of the solos was to "Deep In My Heart", not "Baby, One More Time"," I assured the teenager. "I remember I wore a pink costume, and pigtails that gave me a headache."
"She was like Kenzie before Kenzie." The older Ziegler added. "She did a lot of acro-jazz, but mostly jazz."
"It was after the break that G started doing more lyrical and contemporary." Nia agreed.
Kalani furrowed her eyebrows. "What break?"
The break.
As simple as that.
"Uh, I had a break after a competition." I tried to move on from the topic. "It was years ago, but everything's cool now."
Kalani seemed unsatisfied by the answer, and both Nia and Maddie gave me looks as if they knew I was lying.
The following day, we went out to a photo studio to continue working with the headshots. Abby insisted on taking us herself, and it ended up happening, but I would sit in the farthest seat from her, usually with Lexi or Maddie. Having a lot more time, it was easier to work. We had enough time to try on different outfits and have our hair done in multiple ways, and I was pretty positive about the headshots. They looked really cool.
The day after that β the last day before the competition β, we had to finish with the dances, which included the ridiculous thing. The moms had talked about it, but I thought that if I just performed it without any issues, I'd be able to move on like nothing ever happened in the first place.
And I was wrong.
The costumes finally arrived, and we went to try them on.
Mine was black, with uneven sleeves, scary, and ugly, and I wanted to cry. According to Abby, my hair was also supposed to be in a ponytail, so there goes my favorite hairstyle.
It was obvious that she was setting me up with the entire thing, and it hurt to watch the pretty dances both Kalani and Maddie had and then have to go over mine.
Honestly, it felt like I had been given a spare Paige
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