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Peter was given a room to stay in case of emergency. But he didn't want his room to be temporary, he wanted it to be permanent.

By giving him a room in the Compound, Peter knew that the Avengers would take him in in a heartbeat, should anything happen to him or his Aunt May.

He actually liked the women. But he knew May would never allow him to stay in the Compound. So he had her lured to a small alleyway before coming out to face her, his Glock 19 in hand.

"P-Peter? W-What's happening?" May's eyes widened in shock. "Peter-"

Peter raised the gun. "I'm sorry, May. But this is for my mission." Without hesitation, she shot her.

The bang had yet again attracted passerbys. This time, though, Peter didn't appear next to May like he did with Ben. No, instead, he was hidden in the shadows of the alleyway, watching the scene unfold.
"Mr Stark?" I spoke in a timid voice.

"Peter? What's wrong?"

"I-I" I forced myself to cry. "May. Dead."

"Oh." Mr Stark seemed to understand what I said. "Do you need a place to stay?"


"Peter, you know you are welcomed in the Compound. You can stay with us."

"Really Mr Stark?" I changed my voice tone to sound hopeful.

"Yeah of course, Underoos." Mr Stark replied.

"Don't call me that, Mr Stark." (Melinda vibes, anyone?)
I packed what I had all into a carry-on backpack. I came here with nothing except myself and some clothes, I should leave with nothing except myself and some clothing. Once that's done, I swung over to the Compound.

I instructed Karen to overrun FRIDAY (I upgraded Karen) and open up my room window. I swung in, and landed neatly.

Changing out of my suit, I left my room in search of Mr Stark.

To my surprise, after exiting my room, a certain spy was waiting for me.

"Hello, Ms Black Widow." I greeted politely.

"Hey. Peter, is it?" She shoved her hands into her pockets and leaned against the wall.

"Yeah. Um, is there anything I can do for you?" I tilted my head.

"Why are you really here?" (AoS S1 reference?) She questioned.

"Uh well um my Aunt died and Mr Stark said I could stay here." I explained.

"For someone who just lost his Aunt, you seem pretty chill." She remarked.

Oh screw you Peter. Peter though angrily. Can't even do your job right.

"Well um I tend not to show my emotions well." I fiddled with my thumbs.

The traitor narrowed her eyes. "Hm." Was all she responded with before she left the hallway.

As I continue my way to find Mr Stark, I cursed at myself. Now, because of my stupid mistake, the traitor is onto me.

And she might even tell the other traitor, which means I'll have two assassins breathing down my neck 24/7.

Just great, Solider.

Just great.

Since MSPRB is done, this book's updates will be faster. Hopefully.

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