The next morning, Lily did not bother getting up due to the events of yesterday, and it was also because she did not want to hear the whispers and see the stares at her. She even turned in early just to avoid her friends' questions. Alexandra Malfoy kissed her. It was her first kiss, and some gangster just took it away. But Lily couldn't really get mad at her since she was right. It was Lily's fault in the first place as to why she got hurt.
Lily started thinking about her and what she knew so far. Alexandra Jamie Malfoy, Mudfur. In her first year, she was sent a Howler by her father, berating her for being sorted in Gryffindor. She was actually a Marauder, and the reason why Lily did not see her much was because Alexandra was always with Ria. Ria suddenly broke up with her at the end of their fifth year, leaving Alexandra broken-hearted. And Lily found out from Marlene that by that time, James Potter had fought with the Marauders and that was why he was not with them, and this year, James and Ria became friends, which was why they were always together.
"Lily! Lily!" Alice Fortescue started calling out to her.
"Alice, it's a Saturday." Lily mumbled into her pillow, wanting to rest a little more. "Let me sleep for a while."
"Someone's looking for you downstairs." Alice shook her awake.
Lily's eyes widened, and she sat up straight. She had a feeling, and she hoped it was wrong. "Who?"
"Alexandra Malfoy, your girlfriend." Alice said teasingly. Flabbergasted and afraid of what Alexandra might say, Lily stood up quickly and accidentally stumbled over her feet.
"Are you okay, Lily?"
From the common room, Alexandra, Marlene, Dorcas, Frank Longbottom and Mary Macdonald looked up in concern. Alexandra tipped her sunglasses down slightly to check if Lily was there.
"Excited, is she?" Alexandra chuckled softly, and the four Gryffindors just smiled awkwardly in response. It was the first time they were ever talking to Alexandra Malfoy, and it was even more surprising because she wasn't angry or rude like she usually was.
Then, Lily Evans came out of the girls' dormitory with Alice following after her, Lily's eyes widening to see all her friends with Alexandra. So, she was seriously going through with her plan. How was Lily going to escape this then?
"Marls, Dorcas, Frank, Mary!" Lily ran down to them. "This is β"
"Alexandra." Frank finished for her with a tone of amusement. "We know her, Lils. She's our housemate." Lily blushed in embarrassment. Oh right.
"Yeah, I'm Alexandra Malfoy." Alexandra smiled and shook their hands. "I'm Lily's girlfriend."
"No! I didn't say yes to her yet." Lily said quickly, trying her best to ignore Alexandra's piercing gaze on the side of her face.
"So, you haven't said yes yet." Mary nodded. It did clear up a few things though they were still a bit confused.
"It isn't official yet."
Lily's friends nodded, talking to each other and Alexandra who smiled and engaged in conversation with them. Surprisingly, she was getting along with all of them... except for a certain redhead. Seeing that Lily's friends were a little distracted, Alexandra leaned in towards Lily and whispered. "You'll pay for this."
Lily could only glare up at her. She had no plans of letting her win. None at all.
"She won't scare me." Lily said firmly.
"How brave of you." Marlene sighed and shook her head.
They were currently in the Great Hall, eating lunch and Lily told Marlene about everything. The reason why Alexandra kissed her and what Alexandra told her the previous day. Lily wasn't scared of that gangster, and she would never give in no matter what.
"Of course. I'm not scared of anything, remember?" Lily let out a scoff.
"Then say yes to her." Marlene smirked at Lily. "Unless you really are scared."
Lily was about to respond, but her eyes widened when she saw Sirius, Remus and Peter behind Marlene. What were they planning this time?
"Hi, Lily." The three Marauders said simultaneously with mischievous smiles on their faces.
"Let's go." Lily muttered to Marlene. The two of them stood up and just as she turned around, Lily suddenly tripped on something. She yelped and prepared to meet the floor but strong arms wrapped around her waist to hold her up. She looked up and saw Alexandra Malfoy, smirking at her, while the three boys were laughing loudly.
"Hey, Mudfur. Someone fell for you." Remus said teasingly, making them and the other students in the hall laugh. Lily saw that Peter had his wand out and glared at him who smiled sheepishly. He must have used the Trip Jinx on her.
Alexandra set Lily down on the floor gently, a small smile on her face. "Will you say yes now?"
Lily glared up at her. "No."
She stood up and tried walking away, but this time her shoes were stuck to the floor and she tripped again. The whole Hall burst into laughter while Lily sent one more glare at the Marauders and walked out of the Great Hall, leaving her shoes behind.
Alexandra watched her go with a smirk on her face. Lily Evans was a challenge... But one she would gladly accept. She wasn't going to let her off that easy after what happened.
When Lily went into the Charms classroom with Marlene later that day, she was surprised when people were whispering and staring at her once more. She glared at the three boys in the back who were laughing at her. What did they do this time?
"How sweet, Lily," said Peter mischievously. And he, Sirius and Remus laughed even harder. Lily could only roll her eyes. Really, no one should underestimate Peter Pettigrew. He was just as bad as them. Alexandra was still the worst, of course, in Lily's eyes.
"Oh, will you three shut up?" Marlene said, defending her best friend. "She's got enough attention already. Come on, Lils."
"Why don't you look back first?" Remus said with a chuckle. Lily and Marlene looked at each other in confusion, and Lily's eyes widened at what she saw on the board. Written in large letters was Lily and Alexandra with a heart in between.
"She's blushing, look!" "Damn, Lily's sweet, she is."
At their teasing calls, Lily glared at the Marauders again but before she could say anything... at that moment, Alexandra came in, that annoying smirk on her face.
"Really?" Alexandra asked smugly. "You love me?"
Lily smiled at her mockingly before glaring again. "No." She walked past Alexandra, purposefully bumping into her, and waved her wand at the board, but the spell did not work. She glared at the laughing boys before picking up the eraser and starting to erase the writings on the board.
"Why are you erasing that? Are you guilty?" Sirius called out, making them laugh again. Alexandra just shook her head in amusement and sat down with her friends. So, it was going to take a lot more than this to make Lily say yes. But just like how Lily was set on not giving in to Alexandra, Alexandra was also set on not giving up on Lily.
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