Jet was walking down the streets. He then saw a wanted poster pin on a tree. It was a wanted poster of their hero. Shadow Hood.
Jet:Looks like Prince Eggman wasn't happy that Shadow Hood stole his money to feed the poor people. And now he wants the capture of Shadow Hood *then he heard someone whistle so he look at the direction where it come from*
It was the sheriff of Nottingham whistling and walking down the road
Jet:Uh oh here comes trouble as he called him self King of the Kingdom also Sonic's fiance................. It's Scourge the Sheriff of Nottingham....
Scourge walks down the road for people to give him the taxes then he saw someone. Uncle Chuck opened his house door with a little pouch on his hand. He close the door and walks off
Scourge:*smirks* looks like Uncle Chuck is out doing good again *walks to him sneakily*
Uncle Chuck went to his friend house with his wife and he open the door and went inside
Antione:Ah Bonjour Uncle Chuck!! *he was a blacksmith and he was hammering metal*
Uncle Chuck:Shuu! Quite down my friend....
Bunnie:Well howdy Uncle chuck what brings you here to our home?
Uncle Chuck:*he take out a pouch filled with golden coin's as he give them to Antione* Here take this..... It's from Shadow Hood
Antione:*takes the bag* Oh bless you Shadow Hood bless you and thank you...
Bunnie:*she went to her husband and hugs him. Who hugs back*
Meanwhile with Scourge he was in front of Antione and Bunnies house and knocked the door. Then he heard whisper's "It's the Sheriff quickly hide them!"
Scourge:Hmhp *whisper's* like you can hide them from me huh? *chuckled as he open the door* Well hello there *smirks*
Bunnie:Oh uh howdy sheriff what are you doing in our home?
Scourge:Well I just remember that you two are way behind of your taxes *crossed he's arms*
Antione:Oh c'mon on now Monsieur Scourge my wife arms is broken and I don't have the money
Uncle Chuck:He's right have a heart will you...
Scourge:Hmhp oh really *he snatched Bunnies hat and he saw a coins in her hat so he takes them and throw the hat* Hmhp you say you don't have money but look here you do have money bastard! *growls*
Bunnie got scared he then hugged her husband. While Antione hugged her back as he glared at the Sheriff
Uncle Chuck:Why you little you do know that's for them you can't just take that away for them! They need-
All of a suddenly Uncle Chuck just got punched by Scourge and he falls
Bunnie:*gasp* Chuck! *went to him*
Antione:You have not heart!
He said with an angry tone. He then went staright to Chuck and help him.
Scourge:Nice doing business with you *walks off*
๐๐ฆ๐ข๐ฏ๐ธ๐ฉ๐ช๐ญ๐ฆ ๐ธ๐ช๐ต๐ฉ ๐๐ข๐ฏ๐ช๐ญ๐ญ๐ข'๐ด ๐ฉ๐ฐ๐ถ๐ด๐ฆ
"Happy birthday to you ๐ถ Happy birthday to you haha Happy birthday to you๐ถ"
Tails:Jeez thanks everyone *he scratch he's head with a little embarrassed*
Vanilla smiled as she looks at the children. She then give Tails a present. Tails smiled and was about to open it.
Then Scourge burst open the door with an evil smirks on he's face. Everyone gasp and look at him with shocked
Scourge:Well hello there, I heard it's someone's birthday today...*went to Tails*
Tails:Yeah Scourge! It's my birthday *smiles a bit*
Scourge:Well that is a pretty box, why don't you open that present? *smirks*
Tails opened he's present and inside was one shiny gold coin
Tails:Oh yeah cool! *he titled the box so the coin can slide to he's hands*
But instead it didn't it landed on Scourge's hand instead then Tails this made him very sad
That made Cream and Amy gasped. Then Amy glared at Scourge
Vanilla:Have you no heart we saved that coin for he's birthday!
Scourge:Aww isn't that cute Hmhp *put the coin in he's pouch* The family saved together pays together
Tails ears dropped as he looks down. And he was very upset
Scourge:Aww don't cry *pets he's head* King Eggman's wishes you a happy birthday too!
Then a blind hedgehog came he has a brown cloak a brown hat and black glasses he has a stick on he's hand to guide him. He's a black and red strip hedgehog.
Poor blind Hedgehog:Im.... im.... Im... Im.... Im son of poor
Scourge raise his eye brow he grab the cup and titled. As the coins fell down to his hands. And Vanilla gasped.
Scourge:Well it was nice staying here keep up saving *walk off*
Poor blind Hedgehog:*he titled he's glass and noticed Scourge just take he's coins* *in he's thought* did he just steal my coins hmhp.......
Vanilla:What a dirty trick he did *as she went to him* Come now mister come in come in *as she leads him to a chair*
Amy:Hmm...... *she looks closer at him it's like she seen him before*
Cream:Huh? *she was behind Amy*
Poor blind Hedgehog:Why thank you kindly miss. Now tell me did my ears heard someone sing a birthday song? Let me guess it's someone's birthday?
Tails:*wiped he's tears* Y-yes mister it's m-my birthday. Sheriff Scourge stole my b-birthday present...... *looks down saddened*
Poor blind Hedgehog:*lift he's chin* Just cheer up fox boy *he lifted his glasses* don't let thts green bastard get to you and your hope's down *winks at him*
Tails:Oh wow! It's Shadow Hood!
Shadow:*take off he's disguise* Happy birthday Miles *smiles a bit*
Amy:I knew it.... I knew it him! Shadow Hood and great job fooling Scourge *with her arms crossed*
Shadow:Yeah sure *rolled he's eyes* thanks
Cream:Oh wow it's Mr. Shadow Hood
Cheese:Chao~ chao~
Shadow:*smiles* So tell me Tails how old are you?
Tails:Well im 8 years old now!
Shadow:Huh! *tap he's chin* 8 years old that does made you the man of the house and a young inventor too hmm *snap's his fingers* *he take out a bow and one arrow and give it to Tails*
Tails:*takes it* Oh wow! For me jeez thanks Shadow Hood.... Sir *he put the arrow besides the bow* So?
Cream:Not like Mr. Shadow Hood
Cheese:Chao~ chao~ chao~ *he was on top of Cream's head and shook he's head*
Shadow:She's right there's something missing..... Hmm *he snaps he's fingers again* I know... *he take off he's hat and put it on he's head* There you go!
Tails:So how do I look?! *the hat was to big for he's little head*
Amy:*whisper's to Cream* The hat to big hehe *giggles*
Vanilla:Now now Amy dear mind your manners
Cream:Yeah Mama's right mind your manners
Cheese:Chao~ chao~!
Tails:*sigh and looks down*
Shadow:Don't worry you'll grow in to it one day *crossed he's arms*
Tails:Ok and Thanks again Shadow! *runs off to play with he's new present*
Amy:Tails wait! *runs off after him*
Cream:See you soon Mr. Shadow Hood *runs off to them with cheese*
Vanilla:Aww you made he's birthday a great one Shadow *she place one of her hand on he's shoulder*
Shadow:And I wish i can do more *gives her a pouch filled with gold coins*
Vanilla:*takes it and smiles*
Shadow:*wear he's disguised* They'll come back again one day but don't worry I'm always around when you need me just dont lose your hope and Keep your chin up. Someday there'll be happiness again In Nottingham, you'll See *he wear he's glasses and starts to walk out of the house*
Vanilla:Oh Shadow you'll do anything to keep our hope's alive bless you Shadow *tears up* bless you.....
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