Scourge went beside the door to the jail and guarded then Shadow give him water bit not an ordinary water it's sleeping water but only for few minutes but when he got moved or shouted he will awake, he gave the water to Scourge. He drinks it and all of a sudden he sleeps, Shadow smirks and carefully grab the keys from his pocket and went to the door and unlock the door with the key carefully
He signaled Knuckles to come here, Knuckles look around if anyone was here and he runs to Shadow quietly, then he went in carefully. Shadow handed him the key he grabbed it and closed the door but it made a loud "Thunk!!"
Fleetway:Wait a minute! *he accidentally shot the arrow* Jail break!
Scourge dodged the arrow as he look and groans.
Fleetway:I heard it Sheriff! The door!
But Shadow let out his the axe to the ground and made Fleetway trip and he was now in front of Scourge who has his hands on his hips
Scourge:Now for the last time no more false alarm *he smacked his head*
Shadow:*he looks at the two and whisper to Knuckles* you free Uncle Chuck and the others...while I'll robbed the Royal treasury
Knuckles nodded as he went inside while Shadow went into a different direction to get the treasure
𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐊𝐧𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬
Knuckles walks up stairs and tried to find their friends then he saw a sign on a door so he unlock the door and open it. Inside it was Chuck chained up
Uncle Chuck:*he bring his head up* Knuckles John no it can't be
Knuckles:Shhh *he unlock the chains* we're busting your our of here
Uncle Chuck:*nods*
So the two walks out of the room and runs upstairs and Knuckles unlock the door and enter the room where everyone is at locked. Knuckles and Uncle Chuck Chuck unchain them one by one.
Tails:*he was unchain* I'm ready where's the bad guy?!
Uncle Chuck:Shhh take it easy Tails we need to wait
Jet:Hey guys *he whispered* look *he pointed at something or someone*
It was Shadow he was on the edge of the castle wall then he looks around and send the grappling hook up to Prince Eggmans balcony and climb up to it. He peek at them and he see Eggman is sleeping while talking and Orbit is charging up. Shadow was about to shoot but then
Eggma:Ah! Shadow Hood! Mm I'll get Mm you... *he was sleep talking*
Shadow rolled his eyes then he shoot an arrow with a rope on it and shoot it with his bow and when through the bars of the cell
Knuckles caught the arrow and he went through the loop on the wall, then he grab his bow and went to the bars and shoot the arrow with the bow and the arrow went over Eggman
Eggman then wakes up then he fell asleep again
Shadow went besides Eggman's bed and grab the bags filled with coins and tied them to the rope and the rope it's been pulled he keep doing it over and over again
Eggman:*he mumbled in his sleep and his snoring very loudly* Ngh....haha..
Shadow:*he looks at Eggman then he looks at the reader's and used his thumb to point at Eggman* *in his thought* He's a loud snorrer don't you agree....
Then he heard him snoring again but it sounds like a snorting he rolled his eyes. And continue to grab the bags and tied up to the rope
While the gold is traveling above and went between the bars and in the cell, Jet was pulling the rope bringing the bags to them
Uncle Chuck:*smiled* we got our coins bag thank the chaos *he gave some bags filled with gold to the others*
Knuckles:C'mon follow me
So Knuckles lead them as they went down the stairs he open the door then he saw one of the bag has a rip on the bottom of the bag, few coins fell on Scourge, this made Scourge awake
Scourge:What the- *he look up*
Knuckles then smirk and grab him and his mouth. And take him iinside Fleetway heard it as well and he look. Knuckles has Scourge's clothes and he leand on the wall with his arms crossed and his head down
Fleetway:*he looks around then he went to him* Scourge i didn't mean to temper you but i still got a feeling-
Knuckles lift his head and smirked at him Fleetway was surprised then Knuckles grab his throat so he wouldn't talk
Knuckles:*he whispered* Chuck go... Hurry....
Uncle Chuck looks around and walks out with the others quietly. He stops when the archers are passed and they did so they keep walking quietly
Then the bell rang Shadow's eyes widened he grab the last bag and tied it up but he saw another bag so he went to Eggman's bed and lift the pillow and grab the bag and dop the pillow and went to the rope
Eggman then cried then he sucked his thumb and holds his mustache. Orbot wakes up looking at Eggman as he sigh. Shadow then see another bag and it was the last one so he went to him and grab the bag carefully
But it seperate his arm but he pulled the bag under his elbow and he continued to sucked his thumb, Shadow holds the bag and runs to the balcony but Orbit sees it. He grab the rope so now he was hanging, but then Orbit grab the one of the bags with his one hand and made it rip as the coins fall while the other hand he grab Eggman's leg and now he was awake
Eggman:Ah! Ah! Oh no!
Then they were outside and Eggman was holding the balcony tightly as he was being pulled. Jet, Wave and Storm pulled as hard as they could
Eggman:Guards! Guards! MY GOLD!!
The archer's shoot arrow's at Shadow but he swings and didn't get shoor but Eggman lose his grip and got pulled to the bars and he falls on his face, then he saw the others escape
Eggman:Oh no no no! They're getting away with my gold *he tried to trap them but everyone was out* GUARDS STOP THEM! *but he saw his own robots charged at him* No! No! *then he got hit to the wall and went through*
Shadow:This way! Hurry! *he skates using his rocket shoes while the other's follow him*
The archer's shoot arrow's at them but they keep missing them and then robot's are coming to them so Shadow send Chaos Spears at the robot's, it hit them and got destroyed. Meanwhile Amy is used her hammer and hit some knights and Eggman's robot's while Knuckles super punch them. Tails shoot an arrow and Shadow was behind him doing the same thing and it hit the three archer's collar shirt and send them to the wood pillar.
Shadow cut the rope of the wagon filled with barrels and kicked it and the barrels filled with beer hit the robot's and made them flickered and got shutdown. Then everyone went on the wagon while Uncle Chuck help them then Knuckles came and put Amy on the wagon while Shadow put Tails on the wagon
Shadow:That's all of them get going! *he went to the leaver of the bridge and pushed it down*
Then the drawbridge went down and everyone was on the wagon with a pile of bags filled with gold
Knuckles:This isn't an heyride let's get go *he used his strength and pulled the wagon while running*
While Uncle Chuck was on the back of the wagon running while pushing and Shadow followed them with his rocket shoes
Uncle Chuck:Off to the Mystic Forest *he chuckled*
Vanilla:*she looks around the wagon and gasp* Wait! Stop! My daughter Cream! *she panicked*
Cream looks around with Cheese on top of her and she was confused and was left behind
Cream:Mommy?......mommy? *she was a little lost but she doesn't know a robot was behind her and Cheese*
Vanilla:*gasp* Cream! *was worried*
Shadow eyes widened then he skates back to the castle and kicked the robot to the wall, then he picked up Cream and runs to the gate. Cream hold on to Shadow and was holding Cheese
The knights and archer's runs after them while the archer's shoot arrow's at them, Shadow runs faster but unfortunately Vector closed the gate by cutting the rope and it made the gate drop but he throws Cream who was still holding Cheese out of the castle before the gate closed and Knuckles caught her. And now Shadow was trap cause the gate is closed and he can't teleport cause Eggman put an anti teleportation device around the castle
Shadow:Just keep going don't worry about me
Then he saw Knights charging at him with sword's on their hands so he Chaos Spears them and climb on the gate before he got stabbed by the sword's
He claimes up to the wall and sees to archer's as they shoot arrow's at him but he swings to another tower using the rope and claimed up the wall then he was on the wall as the arrow's went to the archer's but they dodged it. Shadow carefully walks the edge of the tower and sees Archer's shooting arrow's at him then he quickly claimed to the balcony of Prince Eggman's
Scourge:Now it's time to kill you once and for all Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic will be mine.... *he grabs a torch and runs upstairs to Eggman's room*
To be continued...
Uh oh looks like Scourge hasn't let go for Sonic being his and killed Shadow, what's going to happen next? Will Shadow survive or die?!
Find out next time in the story of Shadow Hood see ya next time my fellow Primes 👋
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