Charlie: When she felt arms suddenly wrap around her waist she let out a surprised gasp and turned around to realize it was you, when she did realize it was you she hugged you back immediately.
Angel Dust: Although Angel is used to being touched and held he was quite confused when he felt arms wrap around him. He looked down and saw your face buried in his chest fluff, you let out a happy sigh and Angel chuckled and wrapped all four of his arms around you.
Vaggie: She was quick to aim her spear at your throat when she felt arms wrap around her from behind. Upon realizing it was just you she lowered her spear and pulled you into a hug apologizing and also telling you to not startle her like that again.
Alastor: He had his eyes closed for a moment but they quickly flicked open when he felt someone hug him. He looked down and saw you staring back up at him, he patted your head and hummed he let you stay like that for a moment.
Niffty: You being taller than her you had to scoop her up and hug her from behind that way. When she felt someone hold her close and pick her up from behind she let out a squeak and was quick to look behind her. She nuzzled into you when she saw it was only you.
disclaimer; this is my drawing so don't go attacking me to "credit the artist" please and ty.
Husk: His immediate reaction was to try to push you off and that's what he did. When he realized it was you he shoved one of his paws to your cheek trying to pry you off. Little do we all know he liked it- secretly.
Tom: He looked around three times before turning around and seeing you. He immediately hugged you back and would peek over your shoulder every five seconds to make sure Katie wasn't around so you didn't have to go to double hell.
Baxter: Baxter was ready to use anything he had on him at the moment when he felt arms around him, when he realized it was you he made that face and embraced you back. Baxter isn't too keen on being touched but for you he made an exception.
Cherri: Cherri grabbed one of her bombs ready to throw it in the persons face that wrapped their arms around her so suddenly but she put her Bomb back when she saw you and hugged you back. You felt your feet leave the ground as she picked you up and spun you around, you both giggled enjoying each other's presence.
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