7 ~ Smile!

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The newly built Avengers compound stood in front of you, and you couldn't help the tears that filled your eyes as you thought back to the final battle with Thanos. But you had won, and the stones were gone, so that was all that mattered.

Wanda ran towards you, laughing, as she grabbed your hand and dragged you through the front doors.

"Hey, you ruined my peace, you meanie!" You joked as she pulled you down the halls to your bedrooms.

The two of you, plus Nat, had grown very close over the last month. Having two other girls to back you was great, and you had to admit, the girls nights were loads of fun.

"Hm, well you aren't getting much of that, it's gonna be a full house, and guess what! We're neighbours!"

You laughed at her excitement, and threw open the door to your bedroom, surprised at what you saw. Most of the walls were painted purple, and the largest was a feature, painted black, with glittery stripes across it. You bed was huge, with soft back sheets and had purple pillows and blanket across the end. Your furniture was a dark oak, and your walk in wardrobe was bigger than the huge space rock you had slept in for millions of years.

A medium sized kitchen, kitted out with all the necessary appliances, was just around the corner, and an oversized unsuite bathroom behind a nearby door.

In short, it was perfect.


You sat on the roof of the new compound, thinking about the last five years. How the Avengers had risked their lives for the safety of the universe. How you had hidden yourself away in fear, the opposite of what your friends had done. And how you had destroyed the power stone and sent the others back to the past.

The last few months since the final battle with Thanos had been filled with meeting new people, press conferences, and overall drama. This was one of your first moments of peace.Β 

Closing your eyes and inhaling deeply, you listened to the wind rustle the leaves through the trees, and smiling at the scent of the country around you.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Turning around, your saw Steve watching you with concerned expression.

You nodded, gazing back over the countryside. Steve sat down next to you.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He smiled softly.

"Yeah. There's no place like it, and I've been everywhere."

Steve chuckled lightly. "You know, Tony and I have been talking."

"Peacefully? Please don't tell me Civil War 2.0 has started."

"How'd you know about that?"

"I know everything, Rogers. Were you and the tin man arguing or agreeing? I must know. I hate being is suspense."

"I thought you knew everything?" Steve raised a brow.

"Almost everything. Now tell meee!"

"Alright, alright. How would you like to be an official Avenger?"

You looked at him, shocked. "Seriously?"

He nodded. "Seriously."

A grin spread it's way across your face. "Sign me up, pretty boy."


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