Nick is now 5 months pregnant
Nick πΈ
I'm sweating like two fat bitches fighting ova a box of chicken on a hot day mane, my baby shower is tomorrow and I'm so nervoussss
"I hope it's a girl" Tay says smiling
"I want a boy so no"
He looks at me like I had 3 heads
"You already crazy enough and you want another nigga to make you more crazy?"
Yes and I hope hes not like taymors bum ass or ima cry so much cause he ain't gone be shit
"Jays calling you"
I groaned
"Don't anwser it"
"Yea wassup jay"
I looked around for anything that's hard and smiled when I found a hydroflash or whateva they called
I chunked it at Taymor hitting him in his shoulder
"Nick what tha fuck!"
"I told you not to anwser my damn phone ugly ass!"
The baby hits me in my stomach and I rolled my eyes, this lil nigga always takin up for they daddy
"Taylen I swear to god" I mumbled rubbing my stomach
"Stop calling her that" Tay said
"And jay said what color do he needa be wearing?"
"Tell him blue and my son name is Taylen so that's what I'm calling him"
"It's a girl mir! I can feel it"
"I can't wait to see yo face when tha color is blue"
"It's gone be pink shut up"
"Tell jay he needa come over so we can go shopping for tomorrow"
"What about me?" He pouted
"Go shopping with Brandon nigga the fuck?"
"Mmtch That's gay" he said
"You're gay Taymor!"
"Tell Brandon to come to we gone go shopping" he spoke into the phone
I mugged him snatching my phone puttin it up to my ear slowly pulling it back when I hear Brandon yelling
"Jay who the fuck is Tyrone?!"
"Aight Bestie I'll be ova there in a few"
"Aight Jay don't get fucked up by Brandon"
"Bye whore!"
I laughed putting my phone back on the charger
I looked down at Taymor between my legs kissing my stomach
"Hey babygirl dada can't wait to see you"
The baby kicked wildly
"He doesn't like being called that Tay!" I groaned
"Issa girl nigga I'm tried of telling you" he says
I swear if it's a girl ain't nobody eating and everybody getting kicked out
"What about this one?"
Jay picks up a blue onesie that says "thing 1" on the chest and "thing two" where the stomach was at
"Hell no!"
He smacked his lips putting it back I chuckled picking up a blue shirt that says "worlds greatest auntie"
He turns around and cheesed
"We're getting that for me! We just needa find me some black shorts and in in thereeee!"
I put the shirt in the basket walking around
I turnt around
"Oh shit" jay whispered taking out his phone
"Wassup Leslie and umm mrs McIntyre"
"I see we weren't invited to your baby shower"
I chuckled softly putting everything I had in the basket
"Tay made the invites so you can speak to him about that"
Leslie laughed
"That ain't even tays baby"
I rolled my eyes looking back at jay
"And yeen tays bitch so what's tha problem?"
"You have no right to speak to my daughter in law like that" his mom said
"You know what Ian even got time foe this I gotta get ready for my baby's baby shower goodbye"
As I walked away I heard
"Mad because Tay fucked me a week ago and you don't even know"
I turnt around real fast as jay held me back
"Nick you're pregnant Yeen gotta worry about her"
"Jay move because if that BITCH had some to say I'm right here"
"You heard me you transgender!"
At this point Ima bout to fuck this bitch up, I put my dreads ina ponytail pushing jay out the way
"Bitch don't get whooped in this store!"
"Wassup then" she said stepping up
As soon as I was about to swing I got pulled back
"Jay let me go"
"That ain't me" I heard
"Leslie stay away from my Babymama and my baby I'm not playing"
"Like you ain't say you rather have me as a Babymama than him"
I struggled to get out his grip so I could beat this hoe ass but it's was pointless
"Taymor let me go now!"
"No, mama why are you even here?"
"I want you to be with Leslie she's much better"
"Leslie been ran thur she was a one night stand that's all"
"You sure Taymor? Like you weren't at my house when you was supposed to be at the studio?"
I looked up at Tay with watery eyes
"Is it true?"
"Yes but it wasn't even like that mir I swear"
"Let me the fuck go Taymor!"
"No ian lettin you go you needa chill out"
"On my son if you don't lemme go we gone have some problems"
"Baby she lying just listen to me" he whispers in my ear
"Move I gotta go find my clothes" I mumbled
He let me go and I hit that bitch with aright hook making her fall ona floor
"Fucking peasant!" I yelled kicking her
"Aight baby go!" Tay says pushing me away from her
"You not gonna kick him out the store?!" Tays mom said
"As long as he's buying stuff he fine" the employee said
"Mama leave mane I told you Ian wanna see you again, you disrespected my family for to long"
"And don't ask to see yo grandchild cause the anwsers gonna be no"
"And Leslie disappears bitch ion want you and I put that on my unborn baby!"
I smiled picking up a baby blue dress that flowed at the bottom like a princess dress
I looked at how much it costed and frowned
I feel hands wrap around me as I sighed
"What's wrong baby?"
"Ion have enough money to get this dress" I pouted
"Put it ina basket" he says
"You said what"
"Hurry up befo I change my mind"
I smiled grabbing the dress
"We still talking about that bitch later I hope you know that"
"I know mir"
"You ready to talk about it?"
"Mhmm" I said
"So the day I went to the studio she was there recording a demo so we said our wassups and all"
"Why you even talking to her?"
"I was tryna be friendly" I slapped him in tha back of his head
"Don't do that shit I hate friendly niggas"
"My bad damn, Anyways we was talking and you came up about how you was pregnant and how I was so excited to see my first baby"
"And then she kissed me... but I pushed her away"
"And then she started to say how she missed me and wanted to have a family with me and how you werent worth it"
"And then I spazzed on her and she told me she hated me"
"Nick I'm serious"
"And I'm seriously listening" I say rubbing my belly
"Ion want you fighting nomo we finna have a baby it's time for us to grow up"
"Mmtch I do what I Please"
"Don't get fucked up" I rolled my eyes
"What did you get to wear?"
He went into a bag and pulled out a pink shirt with some white pants with pink and white Air Force ones
"Allat pink for what?"
"Nick let's just agree to disagree"
"No" I laughed
"I love you" he said leaning over to peck my lips
"You love Leslie too huh?"
"Mir" he groaned
I laughed turning on the tv, I beat that hoe ass
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