We've made it to door twenty-six, and so far, no one's died. They shocked me. I guess they weren't as dumb as I was told. Aaron was quick to solve a puzzle keeping us away from the next door, Diago helped us avoid Pinky, a variation of Angler, Sarah has helped fend us off from those pesky Squiddles, and Chuck? Well, we've had to fist fight Good People and Void-Masses probably four times to save his sorry ass. And not a single thank you either. I guess not everyone is a different story than their cover looks.
I sighed to myself as I sat on a sofa in the break area of the room, rubbing my temples in annoyance. "You alright, doctor?" Aaron asked while sitting beside me. "Yeah . . Yeah, I'm alright. I just want to get my work and go home." I let out another, shakier sigh, looking around at the familiar walls around me. Aaron seemed to take notice and he leaned back against the sofa while asking me. "Any good memories of this place? Any friends?"
A chuckle left my lungs as I nodded, leaning back beside him and looking up at the ceiling. "Yes. But he didn't work here. He . . . He was a prisoner, like yourself. But he didn't do anything wrong." My brows furrowed at the memory of being told these lies. "He was framed. I know when someone is lying to me."
I closed my eyes as the memories started flooding back to me, and when I opened them, I was stood in front of a door in my old uniform. "Are you ready, Dr. (L/n)?" I looked back at the guard who asked a question. I let in a nervous inhale before sighing shakily. "Yes. Open the door, please." I replied, clutching the clipboard against my chest. The guard nodded and stepped in front of me, sliding a keycard against the slit in the door, and the door opened with a soft hiss. I gulped down my nerves and stepped inside while the guard stayed outside, and I approached the being hunched over in the corner.
"Z-13?" I called towards the being, trying my best to hide my fear. He's already killed three doctors before me, I was sure I would be the fourth. Without a second to spare, Z-13 perked up and slithered towards me at an inhumane speed, the chains attached to his wrists, waist, and tail holding him back. He wore a muzzle and a shock collar along with his prison wear. They never let him change?
I jumped slightly from the lunge, but kept my composure. I wanted him to trust me, I couldn't risk showing any fear. He let out a low growl, all three of his eyes fixated on my much smaller figure. "It's Sebastian. I want you to call me Sebastian." I nodded and slowly sat on the ground, doing my best to make no quick or sudden movements. Keeping my movements slow, I clicked my pen and wrote the name he preferred on the paper, since no one would give me his file containing his real name, I'd have to ask him questions. "That's a beautiful name, Sebastian. I'm (Y/n). I'll be your new doctor." When I looked back up at him, his manner seemed to change. He looked confused. Lost even.
"Why aren't you sticking with the name you people gave me?" He scoffed at me, his light blue eyes wandering my figure. I couldn't see any intent in his eyes, just seemed like genuine curiosity. "Because I value your feelings and opinions, Sebastian. That includes your preference in name." I replied, looking up at him with a smile. But to my disappointment, he just scowled at me, looming over me as much as he could, the chains looked as if they were about to snap from how hard he was pulling against them. He was just inches away from me. "Well, (Y/n). Once I get out of here, you'll be the first one in this hellhole I'll kill. You're just like every fucking doctor." He scoffed at me, shaking his head while sitting down. "Get this checkup over with already."
I blinked at him in surprise before slowly getting up and approached him. I paused for a second and looked behind me at the guard, who was now inside the room with his gun pointed right at Sebastian. "Wait outside, please." I ordered. The guard seemed surprised and opened his mouth to protest, but I quickly interrupted him. "Do I have to repeat myself? Please. Wait outside." The guard simply sighed and shook his head at me before hesitantly leaving the room. I turned back to Sebastian, who had a brow raised at me. "Wow. Never seen anyone act like that to the guards." "Well, I want you to trust me. It'll be a lot harder if someone was monitoring us the whole time. Plus, I don't like being watched while working."
He let out a low, rough chuckle and his frown turned into a soft smile. "I get that. Just don't grab onto me like the others please." "Oh, I wasn't even planning to touch you. I just met you, I want you to feel comfortable with my presence." I explained, circling his front half before walking back along his tail. He seemed to contain some whale DNA from the coloring, maybe some sea snake from his patterns and length of tail, female angler fish DNA from the light on his fforehead. But he was absolutely extraordinary.
"You're beautiful, Sebastian." The words just slipped out of my mouth before I even thought of speaking them. His three eyes widened, and a soft blush dusted his cheeks and the tips of his ears. "P-Pardon?" He stuttered as he watched me. I tensed as soon as I realized what I said. "Oh! I-I'm sorry, that's a horrible start of a sentence-"
"No, no." Sebastian waved his hands and shook his head, his tail curling closer to him. "I . . No one has ever said that to me. I'm . . . . Glad. That you think so." He seemed to struggle to find the words, his third arm fidgeting with the metal band around his waist.
"Sebastian? Wasn't he the one talking up at the surface?" My eyes shot open from Aaron's words and I snapped out of my rambling. I quickly sat up and gawked at him. "You've heard him? He's alive?" Aaron tilted his head at me before resting a finger on his chin in thought. "Yeah, a few times. He's got a bad habit of hacking into the speakers and saying threats and shit. Even telling us where he hid previous guards' bodies. Creepy." He shuddered from the thought.
My smile widened and I immediately stood up, speedwaking to the next door. "Whoa whoa! Where are you goin' in such a rush?" Diago show up from his seat and followed me, Sarah and Chuck following after. "We have to continue. We have no time to rest until the next break room. We must get the crystal first!" Sarah ran up ahead of the others and walked beside me, needing to almost run from how fast I was running and to catch up with me. "(Y/n), hon, why are you so interested in the crystal now?"
"My friend, Sebastian, he's still in here. And if we get that crystal and bring Sebastian up, they'll surely let him go! And if not," I paused and looked around for any cameras, thankfully none were pointed at me and Sarah, and I whispered to her. "I'll release all the information on this hellscape to every government in the world. People would kill each other for this information." I explained in a hushed whisper, continuing on my way. "Ohhh! Is this Sebastian fellow a romantic interest of yours?" Sarah's words made me tense up and slow down a bit. Aaron let out a dramatic gag and shook his head. "No no! He was an experiment! He wasn't human when they met, Dr. (Y/n) told me how they met."
Their conversation kinda just faded as I walked. I mean, Sebastian was my friend, yes he was attractive, but I never imagined falling in love with him. Even though I kinda did. I shook my head from the thought. No. This is business. I can't let my feelings cloud my goal. I need to focus on right and wrong, the right being freeing Sebastian and getting him out of here. Back to his family.
Wow, I'm on a roll rn,, the inspiration is hitting me like a god damn train and I'm loving it! Alright, I'm gonna sleep now since it's 4 am for me,, hope yall enjoyed this!!
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