I watched as prisoners were lined up in front of different submarines, all in their own assigned groups. They all wore the same uniform, a dark blue jumpsuit with Urbanshade's symbol on their shoulders and a rigged air tank on their backs in case they 'got out of line' as I was told. They were all prisoners, all filthy pigs sent for the slaughter, but offered a new way out from their horrid demise. We're all gonna die anyway. Most of these people deserved it.
I scoffed and turned away from them, adjusting my thick, winter coat to shelter me from the cold. I don't remember it being this cold. Jeez, how are these guys not freezing? "Dr. (L/n), your submarine is ready." A woman said in a soft, almost nervous tone next to me. I let out a hum of acknowledgment and turned her way, beginning to walk towards the submarine I was told I would use. Not to my surprise, the woman followed, rambling to me. "I-I'm so sorry to bother you, but I'm such a big fan of your work! Why are you even returning here? You've moved on from this honestly failure of a project onto much bigger things, doctor." Her questions annoyed me, so I didn't bother to reply or even look at her. My days at Urbanshade were my best days of work, even if it was in such a corrupted facility. But since I've moved on, I've had to help the mentally insane and have prevented plagues with different medicines I've made. I was a life saver, but I didn't want that. I want my old work that started all of this, I want to study unnatural scientific changes. Just like the kind at Urbanshade. I walked up to the small group of prisoners, inhaling deeply before exhaling. "Hello everyone, I'm Dr. (Y/n) (L/n). You've been assigned to me by the people in charge of this ordeal. Listen, this is very important to me, so please listen to everything I tell yo-"
"Blah blah blah, let's just get it fucking done with already." The tallest of the group, a white male with short and curly brown hair and light green eyes interrupted me, crossing his arms. I narrowed my eyes at him and looked him up and down. "You won't survive long. Change the attitude, and we won't leave you if you fall behind." I replied in a deadpan tone, turning back to the group to continue before being rudely interrupted once more. "Yeah, sure, pipsqueak. Go back to your stupid little lab and keep playing taxidermy." He chuckled and elbowed a shorter female, causing her to back away from him. I rolled my eyes and looked back at him. "I know of every demon inside that place. I've seen them tear people apart like fresh meat, there are creatures beyond your imagine. Inky, black creatures that eat you from the inside out, just looking at a creature can kill you, and some even control the landscape we will go through. If you want to live any longer inside that place, I suggest you listen to me. Fix your jumpsuit, the parasites will get in." My last comment made him tense and immediately adjust the zipper on the suit all the way back up.
My smile widened and I cleared my throat. "As I was saying, you will listen to me. It's your choice to obey what I say. There will be times we will have to run, hide in a locker, room, or vents. We will have to swim through several rooms, and if the water opens up into the caverns or the open water, there will be parasites as I've mentioned before. They're quite chatty, so you'll know if they're on you. Just brush them off, they don't stick easily. Any questions?" I asked as I looked among them. Another man stepped forward, his fluffy hair almost covering his eyes. "Yeah, why the hell you goin' back?" He had a bit of a Spanish accent to his awfully rude tone. "Not a useful question, but a question nonetheless. I'm going to retrieve my old work. Helping with cures isn't really a hobby of mine, but the sort of thing I used to do was, and I'd like to have my findings back." I replied.
The submarine finally breached the water and approached the dock in front of the group, the door opening and forming a bridge to the inside. "Uhm, where's the driver?" The only woman of the prisoners asked while glancing at me. "There is none. It's driven by AI." I replied as I started walking to the submarine, looking back at the group who just gawked and stared. "Well? What are you waiting for? A new death sentence?" I chuckled and shook my head as my temporary colleagues followed onto the submarine, the door closing before we submerged back into the cold Norwegian sea.
The sound of a man humming echoed through the halls of the Hadal Site, accompanying the usual ambiance of the empty water outside and the commotion from other creatures in the facility. A tall creature with a snake like tail with a finned end slithered and roamed the empty halls, a lantern in his third hand on his left side. The room he entered was dark, the black squid like creatures darted away from him and away from the body of a prisoner they were feasting on. The man clicked his tongue and knelt down, giving what was left of the corpse a quick pat down, and taking any valuables they had and the items they bought. His ear fins twitched at the sound of one of the speakers clicking on, a higher pitched masculine voice emitting from it. "Like I had said before, they're not here. I've told you this several times this run! And the one before. And that one before." The man scoffed and stood back up, licking any blood off his clawed, scaly hands. "I can see that. I'm sure they'll come this next run. I just know it." A smile formed on his lips as he turned back with his items. "Oh, I can't wait to see their face! It's been so long, I wonder if they remember me. I hope they do." He rambled on to his friend who followed him.
" . . . What if they don't come back?" The man in the speaker asked, making the serpent stop in his tracks. He slowly raised his head up, his three light blue eyes glaring at the camera in the corner. "How many times have I told you not to lie to me? I know they'll come back. I don't care if it's for me or not. So don't say anything like that again." He hissed before turning off his lantern and putting it in one of the bags on his tail and continuing his way back. "I- Look, I know you love them and all, but it's been like, what, five, ten years? You need to be reasonable, Se-" The man in the speaker was cut off when the serpent grabbed a table and slammed it against the speaker, tossing it across the room. "If you mention any of this one more god damn time, I swear on every soul that's died in these halls, I will make sure you spend the rest of eternity in this pit of Hell we call a temporary home and you will NEVER touch a canvas ever again!" He screamed at the camera, getting closer to it, his face nearly inches away from the screen. "Do. You. Understand?" He asked in a low growl. The camera slowly moved up and down in a silent nod, making him smile. "Gooooood~" He replied in a low chuckle, turning back and slithering out of the room, the door closing behind him.
Yay! First chapter is done! I just wanted to give you guys a little heads up about this book,, there is going to be some triggering topics and a possible smut, so this is intended for mature audiences. My goal is going to be at least 1,000 words, hopefully 2,000
Please keep in mind, I'm finishing up school, and I'm also working, so updates will be a bit slow, but I've been working SO hard to make this perfect! Love you all! Have a wonderful day!!
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