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Ali's POV
8/25 2:00pm

"How is he Bobo?" I asked coming into the hospital room with coffee in hand. "Nothings changed Ali, and yo dumbass was up here yesterday dont ask no stupid ass questions" he said furiously typing away at his phone. "Aht aht, don't do that shit, he could have changed over night" I told him scrunching my face up and sitting down in a nearby chair.

"How we gonna find Zari" I said just above a whisper. My heart cracking everytime I think of what happened to her... to them. "We gonna find ha folks, plus ha pops coming home today so that's a whole nother ordeal" BoBo said rubbing his temples with his free hand. I could tell he was stressed out, and he felt as though this was his fault too. Just like with Daniel and Dwayne. "This aint yo fault Brandon" I said getting up from my chair moving closer to him. "Your not the one that caused this" I told him bending down hugging him and he surprisingly hugged me back. "It got to be Leon and them niggas that got her, but how we gonna get her without ha gettin hurt" he said trying to wrap his head around his running thoughts. "We gonna figure it out bro, dont worry we got this" I told him before releasing him.

"What in the Alabama shit is this!" Mari yelled as she walked in the hospital room. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes as the whole crew walked in with Marcus. His face cold, chilling to the bone if you ask me. "Why isn't Zari picking up her cell, and what the fuck happened to him?!" Marcus yelled making me jump. No wonder everyone scared of him.

"We told you what happened already sir" Lil B came up and said. I could tell he was nervous himself because of how low his voice was. That was something you dont never get to see.

"No I want to hear it from my nephew and niece. I want to hear everything from the beginning" Marcus said taking a seat in the chair that was once mines. I averted my eyes to Andrew who just looked at me apologetically. It gave me a little courage but I looked back down at BoBo.

"She was depressed... she thought something happened to you again since you went MIA. The only reason I knew you was fine was because I had Lil B keeping tabs on you and making sure you alright" Bobo started. "I called Dre a couple days ago because Zari wasn't answering for nobody, not en Ali or my mama" he said. "Dre said that she was sleep and that he'll tell her to call Ali later and after that he hung up" Bobo said making the atmosphere a little darker. "I didn't have a good feeling bout that and went to the house myself and Ali tagged along" he said motioning towards me. "Dre was on the floor bleeding out and I told Ali to go around looking for Zari because I knew there aint no way she didn't hear the gunshots" Bobo continued.

"I went upstairs to her room to see it trashed, things thrown everywhere even a couple drops of blood on the floor up there" I said reliving the scene of what happened. I shook myself out of the memory, wiping a couple of tears I didn't know had dropped. "They took her man, they took her!" I yelled out busting out crying again. Andrew quickly came over towards me wrapping me in his arms as I cried. "Shhh its ok baby" Andrew whispered in my ear calming me down a little.

"Whats the situation on Dre?" Marcus asked making me look up from Andrew's embrace. "He's in a temporary coma for now, the doctors had to put him in one for the transplant he got 2 days ago. He can breathe on his own its just that he won't wake up." BoBo said. "Fuck!" Marcus yelled out making me jump again.

"Do we have anything on Zari yet?" he asked rubbing the back of his head. "No but I know Leon and his niggas is written all over this" Bobo said. "Im gonna kill em bro" Chris said with his crazy ass. "They got my baby mama" he said making everybody laugh.

"Oh great Bebe and his damn kids here" mama said walking through the door. She eyed uncle Marcus up and down before walking over to BoBo. "Always trynna start some shit Alana" Marcus said rolling his eyes. "Boy I'll beat yo motha fuckin ass in front of these kids dont play with me" mama said making everyone ooo and chuckle. "Try me ho-" Marcus aint en get to finish that sentence before mama threw a punch at his face which he caught. "Im playin damn!" he said backing up. "Thats what the fuck I thought nigga" mama said pushing her purse up further on her shoulder. This is the way it should be... we just missing 2 people.

Zari's POV

"My daddy's so gonna kill you" I said laughing as another punch connected with my face. "Nah remember that shit from the party it's pay back now" that nigga Elija said as another punch connected with my jaw. I spit a little bit of blood out before looking back up at him. "You a pussy nigga for beating a chained up female" I said bucking at him. "And that pussy bout to be mines too" he said moving closer. It made me move against the restraints trying to get away. "Bitch I hope the fuck you do, you gonna be a dead son of a bitch!" I yelled as he started unbuckling his pants.

"AYE!" a familiar voice called out making me look past Elija. "You don't get to fuck ha, only I can nigga" Leon said coming into the room. A scowl played on my features as he walked in with his all white polo and blue jeans. An idea came to mind as he got closer. And when he got close enough I spit out as much blood as I could onto his polo.

"You shouldn't have done that love. But lucky for you, I won't do shit until we get you to Ohio" he said lifting my chin. I snatched it away before he snatched it back. He bent down and planted a kiss against them. One I didn't return. "Get everything packed up we leaving in 30" Leon told Elijah before they walked out.

"Please come find me daddy"

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