Dre's POV
12:34pm 8/15
"Bro what the fuck is you doin!" Mari yelled out as Drew took the blunt away from her. "Its my shit, you can always wrap yo own shit bug face ass nigga" Drew said making us all laugh. "We got the same face nigga. Dumbass bitch!" she yelled back at him making me laugh harder. "Don't compare me to yo ugly ass, bitches like me not you" Drew spat back making Mari scrunch her face up. "And yet I still pull more than yo beetle lookin ass" she spat back. "You yo daddies son on my mama" he said taking a drag off the blunt. "We got the same mama and daddy dumbass nigga, thats why Ali left yo bitch ass" Mari said makin Drew scrunch his face up at her. "And watch imma get ha back too" he said taking another drag.
"Yall some clowns on god" QP said cracking up. "Aye but lets not forget what we was talkin bout" Lil B said besides me. I nodded in response straightening up in my seat on the couch. "Since Marcus back in town, they said that we gonna be sharin wit him since he got all da shii" Lil B said. "So what dat mean for us?" Chris asked walking in with a huge bag of Cheeto puffs. His orange ass blend in wit them mfs too. "That means since Marcus got street cred here and we workin wit him we gonna get bigger. That also means that yall always gotta be strapped and shit. Niggas is wiln" Lil B said putting his gun on the glass counter. The loud thud it made against the glass en woke MC's ass up. "Loud ass shit" MC said yawning and stretching out. "Should have been up pussy boy" Chris said chuckling.
"Damn... dis Marcus daughter?" QP said gaining my attention. "What you mean?" I asked signaling for him to come over towards me. He gave me his phone showing me the videos that was taken of that nigga Elijah yesterday. I saw them carrying him out but I didn't know what happened fully. Then I saw Zari on top of his ass goin crazy. Not gonna lie she looked fine as fuck beatin his ass too. Thats what that little bitch get for fuckin wit ha. Should have known you dont wanna fuck wit Marcus blood period. That includes all dat nigga family. I hand his phone back before leaning back into the couch getting comfortable.
"Yup that's Zari for you" I huffed out rolling up another blunt. "You know shorty?" QP asked still scrolling through his feed and shii. "Yuh I've know ha since diaper days. My dad and ha dad best fuckin friends. She ma day one" I said shrugging and blowin out some O's. "Nigga if you don't wife shorty I might gotta take ha from you" QP said lookin up at me. "She can't be dat fine bruh" Chris said smacking on dem Cheetos. "Yes the fuck she is bro, look at dis" QP said passing him his phone. "Damn" Chris said eyes widening. "Yuh Imma have to cop shorty" Chris said passing the phone to Lil B and to everyone else.
"Bruh that's Ali's cousin thats wrong folks" Andrew said passing it back to QP. "Aye yall wanted to see shorty" QP said shrugging. "That reminded me imma go see ha now. See yall lata folks" I said getting up. "Take me wit you I wanna see Ali" Andrew said hopping up. "If I take you I gotta take all you" I said scrunching my face up. "Yall to ugly to be seen out wit in public" I said chuckling. "Like yo ass any better" Chris said smacking. "Nasty mf" MC said cringing. I dapped everyone up before leaving the trap. Its time I reclaim whats mines and dats on baby.
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