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You stood there in shock as a familiar face stared back. "Pearl..?". Before anymore conversation could be exchanged, the gem slammed the door in your face. "Wait, no!" you exclaimed, "please Pearl. I really need help." It wasn't long before the door opened again. Pearl, a long "friend" of yours, stood with her dominant leg and crossed arms. "Now, what brings you here?" Pearl asked. "I have no idea," you mumbled, "Yellow's Pearl asked me to teleport to Earth. I had no idea what the Diamonds were doing or where they were." Pearl looked your way sceptically, but then smiled. "Sure," she replied, "only because a certain someone wouldn't let me live a day without the regret." You could tell it was just because she sort of missed you.

The beach house was like something you've never seen.

"Wow, is this where you've been this whole time?" you exclaimed with excitement. "I have," Pearl said. You ran towards the weirdly shaped throne of softness and jumped on it. Your body sank into its softness and so did a flying pillow. You quickly got up to see who had thrown that. You heard laughter from above you. "Oh Pearl, who's your friend?" a childish voice asked. "Their name is Pure Crystal," Pearl replied, "they're from Home." Pearl helped you off the throne of softness and held your hand as you both went up some stairs.

A small child sat next to a fast asleep Amethyst. The child looked at you, admired as you stood in front of him. The gem on your forehead, your hair, a clear
(G/C), and your clothes, the colours of the four Diamonds. "Your so pretty!" the child said, "my name is Steven!" You waved at the boy as his eyes shone. "Hi Steve," you said, "who's that you're sitting next to." Steven looked behind him, then back to you. "Oh, that's Amethyst," Steven replied, "she's always like this. Don't worry."

You nodded your head politely and looked at Pearl. "I could show you who else lives here," Pearl said, starting down the stairs. You followed her past the throne of softness and to the next room.

"This is where we travel from place to place," Pearl said, "and that is Garnett." A tall woman slouched near the entrance of the room, then stood straight and walked to the two of you. "Garnett, pleasure to meet you," she greeted. "Pure Crystal, I'd say the same." You two shook hands, then parted. "What brings you here?" Garnett asked. "Faith, it seems," you replied. You felt guilty for lying. Not only was it going to be hard to keep your secret, it will be hard to follow on with this lie. "Faith? If that's what you want to call it," Pearl mumbled. "Anyway," you said, frustrated, "I'm glad I could meet a fusion I've heard so much about."

In that second Garnett stopped smiling and Pearl seemed shocked as well. "How do you know about that?" Garnett asked. "I guess there's no point in lying now, is there?" Pearl questioned, "Pure Crystal is from the Home planet. They used to serve the Diamonds, but I guess something happened." Garnett looked at Pearl, then back to you. "I guess you have your reasons for hiding that." Garnett said. "Thank you for understanding," you said, sincerely, "I hope there's no hard feelings." Garnett smiled and shook her head, "not that much."

Like always, before the conversation could exceed, the podium in the room light up and a shattered Blue Pearl appeared. You quickly ran towards her before she collapsed. Blue's Pearl was at the bare edge of tears. She latched on to your arm, hopefully. "Pure Crystal, please hide somewhere further," she mumbled in between gasps of air, "they're coming. At an alarming rate, they're coming." You held on to her, still confused. The commotion got Steven of the stairs and to the problem.

Blue's Pearl noticed the boy almost instantly. She tried her hardest to get up and reach for him, but failed and just stared at him. "Rose," she mumbled, "take them to your tower, please. It's far and burren enough to hide them. Remember: you are the Crystal Gems." Before Blue's Pearl got to the end, she fell unconscious. You were confused, but more worried then confused. Garnett offered to hold Blue, while Pearl tried to comfort you. Steven, on the other hand, also tried to process the scene.

"I hate what's going on," you whispered to Pearl, "what even is going on? What is a Crystal Gem?" The whole room fell more silent then before.

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