You were scrolling though Instagram, looking at the new and old pictures of your fellow classmates. You stumbled across one with Bakugo at the beach, clearing showing his body off. You couldn't help smile a small bit and breathe out a small laugh as you commented on how much of a dork he was.
As you clicked the send button, All Might knocked on your door, asking if he could come inside. You placed your phone down and sat up straight on the end of your bed and used your quirk to move the door handled and open the door.
"We must teach you some people skills" All Might says as he sees how overly mannered you are. He takes a slight breath and goes on talking. "Anyways, I'm making pancakes, would you like to help. I can't follow the recipe right"
"Sure" You say, standing up and following him down the two flights of stairs and into the kitchen.
You stop walking and your eyes widen slightly at the state of the kitchen.
"Woah, did you wrestle a rhino or something?" You ask, staring at the dripping pancake batter from the cieling.
"No, Rufus is outside" All Might says
"Wait wha-"
"Anyways, I really need your help because I'm hopeless at this" All Might cuts you off.
"I'll help, but first we need to clean this place up" You start walking over to the sink and open it, bending down to pick up some cleaning supplies.
After 10 minutes, the kitchen was as good as new, but All Might looked like the kitchen now. How is he that messy? I mean, a pro hero, the number 1 pro hero. You sigh as he walks up stairs to change.
As you wait for him, you get out all the ingredients and bowls you'll need. All Might was back down and he had his gleaming smile on.
"okay! What's first!" All Might asks, clapping his hands together.
A/N: Okay, so i really just wanted some DadMight scenes, but i don't really know what else to wright so I'm gonna make a timeskip, soz.
It was mid-afternoon, around 4pm. The sun was getting closer to the horizon, but it was still bright out. That was when the villains called you.
There are no happy endings" The voice in the call said
"Not here, not now" You say the next words of the song
"This tale is all sorrows and woes" The voice replied in a monotone tone.
"You dream that justice and peace win the day" You say, "But that's not how the story goes"
"Report" The voice demanded.
"Nothing I know of is happening with the 1A students, no one suspects a thing expect for Todoroki. Training with All Might has been a breeze" You say, turning to make sure the door was closed.
"Any news of All Might we should know about?"
The sudden skinny image of All Might popped into my head. The weakness of All Might was known to a girl who works for villains. Who is a villain. The villains would need to know about this.
"Nothing" You say, holding your breath at the end.
"Understood, this has been updated to your mission log, the anonymous student is trusted, you both don't know each other's identities. That is all." They hung up.
You lowered the phone from your ear and looked outside at the window, staring at it with your eyebrows crossed in confusion.
You lied to the villains. You Lied. Lied! To fucking villains, the people who get a say weather you lived or died.
But you didn't feel bad. If the villains knew about All Might's weakness, that would be the end of him and the entire world would-
Wait...did you just side with the...heroes? What is happening?
You sighed and fell back into the bed you were supplied with. Running your hands through your hair.
"I can't get attached, I can't attached" you say to yourself. "I can't get A-t-t-a-c-h-e-d"
You spelt out the words as you lightly hit your head to get it in their. You stared at the ceiling wall for a few minutes before realizing something.
What if I double-double cross the villains and work with the heroes?
[𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦]- K. Bakugo x Reader-
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net