As you paced your room humming the tune of your coded song, you placed your school badge on your tie. You collected your things and walked out the door, locking it behind you. You walked the rest of the way to UA, it took about 45 minutes.
When got into your class, everyone was talking and having their little conversations in their groups. You sat in your chair, listening in on the conversation next to you. It was Mina, Kirishima, Sero and Denki. Bakugo was there too but you weren't sure if he was listening or not.
"The arcade near the mochi cafΓ© is finally opening, do you guys wanna go?!" Mina says, resting her head in her hands.
"Sure! As long as no new assignments come in I'm good to go!" Sero says, his elbow resting on Denki's table.
"I just finished my homework so I'll be good to go" Denki says proudly.
"I'm do-" Kirishima was cut off by Bakugo.
"Oi! Newbie, what's with that look on your face?" Bakugo says, you turn to him.
"What?" You say, the groups attention focused on the two of you.
"The look on your face. You look like Denki when he doesn't know an answer the test" Bakugo says
"Hey" Denki whines.
"Sorry, but I couldn't help but over hear your loud conversation. What exactly is an arcade?" You say, the shocked faces make you even more confused.
"You...You don't know what an arcade is?" Mina's voice sounded like the air was taken away from her. "Oh god, where did you live? Under a rock?"
You thought for a second before answering with: "Something like that"
"We are defiantly taking you today, are free at 4?" Denki asks
"Yes, but I would like to know in case I-" They cut you off.
"Okay great! Where abouts do you live?" Mina asks, whipping out her phone.
"She lives 10 minutes away from my house" Bakugo says, making you look at him in confusion.
"Okay, James Bond, how the hell do you know that?" You say, crossing your arms and looking at him.
"I saw you walk home, you were in front of talking on the phone or some shit" Bakugo says, looking right into your eyes.
You stared at his crimson red eyes, the way they glistened in the light gave off a luminous on them. You never realised that sometimes beautiful can't describe how attractive eyes are. His eyes, even just the way they looked at you, you couldn't help but feel intimidated.
"Alright! Bakugo, you can pick her up and take her to the arcade!" Mina says as she and Denki talk on about something to do with their hero training.
The rolled on quickly, faster than yesterday. You had your normal classes and then hero training after that. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a casual school day.
As you closed your locker and got you bag, you walked to the exit of the school. You were going to met Denki, Mina, Sero and Kirishima at the arcade, Bakugo would be taking you there. The sound of your footsteps walking in the hall soon became the sound of two footsteps, you turned your head and saw Iida. He smiled and walked up to you.
Great you thought. More talking
"Y/n, hello." Iida said, boiing his arm. "I couldn't help but notice how distance you were today, is something wrong?"
"No, being the new kid, I guess" You say, shrugging.
"Well, you should know I am class representative, so any concerns at all you can come to be" Iida says "I hope that you will come to understand that 1A are you friends- no, we are like your family. Welcome to the 1A family, Y/n"
You stopped in your tracks.
Could you really be part of a family?
The thought of the villains drifted away from your mind.
You were currently sitting on your couch, playing games on your phone while it charged. A knock on the door echoed through the house and you took your phone off charge and walk over to open the door.
Your nose was hit with the scent of cologne. There was Katsuki Bakugo dressed in dark trackies and a black top with a white upside down pentagon with the middle bits dripping down. His hair was still wild and untamed.
"Come on, hurry up" He said, not aggressively or harshly but with a plain voice.
So he wasn't angry all the time.
He walked away as soon as you opened, the door, leaving you to rush out and tag along side him. There was an odd silence between the two of you, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Yet you didn't feel uncomfortable around him, you felt as if you were safe around him. The only home you ever had was with the villains, Bakugo was wild and outrageous, something of him made you think you could relate to him, talk to him. You felt as if you didn't have to pretend as much as you did around the others, you could be more free around him.
What was he doing to me?
"Y/n! Bakugo! Over here!" Mina called out, she was sitting on the large stool like thing outside of the car park and arcade.
Katsuki and you both walked over to them. Katsuki was looking away with his hand in his pocket. You smiled slightly and acknowledged Denki, Mina, Sero and Kirishima's existence. Katsuki just made a 'tch' sound with his tongue.
"Okay, so here is the plan..." Denki and Mina explained what we would do.
Denki, Mina, Sero, Kirishima seemed happy about the arcade, even Katsuki looked some what interested. They played games they called 'classics', things like Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Galaga, Frogger and Centipede. They were quite good at the games, but when you tried, you failed fast and stupidly.
"Wow, you really do live under a rock" Mina says from behind your shoulder as you play Pac-Man.
"This game makes no sense" You say, standing up and letting the little kids run past you and play the game.
"Well you have to see the pattern" Mina says in joking way, when she looks at your straight face shock comes over her. "Wait, haven't you seen the movie Pixels?"
"I've never seen any movies" You say plainly, you basically killed Mina on the spot.
"Your kidding me right? You've never seen any movies? Who the hell are your parent!?" Mina asks.
You go quiet and look down before you say. "I don't know my parents"
Mina then goes quiet and places a hand on your back reassuringly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know....wanna have a go at the claw machine?" Mina says trying to boost your mood. "Come on I'll pay for you!"
You fake a small smile and nod, letting Mina take your arm and drag you to a claw machine. A bunch of stuffed toys are there, bright lights and colours surround the machine, yet no one is around.
"This game is nearly impossible, here have a go" Mina says, placing money in the machine.
Music suddenly plays and you take the handle and the claw moves as you move the handle, you look for something that would be easy to pick up. A sloth was the highest and in an easy place to pick up. You looked down and a button that said 'go', you pressed. The claw moved down and grabbed the sloth, but it fell out of the claw's grasp and back onto the mountain of stuff toys.
"Huh, its rigged" You say, hearing the music die down.
"That game is impossible!" A voice comes from behind you, Denki, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugo came into view.
Denki had a small little crown on his head that said 'high score king!' on it. It was tilted slightly and Denki looked pretty proud. Kirishima was eating some food, Sero had a completely different shirt on and Katsuki had his hand in his pocket as it was before.
"Its not impossible, you dumb fucks are just bad at it" Katsuki scoffed as he looked at the claw machine.
"Okay, if you're so sure, why don't you have a go at it?" Denki said.
Katsuki took the gum out of his mouth and stuck it on one of the Donkey Kong machines before he moved you away from the machine as he stuck his money in it. The music went on again and Katsuki moved the claw over the sloth, he pressed go and the claw went down and grabbed onto the sloth, picking it up and dropping the sloth in the compartment.
"You were saying?" Katsuki smirked as he picked up the sloth and shoved it in your arms, looking at Denki.
"Why did you give it to me?" You asked, holding the sloth.
"As a reminder that I'm better than you" Katsuki grinned as he got another piece of gum "You didn't get it, so I got it for you"
You smiled at him slightly and nodded your head. At the end of they day, Mina and you formed a friendship. You also formed one with Denki, Sero and Kirishima. You weren't too sure about Katsuki, but compared to they way he speaks to Kirishima, you considered your self a friend.
Katsuki walked you home as the other went their way home. Kirishima was the last to leave, waving to the both of you and Katsuki as he went to his house.
You walked back to your apartment with Katsuki closed to your side. You arms was practically touching him as it held the sloth.
"Katsuki" You said, earning a grunt from him as a response. "Thank you for the sloth"
"Whatever" He said, your apartment came into view. "This is your place, right?"
You nodded and you walked up to the door, stopping and running back down.
"Also, I wanted to" You leaned on your tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek before turning around and walking back to your apartment.
The second you walked inside and took off your shoes, you stopped. Rethinking what you did.
"What the fuck?"
[ππ ππ₯ ππ π£ ππ π¦]- K. Bakugo x Reader-
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