"It's this weekend" Mina says.
"What time?"
The girls in the locker room were talking about Mina's party. Her parents were out so she was hosting a party. You were only listening in, not really joining their conversation. As you tried to leave, Mina stopped you.
"Hey! Wait, y/n" She said. You turned full body to her. "Are you coming?"
"Coming where?"
"To my party, dummy!" She laughed.
"I'll tried to come" You smile to her and walked out the door.
You've never been to a party. You were going to ask Katsuki about this, see what he would do. he would know, right?
"Katsuki!" You call out to him.
He turned and you caught up to him. He waited for you to start speaking.
"Okay, so Mina has a party and what-"
"Your coming with me" he said simply.
"Your coming with me to her party. I'll pick you up, or sneak you out. Whatever really." He said, laying an arm around you.
He went on walking with a smirk on his face. You smiled at him and then look forward. You seriously didn't deserve him.
"You know" You started "Everything is better with you. Everything has gotten better with you"
"Oh yeah? Then I guess I'll have to keep it that way" Katsuki said, you could almost hear his ego growing.
The next day, all the girls of 1A went out on a big shopping trip. You went to buy clothes with them. Something else you've never done before. You went shopping for yourself, in fact you were going shopping.
You went all around the mall with the girls. They were so excited and buzzing with happiness in every thing they did. You already had few piece's of clothing, but Momo had the most for sure.
After you all were practically finished, you went to get boba.
"Hey, so y/n, you never really got back to us on the party" Mina says
"Oh yeah, I'm going with Katsuki." You say as if it was anything else.
"Your- Your what?"
"I'm going with Katsuki. Did you not hear me the first time?" You ask.
"HA! No! We heard you! Your going WITH Bakugo?!" Mina said, freaking out over this. "I'm dying! I'm dying!"
"Do you want a hospital? I'll go get someone" You go to stand up, but Jiro grabs your hand to stop you.
"She's joking, people say that to say they're overwhelmed" She explains.
"Oh, I understand now" You say nodding. You seriously need to get up to date on the teenage slang.
"But in all seriousness, you and Bakugo...are going...together?" Mina says
"Yes, I told you that" You say, slightly confused.
"Are you dating or something?" She asks, snickering as she did so.
"What? No, you under stand people can be friends without dating, right?" You ask her. "I'm his friend, he's my friend. Nothing romantic...nothing, yeah"
"Oh!" Mina gasps "Your in love with hiM!"
"I am not! How old are you?" You say, crossing your arms.
"Your totally in love with him! You simp!" Mina laughs.
You then got a bing from your phone. You ignored Mina and her ranting as you opened you phone.
Guess who it was.
The one and only, Katsuki Bakugo himself.
You opened the photo he sent. It was a picture of him with the wind blowing against his hair. He was deadpanned at the frame. In words on the bottom it said: Where tf U at? We gonna do shit 2day?????
You couldn't help but grin as you texted him back. You didn't realise that all the girls were watching the way you reacted. When you placed your phone away, you looked back up to the girls.
"Okay, you seriously are in love with whoever you texted." Hagakure says, her whereabout slightly unknown.
"I don't like Katsuki like that. He doesn't even like me like that!" You try and defend yourself.
"Okay, lets recap you on your love life" Mina says. "The way you just mentioned that was Katsuki gives clear vibes, the way the two of you even look at each other is sooo sexual tensions. And also, you call him 'Katsuki' and he doesn't mind! He smiles! SMILES! Around you! You have him wrapped around your little finger"
"I don't have him wrapped around my fing-"
"Shut up, you like him. You love him! You wanna kith him! You wanna fuc-!"
"MINA!" Momo yelled. "Maybe you should tone it down a little, respect Y/n's words."
"Thank you Momo" You say, pleased that someone is on your side.
"Even if she romantically dense" Momo says, making you whip your head around to her. "That's all."
Alright, so this chapter seriously sucks, but I did this during my maths class, so worship me for it.
[𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦]
- K. Bakugo x Reader-
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