You left to go to Present Mic's house today. You swapped with Midnight and he was the only free one. Before you left to his house, Nezu gave you ear muffs and a warning. You didn't ever use them that day as you went to stay at Bakugo's place for a sleepover instead, Present Mic agreed to this and you left happily.
You arrived at his place at exactly 5pm, which was when he said you could come over. When you walked up the nicely kept front lawn, you noticed flower pots with pink flowers needing to be planted. You guessed they brought flowers to plant.
You walked up the unnecessary stairs leading to the front door and knocked on said door. Not 8 seconds later, the door swung open to reveal Mitsuki in shorts and a baggy top that probably belonged to her partner.
"Hey honey, come in" Mitsuki said, holding the door for you. "Nice shirt, it outlines your figure well. I'm sure Katsuki will love it"
"Ur- Thank you." You said, blushing lightly after the complement.
"I'll get Katsuki for you." Mitsuki turned on her heel in a swift motion and took in a deep breath. "KATSUKI! Get your pissed ass down here! Your friend is here! AND STOP BEING GLOOMLY!"
Your eyes widened at the noise that somehow didn't make you deaf. Mitsuki turned back to you with a kind smile and softer tone in voice.
"Katsuki just lost in a video game, you know how boys are with there video games" She said, sighing, "Good luck with him -Oh, finally, here is the boy!"
Katsuki came trotting down the stairs, casually skipping over some as he did. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he instantly grabbed your hand and dragged you back up stairs, as he did you had to dodge Mitsuki body as he dragged you past her.
"You better not have said anything weird" That was all that Katsuki said to his mother before storming back up to his room.
When you were forcefully entered to his room, you noticed the futon lying on the ground, most likely for you to sleep on. Katsuki went over to the TV in his room and kneeled down, turning off some sort of box.
"I was just playing cod, never mind it" He said in a gruff voice.
"whats cod?" You ask, tilting your head to the side.
You thought you said something stupid as Bakugo turned to look at you with either the most 'what the fuck' look ever or 'did you just eat dog shit' look ever.
"You don't know what- okay, screw this, come over here" Katsuki said, waving his hand over, gesturing for you to walk to him.
You walked over to him and sat behind him on his bed as he sat on the floor right in front of you.
"Cod is a video game short for Call Of Duty. The version I have is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, its by far the best game they put out. It's a....a first person shooting game based off on world war II... You've played video games before, right?" Katsuki asked and explained.
"Can't say I have" You shake your head.
"Oh for the love of god" Bakugo muttered under his breath. "Alright, I'm teaching you."
Katsuki used his hand to help lift himself up and sit next to you. He gave you a small black hand grip thing that was wired to the box under the TV. The hand grip black thing had buttons and what looked like a mouse pad on it.
"That's a controller, you use those things to move or turn your view" Katsuki pointed to the two moveable objects sticking out of the said controller. "You press 'x' to select things"
Katsuki went on telling you how to play the game and change the settings. He taught you what to do while playing the game and the amount of times you had to reset was more than you could count.
Time literally flew by and while you were about to shoot an enemy, your stomach growled like there was no tomorrow. Bakugo turned to you with a straight face and looked at your stomach.
"I guess I'll order food" He says, monotone.
"You can order food?' You say, turning your attention from the game to Katsuki.
"Oh my god, have you even lived before? -Don't answer that" Bakugo said, taking his phone out.
After he calls what you assume is a pizza place, you finally were able to shoot a no-scope on the enemy. You cheer and throw your hands in the air, smiling with glee. As you do so, you instantly get shot and your whole dilemma changes within a split second.
From behind you, the sounds of Katsuki muffled laugh under his hand and the clear signs of him holding his breath only made it worse before he cachinnated and his unrestrained, careless laugh broke out and filled the room.
"Whatever, this game is stupid anyways..." You grumble into your elbow.
Katsuki comes to a slow stop with his laugh and stares at you for a while. You were so...on edge yet hid it well, he had a thing for hiding emotions for a while and he knew about your past. He only wanted to help you be happy. He averted his eyes away from you and they came to the open crack in his bathroom which gave him a view of toilet paper.
This gave him an idea. He smirked as he thought about it. He stood up and grabbed a jacket and then threw one at you.
"We are going out, come on" He said, going into the bathroom.
"And we're using the toilet to do that, great fun" You say sarcastically.
"Yeah, yeah. Climb out the window" He said, coming out with something untucked under his jacket.
You were going to laugh it off, but then Katsuki actually opened his window and started climbing down it, you realised he was actually going through with this.
You followed him and stepped out onto the decked out roof top and walked over to the pipe that lead downwards. Bakugo used that to get himself down safely. You just jumped down.
Katsuki scoffed and rolled his eyes before ducking down low and sneaking past the windows. You followed him silently and soon the two of you were on the street, walking to who knows where and doing who knows what.
"So...where are you taking me?" You asked.
"A place" Katsuki said dully.
"Interesting" You sigh and roll your eyes.
The sun only just set and the blue and black was slowly sinking into the sky as the two of you walked together, side-by-side, on the footpath. You tried to get a look at what Katsuki was holding, but you couldn't tell since he hid it further into his jacket.
You sighed and took in a deep breath. Suddenly the smell of caramel filled your nose. This scent of caramel was familiar when you were fighting Katsuki the other day. You lifted the jacket up to your face and sniffed it. Caramel. Is this what he smells like? Katsuki Bakugo smells like caramel...lucky.
"Why are you smelling my clothing?" Bakugo asks as he looks over to you.
"Why do you smell like caramel?" You ask back.
"Because I'm amazing" Bakugo says simply.
"Heh, sure buddy, whatever makes you sleep at night" You say, patting his shoulders.
You hear him 'tch' with his mouth as you glide down the pathway. Soon Katsuki stopped right outside the front gate to a house. He looked to it with disgust. Your gaze shifted between both the house and the Katsuki.
"Katsuki...that's a house" You say, moving your hand in front of him and waving.
"Yeah, I know." Bakugo reveals what he was hiding behind his jacket. It was a box of toilet paper.
"No, Katsuki, that's wrong" You say clearly.
"Yeah, the owner told me that my quirk and I can become a villain-" Before Katsuki could finish his sentence, you took a roll from the box and unravelled and threw it harshly at the house. It landed on a tree and hung down from it, rolling a long ways forward.
"or yeah, we could do that" Katsuki smirked and dropped the box at his feet, grabbing two rolls and throwing them.
You smiled and went for the roll you just threw. Cutting off some of the paper and throwing it again then repeating it, over and over again. By the time most of the toilet paper was almost finished.
Suddenly the lights of the house flickered on and Bakugo and you ditched the toilet paper and ran for it.
"Come again and I'll call the cops!" The man yelled, raising his fists in the air.
"Fuck you!" Katsuki yelled back.
You laughed as the two of you scrammed. You managed to get back to Katsuki places without hearing any sirens. You ducked as you went across the window.
"This bit, I always find hard" Bakugo says as he begins to climb the pole.
"Yeah, or, I could help you out here and just-" You used your quirk to lift both yourself and Katsuki up to the roof.
"tch, whatever, thanks" Katsuki says as he crawls back into his room.
Yeah, thanks y/n, really helped me so I didn't make a fool of myself. You thought in your head. You followed Katsuki in through the window as he closed it behind you so the cold air doesn't breeze in and bite the two of you.
"I have another video game I think you'll like" Katsuki goes on the tv and selects a game called 'Detroit: Become Human'. It was well animated and it looked quite good.
"What's this about?" You ask, plopping yourself down on Katsuki bed.
"It's a game about robots who don't want to be slaves for humans in the future. You get to play three characters, Conner, Kara and Marcus. I haven't finished the game myself, but I can play it with you." Katsuki explains, quickly setting stuff up for you.
As he does so, you get a quick glimpse at what he clicked on before the game started.
'If you start a new game, all your process will be lost. Do you want to start a new game?'
He clicked 'Yes'.
You smiled at him, silently thinking of how he has warmed up to you. The story begins and a coin was shown being flipped in what seemed to be an elevator. It then showed an attractive man portraited as what you guessed was a AI. Katsuki handed you the controllers and you worked away.
Right as you were about to talk to the deviant, Daniel, you could hear the yelling voice of Mitsuki from downstairs. You paused the game and listen.
"Katsuki Bakugo! Did your ass buy pizza!?" She asked as she yelled.
"Yeah old hag! I did!" Katsuki yells back.
"Then stop hitting on your guest and bring that sorry ass down here to get it!" Mitsuki yelled.
"What did she say?" You asked, looking at Katsuki slightly alarmed.
"The old hag forgot to take her meds, I'll get the pizza continue playing" Katsuki leaves the room and as you play you could hear the muffled yelling of the creator and offspring downstairs.
You laughed to yourself as the smell of pizza came close to your nose. The door opened and you turned you head to see Katsuki already eating pizza as he shut the door with his foot.
The round of the game was finished so you both dove into the pizza. This was your fist time ever eating pizza and you thought it was absolutely heavenly. The two of you ate and played more games until yours eyes becomes heavy.
"I'm going to hit the sack" Katsuki says, turning his controller off.
"Why?" You ask, confused to why he would randomly hit a sack.
"Be...because I'm tired" Katsuki says in a 'duh' voice.
"Then why don't you just go to sleep?" You say in the same tone.
"Hitting the sack is a metaphor for going to sleep" Katsuki explains, planking down on his bed.
"Oh, well that would make sense. I guess I'll hit the sack as well" You say, turning the tv off and crawling into your futon which was laid out on the ground.
You closed your eyes and were slightly surprised that the Bakugo household was quite. It didn't take long for you to drift off to sleep.
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- K. Bakugo x Reader-
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