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"What's going on?" You said, not a moment later, Midnight said the same thing.

"Just get here now, no use talking over the phone"

He then hung up on you, leaving you to turn on your heel and head to the door. Midnight following your tail. Midnight drove and you gave her the directions. Not 10 minutes passed before you got to your old apartment. Police, Firetrucks and Heroes surrounded the area.

"I'm sorry, nobody is allowed in" A police officer stopped you.

"She's with me, let her pass" Midnight said, gesturing for you to follow her.

You followed Midnight up to your apartment. When you got to the floor, you noticed bullets on the ground and the bullet marks in the wall. Burn marks were scattered around the place as well. The door was also broken to bits and piece of it were left almost everywhere. Inside was Aizawa, All Might and Present Mic.

To the left of Aizawa, blood marks were left and not too far from it, a blanket over a body lay. The couch was torn up and the kitchen cabinets were raided and left hanging or on the ground. The place was an absolute mess.

"Somebody raided your apartment, then at the same time a group of people attacked the guy who was raiding it, they guessed it was you" Aizawa said, nodding his head to the body. "We don't have any idea on who was trying to get you"

"It was The Yakasai for sure" You say, looking the mess of your apartment.


"The Yakasai were the name of the people who raised me. Judging by the military cartridge 5.56 x 45mm ammo left on the ground, the angle of were the shots were fired from that building through the glass, I think it was The Yakasai." You say pointing to all the key points. "Pity they didn't check who it actually was, or they might have actual known were I was"

"Right, you just changed into a whole new person" Midnight said, looking around the apartment.

"They didn't come for the body though, and fire isn't really their style." You say, crossing your arms.

"The place was set ablaze due to the intruder, he must have had a lighter or something" Aizawa says.

You went to the glass window and looked outside of it. The holes of gunfire were left on show and from where blood was first shown, you walked over there and judged were the shots came from. You looked straight though one of the glass shots and a light flickers before you heard the familiar sound of gunfire again.

"DUCK!" You say, diving for the floor.

Everyone in the room and ducked behind some furniture. The shooters pummeled shots into the building without stopping or caring who they hit.

"How is that humanly possible! They are almost two buildings away! The range is way to far!" Present Mic called out.

"That's how the Yakasai trained us! To do things almost inhumanly possible!" You yelled over the bullets.

"Your telling me you know how to shoot like that?!" Present Mic calls back, careful not to use his quirk.

"That's child's play! Literally! I learnt that when I was 11!" You yelled out.

You peek out of the corner of the couch, a bullet grazes your cheek, barely making a cut. You listened sharply to the bullets and waited for any sign of slowly doing. When a short spilt second jump in the bullets stopped, signalling they had to change ammo, you jumped up and used your quirk to stop the bullets moving.

If you jumped up before, you would have been shot down before you moved your hand to stop the bullets. All Might then jumped out the window and flew straight towards the building, Aizawa following closely behind.

With the bullets and your quirk, you made something like a railing to slide across. You then ran out, carefully making sure not to miss a step or fall. You were slower than All Might and Aizawa, but that didn't mean you were fast.

You soon caught up to All Might and Aizawa. The place were the shooter came from look abandoned and dusty. The windows were opened, but the door was still closed, showing that the shooters were still in the area, depending on what their quirks were.

On the ground, it was cleaned recently, removing any sign of traces to follow. The walls had cracks in them, but no holes for a person to stay in. In the ceiling there were many holes, the shooters were most likely in there.

Aizawa must have already figured that out as he went up there. All Might stood by the door so they couldn't escape. A few seconds of silence later there was a loud noise of something knocking over and Aizawa came crashing through the ceiling.

You quickly scanned him for any signs of fatal injury and when there was nothing you ran after the shooters. All Might went to Aizawa and checked if he was okay, he took longer than you, causing him to lag behind.

The shooters took another exist and decided to jump out the building and land on another.

"You've got to be kidding me" You muttered to yourself before running out and following them.

You landed in an odd way and almost fell, but you rolled your body and stood up and kept running after them. There was 3 together in sight. Two males and 1 female. One man has a large afro, another is bald and the female has water hair.

The man in the afro, the reached into his hair and started pulling stuff out. Three vials of something light blue, he gave one to the two shooters with him, before pulling something out of his head again.

You remembered this guy. You had to fight him one time. His name was Jaabili, his quirk allowed him to hide anything in his hair and it would weight nothing until he pulled it out. His favorite thing was to hide a ba- Oh shit.

Jaabili turned around and got down on one knee, out of his hair he got a bazooka. The two shooters either side of him helped him stay stable. You skidded to a stop from where you were. The three shooters were at least two buildings away from you.

Jaabili pulled the trigger and the bazooka headed straight towards you. You used your quirk to get the metal railing on the side of the building and throw your self up, bringing the bazooka with you. As you slowly began falling back down to the ground, you threw a metal rock the size of a microwave at the giant bullet and it exploded in the air.

You used your quirk to slow the fall, but managed to land in a harsh way on your back, knocking the wind out of you. You moved your head up and the three shooters were another 6 building away. All Might was rushing to the scene.

You were going to let them get away. You got up and ran after them, leaping from the rooftops, using your quirk to ensure safety as you did so. The bald man threw something back, but he didn't throw anything.

Suddenly, a grenade showed up out of now where. Y/n flicked it up into the sky, but it exploded quickly and made Y/n tumble. Y/n remember this guy's quirk: To make anything he touches invisible for 10 seconds.

Tired of getting hit down, you grabbed a chuck of metal from literally nowhere and took off tiny pieces of it and directed it towards certain points in their necks. They fell to the ground, with their legs paralyzed.

Y/n ran up to them, they were dragging themselves by there arms. Y/n grabbed Jaabili by the collar of his shirt.

"What were your orders! Why you sent to kill me?!" You spat in his face.

"What else did it look like, you traitor" Jaabili spat back in your face.

"Sorry, I changed career paths" You said sarcastically. "Is there anyone else out to kill me? Huh?! Say something!"

"Every gang and families of the people you assassinated are coming to get you, that includes the whole of the Yakasai" Jaabili smiled like a psychopath.

A sudden thought popped into your head. The other person who works for the villains who is also in 1A.

"Who is the other person working for the Yakasai! The other one in 1A!? Who is it?!" You shook Jaabili violently.

"Yakasai save me" Jaabili said, he bit into the light blue vial and the other two did the same, saying the same three words.

You instantly knew it was poison and dropped Jaabili. All Might was at your side by then, checking their pulses, but they were all dead.

"Don't bother All Might, they are dead. They bit into poison, no chance of getting them back" You say, screeching them for anything you could find useful. "Nothing are in their pockets that could be of use to figure out where they came from"

"You said something about another villain in 1A? Whats that about?" All Might asks you, still kneeling before the dead bodies.

"When I was still working with the villains, they told me another villain was introduced to the class, they never told us who each other was, but know that I've left I'm going to guess they are keeping more of an eye on me" You say

"I report that to Nezu" All Might says. There was a strange silence after that.

"You grew up like this?" All Might asked you, you turned to face him, but instead looked at the bodies on the ground before him.

"I was more trained then them. I would have gotten away." You say, taking a second longer to look at the three dead people before turning on your heel. "In ways, they were barely trained at all. They are like newbies at this. The Yakasai sent the worst out to get me...almost makes me proud that they underestimated me. When your raised there, birth is a curse and living is a prison."

Using his capturing weapon, Aizawa swung to the scene and stopped right next to All Might.

"Are they dead?' He asked.

"Yes, they bit into poison so they would be captured alive" All Might said. "Y/n, you grew up in a messed up place. I'm sorry"

"You can't be sorry for anything. You didn't do anything wrong. Save the speech for the reporters to tell them what happened here" You say, about to walk away.

"Y/n, I didn't think I would need to tell you this, but you need to be reminded that you're a student, not a hero yet" Aizawa said. "You can't go around fighting people with your quirk, weather they are the Yakasai or not"

"I understand that sir" You say. Doesn't mean I can't still do it, I've covered by murders before, this will be a breeze.

[𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦]- K. Bakugo x Reader-

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