For now, nothing else mattered. But why would Bakugo betray you. He did, he really did. He promised to keep something a secret and then he shows it off to the world, he lied. And why? Because he was mad? Because he got a bit upset? Is that really a reason to give someone's life secret out for the world to see.
What was going through his head when he did this? How did he think this would be a good idea.
What if he's right? What if you really are a villain. You could hurt your friends. You could hurt the only people in your life that care for you...the only people who cared for you. They think you're a villain now, that's how they see you.
A crash in the far left side of your body made you get ready for whatever is about to happen next. You steadied yourself on a rooftop building. The placement of the stuff here look similar to the streets of Morocco or Greece.
A shadow from above, made your head whip around and dodge the incoming person. Standing before you was Tsu. The two of you held eye contact for a few seconds. She studied you for a few seconds, scared to move forward.
You, yourself were scared you might hurt her.
With another incoming figure from above, you jumped off the small building and landed on a bouncy fabric supporting some sort of stand. You landed on the ground again and went on running.
When your foot steps became like an echo, you used your quirk to make a blockade so whoever was behind you had to stop or they'd run into the wall. After a loud thumping noise, whoever was running after you, ran face first into the wall. That would have to cause a concussion.
As you came close to an alleyway, the alleyway formed an ice wall. Todoroki was there. You jumped on the ice and gripped onto the building balcony that was just above you. Pulling yourself up, you got over the balcony and ran into the building. Making some things fall to the ground, you reached the other side of the building and opened the paper window and then closed it. You ran across the balcony to the other side of it. There was a small gap before the next balcony started.
Without looking at the ground, you jumped across the balcony. In mid-air, halfway across to get to the other side, a whole heard of pigeons came and swarmed at you. Somehow, they knocked you off course and then fell into a unused mini market, knocking over boxes and crashing into wooden crates.
"Ow." You say, rubbing your back. You saw Koda, Shoji and Sato running your way, so you made another metal wall, this one thicker, so Sato couldn't break it down so easily.
You moved on running, trying to stay away from the centre of the streets. Most doors you came by were locked and trying to break them down would be time consuming. Finally, you came across an unlocked door. Rushing inside, you had your quirk at the ready. Just in case someone was in here. With no one in sight, you ran up the spiral staircase. As doing so, your leg started to hurt. Looking down on it, the calf on your right leg was scratched and had some splinters sticking out of it.
You found an unlock apartment, so you made your way inside. Finding a sink, you splashed some water on the injured area. You took out the splinters with your fingers after washing them. Then you found a towel and place it under running water before sticking it on your leg.
"Son of a bitch." You cursed to yourself.
Just as you finished that, footsteps from above gave away someone was there. Not a second later before you took off the towel and hid, the roof came crashing down and in came your fellow peers.
The room became exaggeratedly dusty, making it hard to see were to go. After grabbing a piece of some wooden doll and throwing it into another room, you made your grand escape. While most of the class went into the room that made noise, you escape through the front door. Four people were waiting for you. Mina, Denki, Mineta and Tokoyami. Mineta was the first one who had to go. His quirk could capture you within an instantly, so you kicked him in the ribs, hitting a vital spot in his body. He fell to the floor, gasping for air. The others who were just noticing your entrance, came at you. Fighting them would be no good, since you could go down.
"Guys...y/n..." Mineta gasped out.
Mineta's head was bleeding and the stair were covered in the balls from his head. As gross as he is, he had smart tactics. You ran upwards, having to go three floor before you could reach the roof. There had to be people there as well.
As you were running, your foot got wet, looking down you notice a foot print shape of someone's feet. The only person who wasn't wearing shoes was Hagakure, meaning she was around here. You have to be on guard. With the slightly strange light absorption that was coming from the net flight of stairs, he was most likely around there.
With Tokoyami right behind you, this was almost perfect. Hearing the battle cry of Hagakure, you used your quirk to skip to the next flight of stairs. Tokoyami's scream gave it away that Dark Shadow wasn't much of a threat now.
Mina and Denki still on their way. Mina was getting a little too close, but luckily, the rooftop door was in view. With a fast exit, you opened the door with your quirk and instantly shut the second you got outside.
Aoyama and Jiro were here now. You didn't stop to greet them. A water tank front of you could be a get away. It was rusty around the top edges, water was most likely inside it, so it wasn't a prop. You ran straight for that. Jiro, Aoyama and now Mina, hot on your tail.
Aoyama's lasers almost nicked you the first time. The second time, it was spot on and you were hit in the back, you spined in the air and the tumbled across the hot, stone hard roof top which wasn't that fun. More scratches and a few bruises coming your way.
You got back up, lagging a little. Mina was almost right behind you, so you sent three metal spheres her way. Hearing a little squeal, a thud and groan gave it way you hit her.
In the moment, you stopped and looked back to see if she way okay. Scared you hurt her bad, you had to make sure she was okay. She was rubbing her left shin before propping up and noticing you look at her. She was confused for a second, she couldn't understand why you, a villain, was worried for her.
With Jiro closing in, you took off again. The water tank wasn't that far anymore. Using your quirk, you unscrewed the nails holding it together and then leaped on to it, giving it the push it needed to move down.
Jiro was still running at you and she showed no signs of stopping. Worried she might get hurt, you warned her not to.
"No! Jiro! You can't! Your gonna get hurt!" You yelled. She didn't seem to listen to you as she made a dash leap of faith towards the failing water tank.
Her hand slipped on the landing and her legs buckled as she fell off the tank. She let out a scared scream. The fall would break her legs and if not, her spine so you quickly used your quirk to trap her feet upside down so she wouldn't die.
With the new pole you made you attached that to a building so she was safe. With time you wasted, the water tank was past your jumping off point so you tried to aim for a window. Running up the water tank, you jumped off the fall object, but just missed the window, only grazing the ledge with your fingertips.
You failed yell was cut of by a groan of pain, considering how you fell right into the side of a metal container. It was too fast for you to stop, so you had to let yourself fall. Your upper body slammed into the harsh box, hurting your rib cage and upper left arm before you fell sideways into a wooden crate that broke open from impact then you fell to the ground that was now flooding with water.
You saw shadows coming your way, so you got up and tried to run. You instantly fell back down into the water, making a splash and soaking yourself. You looked down to the pain in your leg. It had wooden spikes the size of your finger sticking into your calf and your body looked battered up. Holding back a scream, you picked out the spikes stuck in your skin and ran/hopped away.
You weren't giving in. After what happened, you weren't going to become weak. You had to be strong. You must strong not matter how hard it is. You have to keep your breathing under control.
Hearing foot steps in the water and muffled voices, you ran away from your hiding spot. Taking a second look behind every corner, you finally found a good space to hide. Hoping Jiro hasn't used her quirk yet, you held your breath as your classmates walked by you.
Your leg was really beginning to hurt, so with the resources around you, you used the fabric over as a band aid and wrapped that around your leg. Your arms were shaking from exhaustion and fear. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest.
I'm staying here, they won't find me. This is insane, they have to be going after me like I'm a real villain now. They think I'm a villain, they'll be using the best power they've got. Why on earth would the teachers think this is even a good ide-
"Oi! Hurry up and come out you pussy!" A raspy voice started to yell. "We all know what you are! Come and show it, why don't you!"
You ignored him, he's only trying to get in your head.
"Your weak y/n! You always have been! You do nothing but a coward your whole life! Come out and fight me!"
You were getting pissed now, but you wouldn't move much. Your hands clenched into fists to fight off the urge.
"Your nothing more than a charity case for the heroes and a monster for the villains- Shut up, Deku!" Bakugo most likely yelled at the green haired boy for something he said. "Come on out, you whore!"
Letting out a long sigh, you looked at the injury on your leg. Not much more could be done to it. Looking up at the crate boxes, you hung your head.
You jumped up and used your quirk to force and push all the market crates and tables in your way to the wall. You ran towards the sound of Bakugo's voice, you were filled with rage. As if he thinks he can say shit and get away with it.
Turning to his side, his eyes darken as you came into view. With the help of your quirk, you jumped up high into the air and formed a large metal box. Right above the blond, you threw it down on him with power. He used his own quirk to dodge.
"There you are!"
He opened his mouth to say another thing, but with the pole you just made, you whipped him into the next galaxy. Midoriya, needing to act this all out, came running at you.
With both hands and some struggle, you slowly managed to get the hyper boy come near you, as you wrapped him in a ball and threw him at the row of classmates coming towards you.
With a laugh, Bakugo came speeding back at you again. With a flick of your wrist, you brought up a wall that he only just managed to dodge, but still made a dent in it.
Having a spark of an idea, you used the length from the metal wall and Bakugo to your advantage. You moved the metal towards Bakugo and grabbed him by the feet, slowly taking over his body, until he couldn't use his quirk.
"Let me go! You little BIT-" You covered his mouth so he couldn't speak.
For a moment, he looked terrified, as if PTSD suddenly took over him. But he brushed it away and tried to come at you still.
Before you could take more than two steps towards the blond, a loud boom went off. Confused, since it didn't come from Bakugo, you turned around and didn't have near enough time to react to the 'nuke' coming your way.
You were pushed back through two walls, you noticed Momo with a little bead of sweat dripping from her forehead. She must have made some sort fake nuke.
You choked on your own breath as you tried to breath in, it hitched and stung in your lungs. Your back was screaming out in pain, you had to have broken a rib or two.
Your body was covered in dust, small blood patches and rubble. You didn't have to mention the damage on your body as well, taking the bruises stretches and cuts.
Your ears were ringing and things became blurry for a second or two. Your head hurt more than you could imagine as you slowly pushed away the fallen rubble scattered across your body.
Your quirk was now turned off and Bakugo was most likely free now. Two reasons made your assumptions clear.
1, being the fact he was yelling for Deku to stop helping.
2, being the incoming explosions that rung in your ear.
You were just in time before he exploded you as you covered his hands and upper arms in metal, the sheer power that he had was making it difficult for you.
"You're a villain y/n, hurry up and admit it. You know what've you done. You know how many lives you've ended. You know how you let me go like it was a stroll in the park." He spoke so bitterly.
"Just because I let you go, doesn't mean I wanted too." You said back. "You know exactly what you're doing, don't you? You understand that's reason it hurts so much, right?"
"Shut up!" He used more power now, the metal was getting hotter and now redder. It was beginning to melt.
"I trusted you, Bakugo." You said, you didn't want to cry. You didn't want your angry to become tears, that wasn't were you were going with this. Why can't anything go your way for once? "I opened up to you, and you betray me."
"You made me hate love more than anything! Tell me how did you do that!?" He said, his eyebrows getting closer together.
"Did you ever stop to think about how I feel!?" You yelled in his face. "Did you ever think that this how idea of yours was a bad idea? It hurt you son of a bitch."
"I said!-" He finally got loose enough to free himself and then attacked you. "-Shut up!"
After being blown into another wall and hitting your head enough for a harsh pain to erupt. He still hadn't touched you yet.
"All you do is whine!" He screams, rage bottling up and leaking out. "You are so pathetic! You're nothing, do you hear me? Nothing! None of this would have happened if you didn't exist!"
"I don't exist!" You fire back at him. "I really don't! I have nothing! I started with nothing and I will end with nothing, that is my fate! And with you going around telling everyone about the one thing I trusted you with, I'll be dead by next week! They're going to lock me up! The Yakasai are going find me and they'll kill me and you and the entire class, the entire school if they'll have to!"
He didn't say anything. You weren't finished, not yet. He deserved to hear all this, all of it.
"This is on you Bakugo! I loved you and you do this! The people I love are out to get me now. You can't stop them and you should know it...everyone I have ever looked at is going to die...just because you couldn't keep your big mouth shut." Tears brimmed your eyes as you fought the urge to make them fall.
"I don't wanna die Bakugo. I don't. I can't disappear anymore, I hate this. I hate everything! They're going to hurt people, they going to do unspeakable things for everyone. I can't do this anymore. I-I can't be alone anymore, I don't want to be alone! Do you know what it's like? Do you know how it feels to be tortured by your own mind?"
Your breathing was becoming erratic. The room was spinning, loud noises were everywhere, all you wanted to do was cry. You didn't want to cry, you can't cry. Don't show weakness, don't cry, don't feel. You're a monster, you don't feel.
Your hands ran through your hair in a desperate attempt to calm down, it didn't work.
"I am exhausted from trying to be as strong as I pretend to be. I am scared, Bakugo. I am petrified that you'll all die, and it'll be my fault." Your voice was cracking.
You were shaking, heart pounding in your chest, it felt as if you were drowning and your heart was what was making you sink, like a pool of black liquid that came from your chest was making you sink. You had a headache and it hurt, everything hurt.
You weren't fine. You were far from fine.
Finally, the buzzer went off and Aizawa called you all back. Aizawa's plan was working, granted it made you hurt, but it was working.
Shit man, this was one rollercoaster of a ride. Don't we just love bakugo? Sorry I haven't updated since august, i was making other chapters for this book and other books and then school exists, so we all know how that impacts stuff.
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