Next Day
The Institute - Main Room
Alyssa yawned as she walked into the ops center over to where Izzy was. She had returned to the Institute after Meliorn said he was going to help Clary find Valentine and had spent the night in Izzy's room, unable to sleep in Jace's room without Jace around. Even still she was unable to sleep properly and it showed. Izzy could see it.
"Still tired?" She asked Alyssa.
"Yeah, sorry. I guess I've forgotten how to sleep well without Jace around." Alyssa said, stifling another yawn. She drew her stele over her stamina rune to keep herself awake and to overcome her tiredness.
"You know, that's not going to last forever. I could give you a sleeping pill or something to help you." Izzy suggested. The other girl smiled and shook her head.
"Thanks Izzy but no. I might become reliant on the pill if I start taking it."
"You sure?" Alyssa nodded. "Ok, but make sure you at least get some coffee. Your stamina rune can only do so much." Alyssa nodded again and followed Izzy into the main room where Alec was speaking to a Shadowhunter. He looked up and saw the two and excused himself.
"Where the hell have you two been?" He demanded.
"Where we needed to be. Away from you and your fiancée." Izzy answered for herself and Alyssa. The other girl just glared at Alec.
"Jace and Clary are on the run. I can't protect you, either of you, if you don't tell me the truth." Alec said lowly so he wouldn't be overheard.
"Well then prepare to be disappointed. We don't need protecting." Alyssa said.
"Meliorn's alive. That's all that matters." Izzy added. The two tried to walk past him but he grabbed their arms. Alyssa immediately pulled herself from his grasp.
"Hey, just...tell me this. Is there any way Raj could have seen anything incriminating?" He asked just as lowly as before. He cast a look behind him and the girls followed his line of vision to see Lydia speaking with Raj, a few feet from them.
"Why don't worry about yourself and your fiancée, Lightwood? Izzy and I can take care of ourselves. We don't need your protection, especially me. I've been protecting myself for a very long time. I mean, after all I don't have much of family to do that for me, like you do, right?"
"Alyssa..." The girl walked away before Alec could say anything else. "Alyssa!" He closed his eyes and sighed. "Ok, what was that?" Izzy asked. "What have you done or said to her?" Alec sighed and turned to his sister. He reluctantly told her what he'd said to Alyssa the previous day.
To say Izzy was shocked and angry at her brother would be an understatement.
Alyssa was seated at a table with her sketch book and pencil in hand. Izzy stood beside her, with a tablet in hand while Alec stood in front of a monitor, staring at it with his arms crossed. The three looked up when Lydia and Raj walked over. Lydia came to stand next to Alec while Raj walked past and went to stand behind Izzy.
"I'm sorry." Lydia said to Alec. He looked back down at her.
"For what?" Alyssa stood up from her seat, sensing something was about to happen that no one was going to like. Izzy looked over her shoulder at Raj then at Lydia. Lydia walked past Alec without answering him, towards Izzy.
"Isabelle Lightwood, by order of the Clave, you are under arrest for high treason." Alyssa did a double take while Alec walked over.
"What?" Both he and Alyssa said.
"On what grounds?" Alec asked.
"Only a handful of people knew about the Meliorn op." Lydia said.
"And everyone knows she's sleeping with him." Raj said. Izzy scoffed and looked from him to Lydia.
"You might wanna hold your tongue, Raj. You wouldn't want me to tear it out, would you?" Alyssa said, glaring at him then she turned to Lydia. "Besides you've got the wrong person, Lydia. I'm the one who intercepted your mini-execution and saved Meliorn. And I'm the one who knocked out this sorry excuse of a Shadowhunter. Call it payback for being a pervert." Lydia narrowed her eyes at her.
"Alyssa, what are you doing?" Izzy asked.
"Telling the truth." Alyssa simply said. "I'm not going to let you take the fall for me."
"You expect me to believe you're the one who ambushed the unit and saved the person who sold you out to save himself."
"I'm full of surprises. I did it for Izzy's sake. She's like a sister to me and I'd do anything for those I love. You were about to lead a man who knew nothing of what you were asking him, to his death, all because you wanted someone to blame. No way was I going to let that happen, even if he sold me out to save himself, not like it even helped him. So if you're going to arrest someone for treason, take me. I'm the one who's responsible."
"Alyssa." Both Izzy and Alec said, but they were ignored. Lydia nodded at Raj and he went over to restrain Alyssa's hands.
"And you know what, Lydia. You're no better than Valentine with the actions you took. But at least he had the guts to tell Downworlders to their faces he wanted them all dead. You...hide behind the law." Alyssa said.
"I don't hide behind it, Alyssa. I simply follow it. Because it guards against one very important thing. Shadowhunters fighting other Shadowhunters." Lydia said.
"Is that all it does?" Alyssa said pointedly. Alec looked at Lydia.
"You can't do this. If she's convicted, she'll be stripped of her runes and banished. I can't let that..." He said but Alyssa cut him off.
"Don't waste your breath, Lightwood. It's not your fight." Alyssa said. Raj led Alyssa away. Alec and Izzy watched them go in shock. Alec looked at Lydia then both he and Izzy walked away. Lydia watched them go with a sigh, feeling guilty.
Alyssa was seated on the couch in the room, looking up at the ceiling. She stands up when she hears the door to the room being opened. Izzy rushed in without preamble and hugs the girl tightly. Alyssa hugged her back and looked up to see Raj telling Alec to not take long before closing the door behind him.
"Alyssa, why would you do that? Why did you..."
"Because if I didn't, you'd have been arrested." Alyssa said, cutting Izzy off. "And between you and me, it's better that it's me than you. I don't have much to lose if they convict me, you do. Besides, I meant what I said back there; there isn't anything I wouldn't do for the ones I love."
"Izzy, it's fine. I'll be fine." She said to the dark-haired girl with a smile then looked toward Alec. "Why are you here?"
"Jace stole the Cup." Alec said. Alyssa was confused as to why he was telling her this.
Izzy, understanding her confusion, explained. "He told Lydia everything that happened, everything that he knew ,and he told her he'd give her the cup for your freedom."
"But I couldn't find it. Jace stole it to give it to Clary." Alec said.
Alyssa nodded at him. "Ok, so what? Am I supposed to react to that statement? Am I supposed to gasp or something?" She asked. Alec looked at her in confusion then at his sister, who looked away and back at Alyssa.
"Alyssa, Izzy, did you know about this?" The two didn't say anything. "My God, did you two help him?"
"Yes, and no to both questions respectively." Alyssa said nonchalantly.
Alec looked at her. "The Cup is the only thing that can get you out of this, Alyssa."
Jace is doing what he thinks is right." Izzy said.
"What's right?" Alec walked over. "He put the whole Shadow World in danger. He put Alyssa in danger and could have put you in danger if you'd been the one here."
"Why do you think I took her place? Why do you care anyway? You have your family all safe and sound, why are you bothering with me? I mean your family is all you care about, right?" Alec had the grace to look ashamed as Alyssa said this.
"You're included in that family, Alyssa. You're my sister. What I said to you in the training room was wrong. I didn't mean it. I was angry and I lashed out at you. I'm sorry."
"It's going to take a lot more than a sorry to make up for what you said." Alyssa said, turning away from him. Alec sighed and walked to stand in front of her.
"I know. But still, you're my sister and I can't let this happen to you. We have to get Jace back. With the Cup. It's the only thing that can help you."
"They've taken Meliorn back to the Seelie Realm." Izzy revealed. "You can't track him there."
"Not by any of the normal ways." Alec said, going to walk past her and Alyssa. Alyssa quickly swung around and caught his arm after realizing what he meant. Izzy had caught on too.
"No, absolutely not." They both said to him.
"You cannot track Jace through your parabatai bond. It will weaken both of you. Or break the bond." Izzy said.
"Jace already weakened it. How does he think I can trust him after what he did?" Alec said angrily.
"Alec, he was trying to save you from doing something stupid that would have weighed on your conscience. Yes, he did wrong by going behind your back to take the Cup but he wasn't doing it to hurt you. He loves you, Alec. Don't destroy what you both have, please." Alyssa said.
"Please, Alec. Think about what you're doing." Izzy pleaded.
Alec remained silent and looked at the girls. Without another word, he took Alyssa's hand off his arm and left the room.
"Izzy, go with him. Make sure he..."
"Lyssa, we both know he's not going to change his mind once it's set." Alyssa sighed and sat down on the couch.
Izzy sat beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, placing her head on one of her shoulders. Alyssa sighed again and leaned her head against Izzy's and took Izzy's hand in hers.
Sometime later, as they sat there in silence, Alyssa suddenly grabbed her side and groaned in pain. Izzy looked at her worried and held onto her shoulders as Alyssa hunched over in pain.
"Lyssa?" The girl groaned again, still holding her side.
"Jace! Alec!" She then screamed in pain before slumping, unconscious.
Izzy's eyes widened in fear and worry and caught her before she could fall forward further then brought her back to lean on the couch. She gently shook her trying to wake her. Izzy checked her pulse to see if it was there and breathed a sigh of relief when she found it.
"Lyssa? Lyssa!" After some moments, Alyssa's eyes fluttered open. Izzy noticed and sighed happily in relief. "Lyssa? Are you okay?" Alyssa sat up with a slight groan and nodded at her. "What happened? You said Alec and Jace's names before you screamed and fell unconscious."
"Alec, he...he went through with it." Just then the door opened and Alec walked inside with Raj on his heels.
"Hey, hey, Alec."
"Just...just wait." He said to Raj then closed the door. Izzy stood up.
"What happened? Are you and Jace okay?" She asked.
"No." Alec answered.
"You weakened your parabatai bond." Alyssa said. Alec took a good look at her and noticed she didn't look all too well.
"What happened to you? Are you alright?"
"You weakened Jace when your tracked him by your parabatai bond and in effect, weakened me too. Jace and I are not just telepathically connected. Unless we block each other out, we can feel each other's pain when it's a critical situation. And since he can feel your pain as well, I can feel it too. Simply speaking, I'm somewhat linked in your parabatai bond through my soul bond with Jace."
"Alyssa, I'm sorry. I...I didn't know."
"I know. Neither of us knew until now. I know you wouldn't have gone through it otherwise."
"The bond, it's just so weak now. He's like a ghost." Alec said.
"Alec, what did you do?" Izzy asked.
"Lydia and I thought we could stop the trial if we gave the Cup to the Clave."
"Lydia helped you? Why? It's not like she even likes me or anything." Alyssa said.
"It doesn't matter." Alec said, sitting beside her on the couch with a sigh. "She has no choice now but to go through with the trial now." He said, looking at her then at Izzy. Izzy sat on Alec's other side. Alyssa looked at how dejected he looked.
"It's okay, Alec. I know you tried." She said.
"I'm sorry." Alec said, looking at her.
"Don't be. You did all you could." Alyssa laid her head on his shoulder and took one of his hands. Izzy did same on his other side. "I forgive you for earlier." Alec didn't reply. He leaned his head against Alyssa, kissing the top of it.
The Next Day
Institute - Room
Alyssa was seated in the room where she was being detained, alone this time and she was worried. She couldn't feel Jace through their bond. He was blocking her out and she didn't know why. She sighed as she tried and failed again to contact Jace through their bond.
"Are you okay?" She was brought out of her thought by the voice and looked up to see Izzy standing there. She hadn't even heard her enter. "What's wrong? You looked out of it when I entered.
"I've been trying to contact Jace through our bond and..."
"Lyssa, Jace disappeared through a door to God knows where. You need to focus on..."
"I can't help it, Izzy. He's shutting me out and I have no idea why. Something doesn't feel right. And it has nothing to do with the fact that he went into the other dimension."
"Jace is a big boy, Lyssa. He can take care of himself. Plus he's got Clary to help. Stop worrying about him."
"He's my husband, Izzy. I have to worry when I can't tell if he's alright or not."
"Husband?" Alec had entered the room now. "When did you and Jace..."
"Forgot you two don't know. Meliorn told us just before he took Jace and Clary to the Seelie Realm that our bond didn't just bind us. It also married us."
"Why didn't Magnus tell us about that? Didn't he know?" Izzy asked.
"Oh, I'm sure he knew. But I don't know why he didn't tell us. Speaking of him, Alec, did you speak to him about being my advocate for the trial?" Alyssa asked, changing the subject and to distract herself.
"Yes, and he's agreed. That's actually one of the reasons why I came here. The Inquisitor just sent word that the trial is set for this evening. She'll be here soon." Alec said.
"Delightful. Why do I have a feeling I might dislike the Inquisitor?" Alyssa asked with a sarcastic smile.
"Because you will since you have a dislike for everyone who's part of the Clave." Izzy said with a smirk.
"Oh yeah, that's it."
"I can't believe you're able to find humor in a situation like this." Alec said. Alyssa just smiled and shrugged.
"Anyway, you said one of the reasons, what's the other?" She asked. She noticed then that he had her sketchbook in hand. "Why do you have my sketch book?"
Alec didn't answer. He just opened the book and flipped to a certain page then showed it to the girls. The page he showed then was a sketch of a court setting with Alyssa in the stand, indicating she was the accused.
"That looks like what is about to happen when the trial begins. You knew this was going to happen, didn't you?" He asked. "That's why you stepped in and took Izzy's place."
"I stepped in and took Izzy's place because I didn't want her to go through something like this. Your parents are already on her case for her relations with Meliorn."
"Then how do you explain..."
"Alec, I don't know. I don't even remember drawing this." Alec looked shocked and so did Izzy.
"What? But you drew this, how can you not remember?" Izzy asked.
"I don't know. It's the same with the Simon situation. I..."
"What? You knew Simon was going to die and that he was going to become a vampire?"
"Not exactly. I didn't know he was going to die until the night Raphael brought his body." Alyssa flipped the pages back to the ones she'd done that night. "That's when I drew all of these. I didn't know what I was sketching until I finished. It was like I was in a sort of trance. And I'm guessing the same thing is what happened when I sketched the trial setting you saw."
"Alyssa, you didn't just sketch the trial." Alec said, taking the sketchbook again and flipping forward. "You sketched your arrest, Jace being in the Seelie realm, me using our bond to find him and one scene that I don't understand. It's after the trial one." He showed them what he was saying. The sketch was of Jace, Clary and a man, neither of them recognized, facing a cabin wall of sorts and Clary holding the Cup in front of her.
"I don't remember drawing any of this." Alyssa said, shaking her head then looking up at Alec. Izzy shared a confused look with her brother.
Evening - Court
The trial was in session. The Inquisitor, Imogen Herondale was seated in front facing everyone and Magnus was standing in front of a Silent Brother who was holding the Soul Sword in front of him. Magnus pointed at the Soul Sword.
"Will I survive if I touch it?" He asked.
"If you tell the truth." Imogen replied. Magnus tilted his head and placed his hands on the sword's handle cautiously.
"By the power of this sword, do you swear to defend your client with integrity and honesty?" The Silent Brother asked.
"No argument from me on that." Magnus said then let go of the sword. The Silent brother nodded and stepped away.
"Make your case, Warlock." Imogen said to Magnus.
"My case is simple." Magnus began. "It is true that Alyssa Fairchild acted against the orders of the Clave by trying to free the Seelie, Meliorn. But she did not act against the interests of the Clave. Preventing the forced questioning and possible death of a Seelie may have saved the Accords."
"We're not here to speculate what might have if the defendant hadn't interfered." Imogen said.
"You mean what might have happened if she hadn't stopped the Silent Brothers from torturing a Seelie?" Magnus asked.
"I await a valid argument." Imogen said, adjusting her position. "Do you have one?"
"What you really want is the Mortal Cup, and my client doesn't have it." Magnus argued. "Since this whole proceeding isn't about what it's really about, I move to have this case dismissed."
"You're out of order." Imogen said. Magnus shook his head at that, feeling incensed.
"No, this whole thing is out of order. It's not Alyssa's fault. It's the Cup. Put the Cup on trial." Magnus said, then walked to stand by the desk Alyssa was at. Alyssa looked down with a smirk, trying to hold in her laughter.
It wasn't long before Alyssa herself was called to the stand. She was sitting on a chair next to that of the Inquisitor's. Lydia stood up from her desk and moved forward to question Alyssa who was looking very relaxed in her seat for someone who was being prosecuted.
"You have led us to believe that you alone carried out this operation. But Clary Fairchild was seen near the City of Bones that night." Alyssa shrugged at her.
"If you say so. If she was there, then I have no idea what she was doing since I didn't see her while I was doing what I was doing. I had barely seen her all day."
"And you expect us to believe that you distracted the guards and escaped with the prisoner on your own?"
"It's not like I did something impossible. Why is it so shocking for you?" Alyssa asked, feigning confusion as she looked towards the Inquisitor. "If anything, I'm expecting you to commend me for my slick efforts."
"I suggest you think about how slick it would be when Valentine uses the Mortal Cup to raise an army of rogue Shadowhunters." Imogen said.
"Oh yes, that would be most unfortunate for everyone. After all, we don't want him to succeed, do we? I know
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