20. π”Έπ•šπ•£π•‘π•π•’π•Ÿπ•–π•€

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☾︎ Y/N P.O.V. ☽︎
Our managers helped me and the others pack our luggage into the seperate car that was taking it. They told the others to get into the other car so we could get to the airport right away. Even though
I was tired, I stayed to help them put the luggage because I felt bad. It was our luggage, yet they were doing all the work.

"Thank you, Y/N, but we can do this ourselves." my manager told me. "Okay!" I replied happily.

"And tell Yeonjun to get out of the driver's seat and playing with the windhield wipers!"
one of protocol team members reminded me before I went back to the car.

When I entered the car it was pure silence. Besides the fact that Yeonjun was playing with the windshield wipers, but yeah it was quiet. "Hey, it sounds like Soobin's laugh." Yeonjun laughed as I sat behind him, closing the door.

"No, it doesn't." Soobin rebutted. "It kinda does." Miri answered. "And by kinda she means it
really does." Taehyun added not bothering to even look at any of us. He kept his eyes on the window, watching it drizzle outside.

Yeonjun's elbow then hit the horn on the steering wheel making a loud beep, causing Jihyun
to flinch. "Sorry!" Yeonjun apologized.

A potocol team member then knocked on the window. Yeonjun rolled down his window. "Sup." he said posing, trying to act all cool. "Yeonjun please get out, I'm gonna drive." the protocol team member asked him.

"I can drive, I got my license remember?" Yeonjun said basically saying no. "Yes, you have your license, but I need to drive." he answered. "Plus, it's raining so the road is slippery and you never drove in the rain before.". "Well I can learn!" Yeonjun insisted. "Just get out." Yeonjun then got out of the driverse seat while the protocol team member covered him with the umbrella.

He sat next to me and rested his head on my shoulder, pulling me closer to him while I leaned my head on his head as well.

"Are you all ready to go?" the protocol team member asked. Some said yes while the rest just nodded, too tired to answer. "My butt hurts though." Huening Kai said. (Iconic line by Huening Bahiyyih if you don't know/watch Girls Planet 999, vote for Hiyyih on the Universe app! #notsponsored)
Jihyun let out a laugh at Huening Kai's statement before going back to sleep.

The ride to the airport was quiet since most of the people in the car were asleep
until Beomgyu spoke.

"Can I pick the song?" Beomgyu asked Rinniah since she was in the passenger seat. "Sure, what song?" Rinniah took her phone out and connected it to the car's bluetooth. "You said I could pick!" Beomgyu argued. "I did!" Rinniah replied. "Then why are you connecting YOUR phone?! You said I could pick, but now I can't pick." Beomgyu said.

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" Soobin demanded. "Sorry, Soobinie." Rinniah said, getting all soft
for her boyfriend.

"Now you don't get to pick the song!" Rinniah whisper yelled at Beomgyu. "What?! Why?!" Beomgyu whisper yelled back. "Because you woke him up." Rinniah glared at him.

"Fine," Beomgyu gave in. "at least choose a song by IU though.". Rinniah nodded and played
'Through the Night'.

If you wanna listen for effect:
(Listen to it on Spotify/iTunes, etc so you can listen while reading)

It felt so peaceful listening to her beautiful voice. I felt sleepy quicker than Yeonjun could drop a
piece of food. Yes I'm sleepy, but I wanted to listen to her voice more so I decided to stay awake.

I looked out the window to see very few cars passing by, as expected at this time. My head would fall to the side from time to time. But, I immediately woke up again. As the song came to an end
I drifted to dreamland.


I woke up to a pair of lips kissing my forehead. My eyelids fluttered, finally opening them after
a while. "We're here, bunny." Yeonjun smiled at me while I nodded, still a bit tired.

As I got out, the car with our luggage arrived as well. Everyone seemed so sleepy, all of them were heavy-eyed. Except one of course, I'm sure you can all guess who it is.

"WHOOO!!!" Huening Kai celebrated as he squeezed one of the stuffed toys. "We're going to LA!".

"Yeah, we know!" Miri said, wanting him to shut up as she rested her forehead on
Taehyun's shoulder.

We got our luggage with the help of the staff and entered the airport. My eyes wandered around as
I remembered the first time I got to Seoul. I felt a hand intertwine with mine. I turned to see Yeonjun looking around the airport as well.

Huening Kai let out another loud "WHOOO!" before running ahead of us. "Huening-ah, slow down!" Soobin said going all mom mode on him. Just as he said that Huening Kai tripped on his own luggage, causing all of us to laugh at him. He gathered back his balance and went back to us.

"Should we buy food for the trip?" Rinniah suggested as we passed by a convenience store.

"What's the point of buying food here when you're going to eat food in another country?" Taehyun
pointed out. "True." Rinniah agreed. "We should get some food though, I'm starving." said Jihyun.

"Midnight snack?" I asked them. Every single one of them agreed, even the managers and other staff agreed with me. We stopped by the convenience store that Rinniah suggested
to buy food from earlier.

"I'm gonna miss you kimchi, I'm gonna miss you tteokbeokki, I'm gonna miss you kimchi fried rice." Jihyun said to the food that she passed by in one of the aisles. "Chill, we're just gonna be there for one week. It's not like your dying." Miri joked.

"And I'm sure you can buy all of those in LA." I added. "Right, Rini eonni?". "Huh?" she answered, not knowing what was happening. "Yeah, yeah, sure."

We ate some food and bought some water for the flight as well. "I didn't know you liked banana milk." I told Yeonjun at the check out area. "This is for you, dummy." he laughed. "For me?" he nodded. "I know how much you'll be craving for this in LA." he smiled. I LOVE THIS MAN SO FRICKING MUCH.

After getting out midnight snack, we immediately got ready for our flight. "Weee!" Huening Kai said as he sat on one of the treadmill things that bring the luggages. "He has the mentality of a 5 year old." I stated while the others laughed. "Hasn't he always?" Yeonjun added.

After doing everything required we went to the waiting area since it was almost 4 o'clock.

"Woah..." I trailed off as I admired at the row of π•’π•šπ•£π•‘π•π•’π•Ÿπ•–π•€ through the window. "This view would still look beautiful with or without sunlight." I took out my phone to take a picture.

"I'm sure you're more beautiful than those π•’π•šπ•£π•‘π•π•’π•Ÿπ•–π•€." I heard a voice say from behind.

"Why, thank you, kind sir." I giggled. "And by you're more beautiful, you mean we're more beautiful." I took out my phone to take a picture of the both of us since we haven't taken one in a while.

The pictures:

(Imagine it's midnight xD)

"I missed doing that." he told me as I showed him the pictures. "Me too." I agreed. "Love you~".
"I love you too." he hugged me and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

Then we heard a voice on the speakers announcing our flight causing us to break the hug.
We exchanged looks with the others before grabbing our luggage and heading inside the airplane.

"Give me your phone." Yeonjun said out of nowhere while we were walking. "Huh?" I said with a puzzled look on my face. "Just give me your phone." I gave him my phone and he positioned it as if he was taking a picture of me.

Oh, God. I made a big mistake. Everytime I give Yeonjun my phone or he steals my phone, he would take pictures of me nonstop, with or without my knowledge. I should've known.

"There, I just took one since you were covering your face this time." he said somewhat disappointed as he showed me the picture.

"I'll make it up to you on the flight then." I winked at him. We then entered the airplane it was pretty empty. If I'm being completely honest, it seems like it's only us on the plane.Β 

"The heck." I stated in confusion. "The heck is right," Soobin replied. "are we the only ones here?".

"Right! We forgot to tell you!" one of our managers exclaimed. "Forgot to tell us what?" Rinniah asked. "You're PD-nim booked a private plane for you all." he answered causing our eyes to widen. "Wait, are you for real?!" Beomgyu said in disbelief. "As real as I'll ever be." our manager smiled at us, seeming glad because we were so happy. "So, this plane is all to ourselves?!" asked Jihyun while he nodded. Huening Kai let out his third "WHOOO!" of the day, but this time we joined him.

"We can do anything we want then!" Huening Kai cheered. "Well, not everything." the protocol team leader replied. "But yes, you can do most things of your wanting without disturbing others.".

"You can even practice your choreography if you want." another one of our managers joked.

"Can we sit anywhere we want?" asked Taehyun while our managers and other staff replied with yes while some simply nodded. "YAYYY!!!" he dragged Miri with him to his desired seat. Once they sat down Taehyun pulled up the arm of the chair and cuddled with her. "Cute." I said to myself.

"We're cuter." Yeonjun scoffed. "I don't think "cute" would be the word I'd use to describe you two's relationship." Jihyun stated. "Then if we aren't cute what are we?" Yeonjun said, getting all defensive.

"You two enjoy doing things like making out and stuff, so I'd so your relationship is pretty passionate." Jihyun smiled at us. "Passionate? More like heated." Soobin added as he put his and Rinniah's luggage in the little compartment above the seats. "Agreed." Rinniah replied before sitting down while Soobin sat next to her.

"We should go take a seat, baby." I reminded him. He nodded and we went to find a place where we were satisfied to stay in for approximately 11 hours, maybe even 12 or 13 if delayed.

I took a seat next to the window since I wanted to see the view while Yeonjun sat next to me, leaving the seat next to the aisle available for our backpacks. I connected my AirPods to my phone, offering one of them to Yeonjun of course. Me and him often listen to music together, especially on long trips like these. I even made a playlist for the both of us, categorized on what we were doing.

After a few moments the airplane took off and our 11 hour journey began. As time passed me and Yeonjun got more comfortable in our seats and he fell asleep in a flash.

Yeonjun's head kept falling to his shoulder, switching sides. He seemed uncomfortable so I pulled up the arm of the seat that sepersted us and pulled him closer to me. His head was now resting on my shoulder while he was sleeping peacefully. I caressed his hair, drifting to sleep too.

"I guess they are a cute couple." I heard Rinniah's voice say. "They're still a heated one though." Soobin's voice said this time. "That's what's good about their relationship, they've got duality." Rinniah stated before I heard their footsteps fade away, causing me to smile.



I have a quiz next Monday and I have to study extra hard since it's in the subject that I have a hard time in, so I don't know if I'll be able to publish any parts by that time. I hope you all understand and enjoyed this chapter! If you do make sure to give a vote and stay tuned for the next one! β₯︎β₯︎β₯︎

- ʏᴇᴏɴᴛΙͺᴍᴇ

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