3rd person
"Mom, I'm leaving now!"
"Fineee~~don't come too late home tomorrow!" she shouted out from the kitchen.
Hyunjin took his bag, leaving.
He was on his way to Seungmins house.
They were meeting up more often as everything seemed to be 'normal' again and Seungmin was helping Hyunjin with studying since he has tomorrow an math exam.
Believe it or not, he actually was able to hold himself back those last weeks as he really didn't want to ruin their friendship.
And he was somehow proud of him but disappointed as he kept having wet dreams about his best friend.
He really felt ashamed.
Really ashamed.
But he couldn't help it.
He is a horny teenager, what do you expect from him?
Her rang the door bell, a feeling of excitement and nervousness arising.
The door opened.
Seungmin immediatley hugged Hyunjin, being happy to see him.
"Hyunngggg~~I missed you" he giggled and Hyunjin smiled sheepishly as he hugged his friend back, being fond of his cuteness.
They went inside, going upstairs.
"So your mom is with your dad on a trip?" asked Hyunjin as they were packing out some study things.
"Yup, Jeongin is here too but he's currently at his friends home, probably fanboying about Chan" he said chuckling.
They lied down on Seungmins bed.
"Well, can't deny it...he is handsome tho" commented Hyunjin, as he lied beside Seungmin.
The younger rolled his eyes at the statement but smiled afterwards.
Oh how Hyunjin loves this smile.
"Okay, so lets start and later on, we can reward ourselves with a movie and a funny sleepover"
Hyunjin smiled.
"Well then..."
Loud laughters could be heard as Jeongin had entered home.
"I swear to god if they will be this loud at night, I will kick their a##es" he thought.
"Why do you have to be so stupid?" laughed Seungmin out loud as Hyunjin kept on tickling him.
"YaH! I'M NOT! " he protested but eventually stopped as Seungmin had bumped his forehead against his, a big and happy smile on his lips.
He giggled cutely, closing his eyes.
"Ahhh no Hyunjin.....you got this...you got this....it's fine...what am I supposed to do? Why is he doing it? Is he expecting me to kiss him? What should I do...hell, Hyunjin, just do something! Don't just sit there! NO! KEEP AWAYYYY...DON'T LOOK AT HIS LIPS...JUST DON'T!"
And Hyunjin smiled too, his eyes meeting Seungmins closed ones.
Out of sudden, Seungmin gave him a Kunik.
(For those who do not know what it is: rubbing each others nose against each other..sounds weird but IT'S SO CUTE SO DON'T COME @ ME)
Hyunjin let out a hearty laugh, grabbing both of Seungmins hands in his.
And the younger didn't refuse.
Instead he just kept on being touchy with Hyunjin, messing up his mind and feelings.
"Jinnie Hyunggg~~Did you bring the popcorn?" called Seungmin.
He doesn't know why but today he feels unusually clingy.
Maybe it was because he missed Hyunjins touch or his embrace but all he knew was that he couldn't stop thinking about his best friend for the last weeks.
"Here it is!" Hyunjin came out of the kitchen with a bowl in his hand, sitting down next to Seungmin on the couch who was already searching in Netflix for a good movie.
"Yay!" he grabbed a hand full of popcorn, stuffing his cheeks with it.
"He's so cute...my heartttt...."
"Hyung, you're starring!" he giggled cutely, throwing some popcorn at Hyunjin.
The older put the bowl away as he started to get a grip of Seungmin who was squealing in his arms.
"Don't be disobedient, pup" joked Hyunjin.
Seungmins eyes widened at the latters words, his face getting all red.
He stopped squealing, not knowing how to react.
"Ahhh he so cuteeeeee......."
BUt heLL yeS, He LikEd It.
"Good boy" Hyunjin praised as he smiled yet so innocently.
Seungmin gulped.
That's gonna be a fun night.
๏ฝก๏พ๏ฝฅ ๐ฅธโโ-หหโ หห-โโ๐ฅธ ๏ฝก๏พ๏ฝฅ
HIII! Guys, we're going into a lockdown.
That means: no school
no school = Wattpad
Smh I'm sad bc it came so suddenly and I couldn't really see all go my friends but-
OKay OKay...so this is getting a bit sPiCy๐ถ here
...at least in the next chapter.
That's why I should first go to chUrCH and get me sOMe hOLy wATer ๐ฐ
Oh and thanks for answering my questions on my profile (?)
How do you even call that thing?
Nvm...but just wanted to ask you for your opinion bc- next book^^
Sending u lots of love ๐
หโยท ออออโณโฅ Mae ๐๐
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