Chapter 27

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I let out a gasp and knelt down next to Stiles. Scott took of his jacket and put it under Stiles' head. We all sat there, waiting for him to wake up with nerves in our stomach.

Slowly, Stiles eyes fluttered open, and I felt relief pool in my stomach. He was okay. Stiles lifted his head up a bit and looked around in confusion, before groaning in annoyance.

"Oh god, I fainted didn't I?" he said.

I laughed and grabbed his face and kissed it. Stiles let out a startled sound before sitting up and kissing me back eagerly. When we broke this kiss, Stiles leant his forehead against mine, smiling softly.

"I missed you," he whispered.

"I missed you too," I replied.

Isaac cleared his throat, causing us to pull away from one another.

"While I love how passionate you guys are, I think it's best to leave that stuff for the bedroom," he said.

"Shut up Isaac," I mumbled, feeling heat rise to my cheeks.

Scott held his hand out for Stiles, and Kira held her hand out for me. I took it, feeling an immense amount of gratitude and appreciation towards my best friend. I was so glad this was over, but I would have never survived this ordeal without her. She helped me when I was figuring out I was a Fire Nymph, and she sure as hell saved me with her awesome fighting skills as well.

I brought her into a hug, and she hugged back tightly. I was so grateful she was my friend. I couldn't have wished for a better one than her. We pulled away and smiled just as Stiles started talking to Scott.

"We're alive? We're all alive?" he asked Scott.

Scott smiled sadly, looking around.

"Yeah, we are," he answered.

I noticed Lydia go completely still and felt a sick feeling in my stomach. Lydia was a banshee, which meant she knew when someone was about to die. I was pretty sure this was one of those times.

She started running towards the school doors, and, not wanting her to be alone when she found the source of her feelings, I followed. When I arrived outside of the school, I saw Lydia staring at something in the distance, tears falling down her face.

I slowly walked up to her, and Lydia quickly spun around, burying her head into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her comfortingly and looked over her shoulder to see what had hurt her so much.

I didn't like what I found. Aiden was on the floor, blood trailing down his jaw and eyes permanently closed. Ethan was next him, cradling his body as he sobbed over the death of his twin brother. I never knew the twins well, but I still felt loss hit me like a punch in the gut.

I held Lydia as she cried, and slowly, everyone else exited the school to see what had made Lydia run away. When they saw Aiden, a sombre silence filled the group, broken only by Lydia's muffled sobs. My heart broke for her, the girl who lost her best friend and boyfriend in the same week. I wanted to take her pain away, but I didn't know how.

After a while, Lydia's sobs turned into sniffles, and she let go of me. She looked exhausted, and Scott offered to take her home. Kira, Stiles, and I all piled into Roscoe, and since Stiles was no longer dying, he was in good enough shape to drive us all home.

We got to Kira's house, and she got out of the jeep, walking up to her house. Before I knew what I was doing, I got out of the car and ran towards her, flinging my arms around her and hugging her tightly.

"Thank you," I whispered.

Kira hugged back, and I could feel the smile on her face as she answered, "what else are friends for?"

I laughed and pulled back, smiling as I looked at my best friend.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Definitely," Kira answered.

My smile grew, and I hugged Kira one more time before leaving and getting back in Stiles' jeep. He smiled softly at me before starting the car and driving to my house. The drive was silent, both of us preoccupied with our own thoughts.

I wanted to ask Stiles what it was like, being inside your body and yet unable to do anything, but I didn't. It was too soon to start questioning him about it, and he needed to heal first. We all needed to heal.

We finally got to my house, and Stiles and I both got out of the jeep. We stared at each other, unsure what to say. I wanted to tell him how much I cared for him, and how grateful I was that he was okay, but I didn't. I wasn't sure how, and I was scared that maybe things had changed while he was possessed. Maybe he didn't want me anymore.

"I still want to be with you," Stiles said finally, as if reading my thoughts. "That is, if you still want to be with me."

"Of course I do," I said, feeling joy rise inside of me.

I enveloped him into a hug, holding him tightly. Stiles wrapped his arms around me in return and placed his head in the crook of my neck.

We stayed like that for a while, until Stiles pulled away, only to softly press his lips against mine. The kiss was gentle, and we told each other everything we were too afraid to say out loud through it. It was a special kiss, and I savoured the moment while it lasted.

We broke apart, and Stiles smiled at me.

"Thank you," he said. "For staying with me throughout all of this."

I was struck by the familiarity of the sentence and remembered when Stiles was about to take an MRI scan, and the words he'd said to me then. Thank you for staying with me throughout this mess. So I recited to him the same words I'd said then.

"Stiles, we've been married since we were 4, remember? Through sickness and in health."

It seemed Stiles remembered when I'd said that before, because he grinned and pecked me on the lips.

"I should probably be going," he said, checking his watch.

"Okay, be safe, and I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I said.

Stiles nodded his head, "yeah."

He kissed me one more time before getting into his jeep and leaving, and I turned around and took a deep breath before opening my front door. I found my parents in the living room and hugged them both tightly when I saw them. After that, I explained to them everything that happened, and by the end of it both my parents had proud smiles on their faces.

"I knew you could do it," my dad said proudly.

I smiled and looked down at his words, feeling embarrassed.

"So, when's Stiles going to come over?" my mother asked, causing my blush to deepen.

"W-what? What do you mean?" I stammered.

My parents shared a smile.

"Well, we need to meet him, don't we?" my dad asked slyly.

"You've known him since he was a baby!" I cried out, feeling very uncomfortable.

"But we've never met him as your boyfriend," my mother stated.

I groaned and covered my face with my hands, but secretly I was relieved. Things felt normal now, which gave me hope that other things would start to feel normal again too. It made me hope that we could get through this, because we were in it together.

We would always be in it together.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really busy with school. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Only one more left! And thank you all so much for 10k reads on this fic, it means so much to me.

Have a good day/night.


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