I was in front of my house, about to enter it. I hadn't told anyone about what Void had done to my neck, because I wasn't sure what he had done myself. I took a deep breathe and opened the door to my house, getting ready to see my parents.
As soon as I opened the door, my dad ran into the hallway, and when he spotted me he ran up to me and enveloped me into a hug.
I hugged back, feeling tears well up in my eyes. All the events from the past few days caught up to me, and I felt so overwhelmed. I didn't understand what was happening anymore. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, and I didn't know how to save Stiles.
My mother joined the hug shortly afterwards and we all sat there, holding each other tightly. When we pulled away, I wiped a few tears that had escaped off my face and sniffled.
"Where were you?" my mother asked gently. She wasn't angry at me; she was worried.
That was when I felt the anger. She and my father had both hidden the supernatural from me, causing me to be completely unprepared for when I needed to fight and defend myself from magical creatures.
"I was kidnapped by a dark spirit possessing my boyfriend that's obsessed with me," I snapped, crossing my arms. "Does that ring a bell at all?"
Shock and fear crossed across my parents' faces as they looked at each other before back at me.
"Are you okay?" my dad asked me. "Did he hurt you?"
I could hear the anger lacing his voice. My dad rarely got angry, but there was pure rage in his voice as he spoke to me, and even though I was mad at him, I felt warmed by how much they cared for me.
"That doesn't matter," I said, brushing their questions aside. "What does matter is that you lied to me about it and if Scott hadn't told me I might still be in Void's clutches."
My parent's looked at each other again, this time guiltily.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked them.
"We wanted to keep you out of it for as long as possible," my mother said. "We wanted to protect you. I'd never had a child before, and I wasn't sure how to tackle the supernatural problem. I was scared," she confessed. "And I'm sorry I hurt you."
I tried to keep the tears in. I tried to act mad and tough but seeing my mother so sad broke me.
I gave in and hugged her tightly, inhaling her comforting scent. She was my mother, and I'd always love her. Yes, she made some mistakes, but I couldn't expect any less. That wouldn't be fair.
After a while, Dad ushered us into the house and we all sat on the couch, me leaning on my mother's chest.
"How do you know Kira's parents?" I asked, hoping to finally receive an answer.
I got one.
My mother told me the story of how Noshiko defeated Void the first time, and how she went travelling after that. She and my mum met while travelling, and they became close, both of them connecting because they lived far longer than the average human.
"Wait, you mean we don't grow old?" I asked in shock.
My mother nodded and continued with her explanation.
She told me that Kitsunes and Nymphs often got along well with each other, depending on what type of Kitsune and Nymph they are. For example, a Fire Nymph is most likely to get along with a Thunder, Fire, and Celestial Kitsune.
After a while, they left to travel to different places, but they always stayed in touch, and then, recently, Noshiko revealed that she believed the Nogitsune might be back.
Instantly, my family had packed up and moved closer to Noshiko so they could support her, and that was why we had moved back to Beacon Hills so suddenly.
I found myself glad we moved though, because if we didn't I wouldn't have reconnected with Stiles or met Kira and Scott. And Allison, I added. She had been so welcoming and kind to me and I wanted to thank her. I decided to thank her the next time I saw her, because I felt it was very important for her to know how grateful I was for her kindness.
My mother also told me the story of Kira's mum and how she had summoned the Nogitsune without realising the full impact it would have and then how she had to kill it, with the help of a werewolf.
Before my parents could tell me anything else, I got a text from Scott saying they'd found Void and I needed to go over to Scott's house as soon as possible. I told my parents and looked at them hopefully, praying they'd let me go.
"I've always wished I could have been there for Noshiko when she had to fight the Nogitsune last time," my mother admitted, looking at my father before back at me. "So, I'm okay with you going. The final decision is up to your father."
I looked to my dad with pleading eyes. I really wanted to go. I wanted to be a part of the group and help in whatever way I could.
My dad sighed and shook his head. "I'll get the keys," he muttered. I grinned in success, before remembering what I was successful about. My grin disappeared. I had a strange feeling of want when I thought of Void. I wanted to see him, to be near him, a complete change from what I'd been feeling just a few days earlier. I wondered what changed, and why I was feeling this way.
My parents drove me to Scott's house and hugged me tightly, telling me to be careful and use my powers if I needed to before leaving. I'd asked them not to stay, not wanting my friends to think I couldn't handle myself and needed my parents help. I was fine on my own.
I opened the door to Scott's house and walked in just as they were putting Stiles' unconscious body on the couch. Or Void's body, I should say.
When I saw Void, I felt a strange sensation. A rush of heat spread through me, and I swallowed thickly, trying to shove away the sudden want I had for him.
"I think he might be healing," Deaton said as he inspected a giant gash across Void's stomach.
"You mean healing like we heal?" Aiden asked with a frown.
Scott looked between Void, Deaton, and Aiden.
"That's good, right?"
I stopped listening as I stared at Void. He seemed so peaceful while he slept; so vulnerable. I felt a pull towards him, the same one I'd felt just moments ago, except this one was stronger. I just wanted to lie down next to him and have him hold me, have his arms wrapped around my waist.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" Aiden asked, snapping me out of my trance.
I blinked and looked around. I was much closer to Void than I had initially thought, and it dawned on me that I had subconsciously taken multiple steps towards him.
"I, uh- nothing," I mumbled, feeling very flustered.
I walked away and into the other room, the others sending me worried glances as I passed them, and I felt my cheeks turn pink. I continued walking until I couldn't see any of the others, even though all I wanted to do was move closer to Void. What the hell was I thinking? Why was I thinking this? I'm probably thinking about Stiles, I thought, and brushed off my feelings as a want for Stiles, not Void, because that made sense.
I heard footsteps and was about to turn around when I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder.
"Stop," Scott said, confusion lacing his voice. My body stiffened and I stood there, muscles tensed, as Scott observed something. "Y/n, what's this symbol on the back of your neck?" he finally asked.
I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked, only to figure out the answer on my own.
The apartment. Oni. Fire. Void. It had to be from when Void did something to my neck. I cringed as I thought of the burning pain he'd enforced upon me.
"Void did that," I said, turning around to face Scott, noticing everyone else in the room as well. "When I was protecting him at the apartment earlier. He pressed his hand to the back of my neck, and I felt this intense burning sensation, but I'm not sure what it was."
"Can I have a look?" Deaton asked.
I nodded and turned back around, brushing my hair aside to give him a clear view of the back of my neck. It was silent for a while before Deaton spoke again.
"Well, this certainly complicates things," he said.
That was definitely not what I wanted to hear. Everyone looked to one another in confusion and worry while I shrunk away. What about me complicated things? What had Void done?
"It's an ancient symbol meaning desire," Deaton explained. "it's said that if you burn the mark on someone they will feel an unconditional, uncontrollable desire for that person."
In synchronisation, everyone turned their heads to me, and then at the door to the room Void was in. My moth was wide open as I stared at Deaton, aghast. I had an uncontrollable desire for Void? How was that possible? I looked to the direction of where Void was and felt that same pull as before, begging me to go to him. I felt my body tense as it fought the urge to run to Void and stay in the comfort of his arms. I fought the urge to-
Okay, so maybe I did feel some desire for him.
"How do we stop it?" Lydia asked.
"By killing the person that caused the mark," Deaton answered.
"Well then lets kill him," Aiden said, already walking towards Void.
Scott caught Aiden's collar and yanked him back, causing Aiden to splutter and cough.
"We can't kill him, because if we kill him we kill Stiles," Scott said.
"Well, if we're not going to kill him why aren't we at least tying him down with really big chains?" Aiden asked.
Deaton got a small bottle out of his bag and waved it in the air.
"I might have something more effective."
As one, we all followed Deaton into the living room where Void was lying, still asleep. Seeing him sent a jolt of adrenaline through me, warming my insides. I resisted the urge to step towards him.
Deaton gestured for Aiden and Scott to hold him down and they did, Aiden holding his mouth open so Deaton could pour three drops of some sort of liquid into Void's mouth.
I took a step forward.
Void's eyes snapped open, and he grabbed a hold of Aiden's throat, his hands wrapping around the werewolf's neck.
"Get him off me!" Aiden yelled in a strangled cry. "Get him off me!"
I took another step forward.
Scott ran to help, but he struggled to rip Aiden from Void's grip. All of a sudden, Void stopped holding onto Aiden though, and the boy was able to stumble backwards, gasping for breath.
I stared at Void as he stared at his hand, frowning. It started trembling, and he slowly lowered it, looking up to Deaton.
"Kanima venom," he said, his voice shaky. "Nice touch."
I took another step forward.
Aiden roared, storming towards Void with a vicious glint in his eye.
"You know how they say that twins get a feeling when the other one's in pain?" Void asked, stopping Aiden mid stride. "You didn't lose that talent too, did you? Oh, I hope not. You're going to need it."
Aiden looked to Scott, panic flashing across his features as he took in Void's words.
I took another step forward.
"Okay, I'll give you a little hint. Ethan's at the school," Void whispered, a grin plastered across his face.
Scott, who was still looking at Aiden, nodded his head. "Go," he said, and Aiden ran from the house at lightning speed.
I took another step forward.
Void laughed as he watched Aiden leave, a sick smile on his face.
"Oh I hope he gets there in time. I like the twins," he said, looking to Scott. "Short tempers, homicidal compulsions. They're a lot more fun than you bakamono trying to save the world every day."
I took another step forward.
Void's eyes slid to mine. His gaze was intense as his eyes roamed my body and he licked his lips. I felt butterflies and the familiar sense of want settle in my stomach.
"I'm surprised they even let you be in the same room as me, or have they not figured it out yet?" Void said, his voice alone doing wonders to my body.
Scott stepped forward, glaring at Void. "You mean the desire symbol you burned onto the back of her neck?"
Surprise flickered across Void's face as he looked at Scott.
"I guess they have," he stated, before looking back at me, his eyes darkening. The words he said next were warped with desire and barely coherent. "Come here."
Instantly, my feet were moving towards Void, but an arm pushed me back, stopping me. I looked to Scott and back at Void, blushing in embarrassment.
Void scowled at Scott, his eyes narrowing at the sight of Scott's arm on me, but it quickly disappeared as he smirked up at me.
"I know you want me. I can practically smell the desire flowing out of you. Don't fight it. You want to give in, don't you darling?" he said, his voice husky.
My throat went dry at his words. I stared at Void, unable to speak, and he smirked seductively back.
"Doc, you brought something to paralyse his body." Melissa said, causing me to tear my gaze away from Void. "You got anything for his mouth?"
While saying that, Melissa had walked up to me and now placed her hands on my shoulders, pulling me back a few steps. I felt a little bit of the intensity of the desire seep away. It wasn't enough to stop my body feeling like a live wire, though.
"Yes, I do," Deaton said, taking a roll of duct tape out of his bag. He ripped a piece off and firmly pressed it against Void's mouth.
Melissa took me out of the room, and into another one, further away from Void. I was relieved to feel some of the desire leave me, but a big part of me was upset I wasn't as close to Void anymore.
"Better?" Melissa asked me.
I nodded my head.
Deaton, Scott, and Lydia all followed us into the room and closed the door behind them.
"What do we do about the symbol?" Scott asked.
"Not being too close to Void can help with the temptation- "Deaton started.
"We should just take her away from here then," Lydia cut in.
Panic clutched my heart. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay with Void. No, I didn't. I wanted to leave. This was the desire speaking, not me. Right?
"I fear its not that simple. Too much distance could have deadly consequences, and its too dangerous to try," Deaton finished grimly.
"Then what do we do?" Melissa asked, casting me a worried glance.
Deaton sighed, and I knew I wouldn't like what he said next.
"It's best if Void has Y/n in his sight at all times. Creatures like him are very territorial and possessive with the things they believe are theirs," Deaton said. "We do not want to anger him too much."
"But he doesn't own her!" Scott burst out angrily. "It shouldn't matter if he's mad, because he doesn't own her, and we shouldn't be acting like he does!"
Scott looked to me to back him up and I smiled weakly at him. I appreciated the effort, I really did, but the pull I felt towards Void had grown so intense it had started to become a bit uncomfortable, and spending time near Void seemed like heaven. Even though I tried to tell myself it wasn't.
"We know he doesn't own her," Deaton said. "But he's put a spell on her of sorts. Doing this ensures Y/n doesn't get hurt and Void doesn't grow restless. It's our best option for now."
"Fine," Scott sighed in defeat, but it was clear he still didn't like the idea. No one seemed to like idea, but like Deaton said, it was our best option for now.
"When we go back into the other room, someone needs to keep an eye on both Y/n and Void at all times." Deaton said. I grimaced, and Deaton's expression softened as he added, "just in case."
So, it was April 8th yesterday, Stiles' birthday, and I forgot to upload. :(
But for some of you, Stiles' birthday is today, so I'm posting today.
Have a good day/night.
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