Chapter 16

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Instantly, everyone started to surround Coach, and I was about to as well, when I spotted Stiles untangle himself from the mob and walk towards me.

I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my lips against his. Stiles seemed surprised at my action and froze, but slowly he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back.

Coach let out a groan and I pulled away from the kiss, glancing worriedly at my teacher, all the while Stiles continued to hold me protectively.

Stiles placed his head in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent and holding me tightly. I hugged him back, but my attention was on Coach and I ended the hug quickly.

"We have to help," I told him.

Stiles reluctantly let go of me just as Coach started screaming. It seemed he had been in shock, but obviously wasn't anymore.

Stiles and I both ran to his side, and I covered my hands over his stomach and around the arrow in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

"Get it out of me! Get it out of me! I'm gonna die!" Coach screamed, shaking violently.

"Coach, Coach, you're not going to die," Stiles said, trying to calm Coach down.

Coach completely ignored Stiles and continued to scream "I'm going to die!" all the while moving around.

"It'll hurt less if you stop moving around," Aiden said to Coach, but he still didn't listen. "Stay still, Coach. An ambulance is coming!" Aiden yelled again.

Aiden looked up to the crowd surrounding Coach and started yelling at them to get back and give Coach some room.

Coach's panic was infectious and soon I felt myself panicking. What if Coach died? I wouldn't be able to do anything to stop it, and I wasn't sure how to heal wounds with fire yet. I didn't want Coach to die.

My hands started to heat up again, and I muttered another curse. I noticed Stiles watching me from the corner of my eye and murmured a quick "I need to go" before getting up and running off.

I ran to a nearby tree away from the crowd and hid behind it, sitting on the floor and trying to stop my bloody hands from shaking. Coach just got shot by an arrow. An arrow! Where did it come from? Who shot it? Would he live?

I ignored those thoughts, instead attempting to focus on calming down, when I heard footsteps. I turned to look and found Kira walking up to me.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked me.

I nodded, trying to calm down but I could still hear Coach's screams and they were very distracting.

"You don't look okay," Kira commented worriedly.

I felt my breaths quicken and I grasped the ground and leaves with my hands in an attempt to calm down. When I looked down though, I realised the only thing I'd done was manage to set the leaves on fire.

I quickly got up and stomped on the fire to make it go out, all the while pretending everything was fine and struggling to calm down.

"I'm fine," I told Kira firmly, before turning around and running off.

I made it to the school, where I locked myself in a bathroom stall. I fumbled with my pockets until I got out my phone and quickly dialled my mother's phone number.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" my mother asked as she answered the phone.

"No!" I cried out. "Coach got shot by an arrow, Stiles is back, and I'm losing control of my powers!"

"Stiles is back?" my mother questioned, sounding worried.

"Mum! That's not the problem here!"

I heard some chatter on the other side of the line, probably my mother talking to my dad, before my mother spoke again.

"Alright, I'm coming to the school now," she said. "Remember, control your emotions."

With that, my mother hung up and I was left alone, panicking in a bathroom stall.

I closed my eyes and clenched my fists as I tried to clear my head. I took long, deep breaths and banished all worrying thoughts from my mind.

Slowly, I started to calm down, and once I felt safe enough, I left the bathroom. I walked the halls until I exited the school, where I found a bigger crowd of students crowding around a bus. Or rather, running away from the bus.

I moved through the running students and found Mr Yukimura shouting at students to get away from the bus.

He entered the vehicle, and after a few minutes he exited and started talking to some other teachers who took out their phones and probably called the police.

I looked to the group of kids watching the bus safely from behind the school gates. I spotted Stiles and ran up to him, wondering what was happening.

When Stiles spotted me, he instantly pulled me close, holding me protectively.

"Why did you run off?" Stiles asked. I wasn't sure if I was imagining it, but his tone of voice seemed angry.

"Sorry, I started panicking and lost control of my powers," I admitted.

"Powers? You have powers now?" Stiles asked.

My eyes went wide. Oops. Well, there was no point in trying to hide it anymore.

I grinned at Stiles. "We have a lot to catch up on."

My face went serious again though as I looked around at the panicked students milling about and gawking at the bus.

"What's happening?" I asked Stiles.

"Let's go," Stiles said instead of answering, and moved his hand to my waist as he started walking away from the bus. I was about to ask again when Stiles finally answered. "They think there's a bomb on the bus."

"A bomb?" I exclaimed, horrified.

Stiles nodded grimly, slightly tightening his grip on me as he positioned us in the front of the crowd with an easy view of what was happening.

I saw Noah and the Deputy called Parish walked towards the bus, Deputy Parish wearing a safety vest and holding a tool kit. Noah nodded at Parish, and the Deputy entered the bus, disappearing from sight.

I leant into Stiles' hold, breathing deeply, and trying to calm my racing heartbeat. Stiles noticed my lack of control and whispered assurances into my ear.

I looked around the crowd and noticed my parents standing a bit away, looking terrified as they stared at me. Or rather, Stiles' arm around me. When they saw me looking, my parents gestured for me to go up to them, and I felt a prickle of unease when I observed how panicked they seemed.

I frowned, glancing at Stiles to see him already staring at my parents. I could have sworn he had been smirking at them, but when I looked to him he just gave me a reassuring smile.

I looked back to the bus just in time to see Parish materialise again behind the bus window, pressing something against it. With wide eyes, I realised it was Noah's nameplate that was usually on his desk in the Sheriff's station.

Scott ran towards Noah, who was frantically speaking into his walkie-talkie, and Stiles followed, bringing me along with him. I glanced at my parents again, who had moved closer but still seemed to be keeping their distance. Why, I wasn't sure.

"What's happening?" Scott asked Noah.

"There's a bomb at the Sheriff's station," Noah answered grimly.

He paused the conversation to answer someone's call on the walkie-talkie before focusing back on us.

"We need to go to the Sheriff's station," Scott said.

"I need to go to my parents," I piped up.

As soon as those words left my lips, Stiles tightened his grip on me again. He kept holding onto me like someone was trying to take me away. He looked down at me and I noticed how angry he seemed at my words; I'd never seen him like that before.

"You can meet up with me tomorrow and we'll both explain what's been happening to us the past two days," I said in a soothing tone. "We'll only be apart for a few hours."

Stiles seemed to think about it before relenting, letting me go. Before I could leave though, he kissed me.

This kiss was unlike any kiss I'd felt before. He had pressed his lips against mine, and there was an undeniable air of dominance in it. It was so unlike Stiles, and it made me feel a little nervous.

Once the kiss ended, I bid Stiles goodbye before leaving him and findding my parents. When I found them, they both hugged me fiercely, asking if I was okay and fussing over me. It reminded me of how they'd acted after they'd found out I'd nearly gotton eaten by a coyote.

"I'm fine, really," I told them, before adding, "well, apart from the fact that I sort of lost control of my powers today."

"We'll talk about it at home," my dad said, sending a glance to something in the distance before ushering me into the car.

The whole ride home, my parents didn't say a word. They kept sending me worried glances, as if I'd just been in some dangerous situation or been near some dangerous person, and while Coach had got shot by an arrow and there had been a fake bomb on a bus today, I didn't think that was enough for them to be acting so scared and relieved.

When we got home, it was silent as we entered the house. I waited for one of them to speak, to start explaining what was going on, but no one spoke up.

"Is someone going to tell me what's going on, or...." I trailed off as both of my parents stayed silent.

I sent them both glares and stomped up the stairs to my bedroom, making sure I slammed my door closed. I was so sick of them keeping secrets from me.

Later, in the afternoon, my mother knocked on my door and asked me if I wanted to train. I agreed, and she taught me some more helpful tricks to control my emotions, all the while pretending as though my mini tantrum had never happened. She also taught me how to conjure small amounts of fire and have complete control over them.

After that training session, I was completely exhausted and collapsed onto my bed after my mother had left.

A while later I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to check my phone. My blood ran cold at what I saw.

15 missed calls from Foxy (Kira)❀🦊

9 missed calls from Scotty πŸ‘

20 missed calls from Sherlock Holmes (Stiles) πŸ”β€πŸ₯°

What had happened?


Do you guys like the contact names for everyone? I wasn't sure what to do for them, but I figured this was pretty good.

Also, I'm back to updating every second day. I have so much homework after missing a week of school, and I barely had time to update today.

Anyway, please comment and vote and have a good day/night.


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