The next day, my dad dropped me off at school, teasing me about Stiles before leaving. How he had found out about us, I have no idea.
I entered the school building, feeling exhausted. I'd barley had any sleep last night after arriving back home from the hospital. I was too worried over Stiles and felt bad for leaving him alone in his hospital room.
I found Kira walking through the halls of the school and quickly walked up to her. Kira raised an eyebrow at my tired appearance and that was all the invitation I needed to jump into an explanation about what happened last night. Kira listened to all of it with wide eyes and a shocked expression, and when I finished all she said was "wow".
After that, Kira and I just talked about little things, that was, until she spotted Scott walking down the hallway.
"Scott, hey!" Kira called out to him.
Scott ignored her, walking away before getting lost into the crowd. Kira stared after him, hurt flashing across her face.
"I'm sure he just didn't hear you," I told Kira, who seemed unconvinced.
Before I could say anything else, a man a few years older than me, wearing a black leather jacket with black hair walked up to us. I'd never seen him before, and he radiated mysteriousness.
"We need to talk," he said, looking directly at Kira. He glanced at me before adding, "in private."
I resisted the urge to scoff. Rude.
"I'll see you later," I told Kira, who smiled apologetically at me before following the mysterious man.
I sighed and started walking to my class alone. I'd known that Stiles, Scott, and their friends were all in on a big secret, but I hadn't known that Kira was in on it too.
It made me feel left out, disconnected, unimportant, and it hurt.
As I was walking to my class, I was stopped by Scott. Scott and I weren't exactly friends. He was my boyfriend's best friend, but we were more acquaintances than anything else, which made me wonder what he wanted.
"Hey," he greeted.
"Hi..." I replied hesitantly. "What's up?"
Scott smiled a bit.
"Sorry, you just seemed a little lonely," he said.
I shrugged my shoulders, but I was strangely glad that he'd started talking to me when he noticed I'd seemed lonely. Seconds ago, I'd been thinking about how I felt disconnected from everyone else, but this made me think otherwise.
"Well, my only two friends are in the hospital and skipping school," I told him.
"Wait, Kira's skipping school?" Scott asked, surprised.
I nodded my head in answer.
There was an awkward silent for a while as we both walked, not knowing what to say. Finally, Scott spoke again.
"I'm visiting Stiles in the hospital at six, if you want to come," he said.
"I'd like that," I said, nodding before going silent.
The silence dragged on, before, once again, Scott broke it.
"So, what's actually happening between you and Stiles? I mean, are you guys dating or...?" Scott trailed off, waiting for me to speak.
"Uh, well, we're together, and I really like him," I admitted.
Scott smiled.
"Stiles really likes you too. He talks about you all the time," Scott informed me.
A blush spread across my cheeks at his words, and Scott laughed.
The bell went and my eyes widened as I realised I was late. I said a quick goodbye to Scott before hurrying to my class, arriving just in time.
. . .
After class, and for the rest of the day, I'd hung out with Scott. He was a really nice guy, and I could see why Kira liked him. Scott also told me multiple stories of Stiles being, well, Stiles. It had been very entertaining, and I was ready to tease Stiles relentlessly about them later.
I was happy talking to Scott and proud of myself for making a new friend. He'd even picked me up at my house and driven me to the hospital at 6:00 on the back of his dirt bike.
When we'd gotton to the hospital, one look at Noah's grim expression had all the happy feelings I'd felt throughout the day flying out the window.
He'd explained that Stiles was showing the same symptoms Claudia had for frontotemporal dementia, a shrinkage of the brain that leads to dementia and death. It also happened to be one of the only dementia's that could affect kids.
Currently, I was sitting on the MRI bed next to Stiles, holding his hand as Scott talked to Melissa and Noah talked to the doctor.
I was going to be staying the night at Stiles' house for a sleepover, since my parents were comfortable with Noah looking after me, even if it was with my boyfriend.
The doctor closed the folder he had been looking through and turned around to face us.
"Stiles, just to warn you, you're going to hear a lot of noise during the MRI," he said. "It's due to pulses of electricity going through the metal coils inside the machine. If you want we can get you earplugs or headphones."
Stiles looked up from where he had been staring at our intwined hands.
"Oh, no, no, I don't need anything," he said quietly. He seemed out of it, and I gently squeezed his hand to let him know I was here.
He glanced at me and smiled sadly, squeezing back.
"Hey, we're just on the other side of that window," Noah said to Stiles. "Okay?"
I let go of Stiles' hand and stepped back, giving the father and son some space.
"Okay," Stiles said, nodded his head.
Noah stared at his son before pulling him into a quick hug. When they drew apart, Noah smiled softly at him and left the room with Melissa.
When they left, I walked back up to Stiles and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. Stiles hugged back, placing his head in the crook of my neck.
"Thank you," Stiles mumbled into my neck, "for staying with me throughout this mess."
I smiled softly, pulling away a bit.
"Stiles, we've been married since we were 4, remember? Through sickness and in health," I said.
Stiles laughed and kissed me on the lips. I reciprocated the kiss, but it ended quickly since Scott was still in the room.
I smiled at Stiles one last time before leaving the room and standing beside Noah and Melissa as we watched Stiles and Scott on the other side of the window.
"Always knew you two would get together," Noah said, grinning.
I blushed and avoided eye-contact with Noah, instead focusing my attention on Stiles and Scott.
They were hugging tightly, and my heart broke when I noticed how scared Stiles looked. I couldn't imagine what he was going through right now, and I hated that I couldn't just fix it.
When the MRI began, Scott and I were kicked out and forced to wait in the waiting room while Noah and Melissa waited in the other side of the MRI room.
Scott and I sat down, but nerves were jumbled in my stomach, and I kept bouncing my leg up and down. Unwanted thoughts and doubts were piling in my mind, making it impossible to relax. After a while, I decided I couldn't take being still anymore and stood up.
"Where are you going?" Scott asked me.
"Just for a walk," I replied, before leaving that wretched waiting room.
As I turned the corner, I bumped into a man. I looked up and recognised him as the mysterious man who talked to Kira this morning. Why was he here?
He barely glanced at me, walking around me before entering the waiting room. I scowled.
I walked aimlessly through the building, trying to clear my head, when the lights flickered. I stopped walking, looking up in curiosity, when the lights started flickering faster and stronger. There was a loud crash from somewhere on the higher levels, possibly the roof, and everyone started scrambling to get somewhere.
I tried to get back to the waiting room but got lost in the crowd of people, taking corners I wasn't sure I was supposed to. I was about to give up and ask someone for directions when I spotted Stiles.
I blinked, and blinked again, but he was still there, walking in the opposite direction from everyone else and towards the elevators. His hospital clothes were gone, replaced with casual clothes, and his grim demeanour was also gone, replaced by a cold, icy expression.
I was going to call out his name, but I stopped when I saw Noshiko appear in the elevator that just opened.
I hid behind a corner as Noshiko and Stiles made eye-contact. I could tell something was off, something with Stiles, but I didn't know what.
Stiles slowly walked up to Noshiko, who stared at him with a grim expression.
"You know me," Noshiko said, her voice reverberating around the empty hallway.
Stiles nodded, making me frown. How did he know Kira's mum? When did they meet?
"Then you remember that I won't be deterred by your choice of host," Noshiko continued. "Even if it's an innocent boy."
My frown deepened. What did she mean she won't be deterred by Stiles' choice of host? And that his host was an innocent boy? Did she mean Stiles?
"Are you threatening us?" Stiles asked, his voice low.
The sound sent shivers down my spine. It was Stiles' voice and yet it wasn't.
I leaned in, curiosity eating me alive, when I felt someone grab my arm and yank me back. I turned around to find my mother. She motioned for me to be quiet and quickly walked out of the building, dragging me along with her.
"Mum, what are you doing here?" I asked her once we'd exited the building.
My mother sighed.
"We need to talk."
Y/n's first encounter with Void!!! I know it wasn't much, but there'll be some more next chapter. And finally, Y/n's mum is ready to talk, but what about???
Also, we're officially half way through the story! 14 more chapters and then its over.
Please comment and vote if you enjoyed and have a good day/night.
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