We arrived at the party, muffled music coming from the other side of a sliding metal door.
Stiles was animatedly talking to Scott about the strange key that had appeared on his key chain while I was trying my hardest to avoid Stiles, which I think he noticed.
I was so scared and nervous to talk to him that whenever he tried to start up a conversation I would immediately shut him down. I wasn't trying to be mean; I was just so scared I was going to mess up that I didn't want to do anything.
That was what led Stiles to tell Scott about his mysterious key, because there had been a stiff silence between us, and he didn't like it.
Scott brought his hands to the door and slid it open, his muscles tensing in the process. I noticed Kira staring at them for a bit too long and supressed a smirk.
As soon as Scott opened the door, I was assaulted by the sound of loud, pounding music. There were heaps of people, all covered in paint that glowed in the multicoloured UV lights spread across the ceiling.
Everywhere I looked, there were people dancing, bodies pressed up against one another as they moved in beat with the music.
Most people had their shirts off, intricate patterns painted all across their bodies and faces. To the side, there was a line of people waiting to be painted on, and another group of people who were painting themselves, and each other.
There were a few other people in clusters on each side of the room, either making out, talking animatedly with one another, drinking, or just taking a breather.
I looked around in surprise. I'd never been to a big, high school party like this before, and as I looked around my surroundings, I felt giddy with excitement. This looked like fun.
"It's just a key, right?" Scott shouted over the music.
"Yeah, but its not mine, and I don't know how it got there or what it's for," Stiles shouted back.
I could barley hear them over the seemingly louder than usual music.
"Do you want to leave and figure it out?" Scott asked.
Stiles looked around the party, trying to gather his thoughts.
"Uh-" he was cut off when a girl with glowing face paint covering her lips and body grabbed his face and kissed him.
"Happy Halloween!" she said as she pulled back before getting lost in the crowd.
Stiles stared after her, and I felt my heart splinter. Kira glanced at me worriedly, pity splayed across her face.
That only made things worse for me as I felt tears prick my eyes. Stiles turned to face me, but it was too late. I was already moving through people trying to get out. I didn't want him to see me like this. I didn't want him to see how upset I was over a stupid kiss.
I heard Stiles calling after me but I ignored him, finally making it out of the room and racing down the stairs.
Tears were streaming down my face as I ran as fast as I could. The way he'd stared after that girl made me feel like I didn't exist. He'd never looked at me that way before, and it made me realise how hopeless and stupid I'd been.
I felt crushed, and my heart ached, making it hard to breathe. I wish I hadn't fell for him. I wish I hadn't gotton so attached to him. I wish he wasn't so important to me.
All those years spent together felt like a punch in the guts. All those times I thought he seemed to like me back were just figments of my imagination. He didn't want me.
He didn't want me.
He didn't want me.
He didn't want me.
The air wind was cold against my face, and I was snapped out of my thoughts. I'd made it outside; now all I needed to do was make it home on foot.
"Y/n, wait!" Stiles' voice rang out in the silent night, but I ignored it, quickening my pace.
I really didn't want to see him. I didn't want to hear him say he wanted to be just friends. I didn't want him to crush my heart.
I felt his hand wrap around my wrist as he lightly pulled me back, stopping me. I didn't face him, trying desperately to wipe away the tears with my free hand.
"What's wrong?" Stiles asked, his voice soft.
A sob escaped me. He didn't even know what was wrong. He didn't know how much seeing that girl kiss him hurt me, because he could never fathom the idea of me liking him. The thought hurt me even more.
"Are you that oblivious?" I asked, my voice going several octaves higher as I spun around to face him, his grip on my wrist braking.
"What are you talking about?" Stiles asked.
I shook my head, tears escaping my eyes.
"God, you're so annoying!" I exclaimed, my sadness turning into frustration.
How could he not see my feelings for him? How could he act so normal when my heart was breaking?
"What do you mean? What did I do?" he asked, voice rising a bit in anger.
"What did you do?" I repeated incredulously, shocked at how oblivious someone could be.
"Yes! What did I do? Why are you calling me annoying?" He yelled, defending himself. "Why are you so upset?"
I didn't even realise I'd said the words until they were out of my mouth.
"I'm upset because I like you!" I blurted out. Stiles eyes widened. Too late to stop now, I thought. "I like you, and seeing that girl kiss you upset me, especially because you seemed to like it!"
Stiles stood rigid as he stared at me, jaw hanging open.
His lack of a reaction made my heart hurt more. I'd blown it. He obviously didn't like me back, and he didn't know how to say it.
"Just leave me alone," I muttered, wiping some more tears that rolled down my face.
I turned away, taking a few steps away when Stiles suddenly yelled "wait!" and grabbed my wrist again, turning me around and pulling me towards him.
"What?" I asked frustratedly, just wanting to leave.
I didn't need to hear him say it to my face. That he didn't like me. His actions were pretty clear, and whatever had happened earlier today had obviously been a misunderstanding. I mean, how could someone like him like someone like me? He was perfection made real, and I was, well, me. He could never like me back, and I'd been so stupid to even hope otherwise-
"I like you too."
I froze, my whole body tensing up at his words. He- what? He couldn't like me. That was impossible. It wasn't true, it couldn't be
But it was.
The thought filled me with hope, with excitement, with a joyous feeling in my stomach.
"I like you a lot," Stiles continued, smiling widely at my reaction. "And I'm sorry you got upset. Do you think I could make it up to you?"
Even though my mind was a mess and the butterflies in my stomach were having seizures, I managed to stutter out the word, "how?"
Stiles grinned and said, "by doing this," before kissing me.
My eyes widened even more as I felt Stiles' lips press against mine. They were soft and moved slowly. The sensation was enough to make my stomach melt and my knees go weak. Slowly, I reciprocated the kiss, dragging my lips across his.
Stiles brought his hands to my waist, drawing me closer as he deepened the kiss. I felt his tongue press lightly against my lips, and I eagerly parted them for him, letting his tongue explore my mouth as my arms snaked around his neck, my hands getting tangled in his hair.
We broke apart once air became a factor, both of us grinning madly at one another. I bit my lip in an attempt to stop smiling, and Stiles brought his thumb to my lip, releasing it from my teeth.
"I like your smile," was all he said.
I felt like my heart was going to explode. I still had tear stains on my face but right now I couldn't be happier.
"Do you want to go back to the party now?" he asked, voice soft as if he was scared he'd break whatever special thing had formed between us.
I nodded my head, unable to speak with all the thoughts and feelings filling me. Stiles took his hand in mine, and we walked back to the party together, once again being assaulted with loud music when Stiles opened the door.
We grinned at one another again before walking back into the crowd of dancing people. Soon enough, we were dancing as well, our bodies moving with the beat. We laughed with one another, comforted by the others presence as we moved our bodies along with the rhythm.
After a while, I felt my throat tighten in thirst and my feet ache from being used so much.
"I'm going to get us some drinks," I shouted at Stiles over the loud music.
He nodded his head and I turned around in search for the drinks table. Once I'd found it, I quickly grabbed two drinks and looked around the rest of the room for Stiles.
I found him sitting alone in a less crowded spot, waiting for me to come back. My heart fluttered at the thought, and I quickly made my way through the crowd to get to him.
He smiled when he saw me, and as I sat down he leaned forward and placed a kiss on my lips. Even though it was only a peck, I felt my whole body explode with feeling and my stomach do somersaults.
"Do you have a bottle opener?" I asked once I'd sorted my thoughts out.
Stiles nodded and got his keys out of his pocket, where his bottle opener was. I noticed that one of his keys was glowing and blinked in surprise.
"Your key has phosphors on it," I stated, taking the key, and showing it to Stiles.
His mouth opened in surprise as he stared at the key. I frowned at his reaction, wondering why he was so shocked to find phosphors on his keys when I remembered.
"Wait, is this the mysterious key that appeared this morning?" I asked him.
Stiles nodded, asking, "what are phosphors?"
"They're any substance that luminesces. Its in your teeth, your fingernails, laundry detergent. It's also on this- "I wiped some of the paint off of Stiles face that was left from the girl's kiss earlier and showed him the remnants of it on my finger. "- it reacts to the UV light, that's why it glows."
Stiles thought for a moment before giving a satisfied nod and interlacing our hands. I smiled and looked to the ground as a small blush spread across my face.
Stiles gently put his fingers under my chin and moved my head to look at him. I was grinning like a fool, feeling giddy and excited, but Stiles suddenly blinked and frowned.
"How would I get phosphors on my key?" he asked me.
I though for a moment before answering.
"Have you been handling chemicals?" I questioned.
Stiles shook his head as he answered.
"No, I don't think I..." Stiles suddenly trailed off, his gaze intensifying as he thought.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
Stiles stood upright, his mood instantly changing from playful to serious.
"I'm so sorry," he apologised as he shoved his keys into his pocket, "but I need to go and check something out."
"I'll come with you," I said, standing up.
Stiles shook his head.
"No, no, you stay here- "
"You're my ride, Stiles. I need to go with you, and besides, I don't want to be at this stupid party if its not with you," I said matter of factly, cutting him off.
Stiles seemed caught off guard at my words, but a small smile graced his lips.
"Fine, come on then," he muttered, and took my hand in his as he left the room.
We made it out of the party and got in Stiles' jeep. I didn't even question where we were going, but as we drove by some familiar streets, I started getting suspicious and wondered if he was actually taking me with him at all. My suspicions were confirmed when he parked his car in front of my house.
I sent Stiles an accusing glare, but he just shrugged his shoulders.
"You said you didn't want to stay at the party if I wasn't there," he reminded me.
I sighed, grumbling, but it was short lived as Stiles leaned over and gently placed a kiss on my lips.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he promised.
"You better," I warned him sternly, though inside I was anything but. It wasn't fair, really, how much control he had over my emotions, but at the same time I couldn't care less.
I left Stiles' jeep and walked to my front door, waving at Stiles as he drove away before getting my keys out of my pocket and quietly sneaking into my house.
I was going to go upstairs into my room and get some much-needed sleep, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I found my mother and father in the living room talking to Kira's parents.
Finally, they got together!!! Yay! Also, why the hell are Kira's parents at Y/n's house??? Pretty suspicious if you ask me.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment if you enjoyed, and have a good day/night.
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