I got to school bright and early, ready to talk to Kira and sort all this out, when I spotted Stiles. He looked my way and waved, and I decided a quick hello wouldn't hurt. I hadn't even spotted Kira yet, so saying hello to Stiles wouldn't ruin my goals for the day.
I walked over to the boy who was grinning foolishly at me and couldn't help the small smile that made its way onto my face.
"Hey Y/n, how you going?" he asked, a hint of nervousness evident in his voice.
"I'm still confused," I said, giving him a pointed look which he averted his gaze from. "But I'm feeling better."
Stiles looked at me again, nodding his head.
"That's good," he said, before taking my hand in his.
There was a nervous, fluttery feeling in my stomach, and I swallowed thickly, trying to act unfazed all the while jumping up and down giddily on the inside.
Stiles seemed to realise what he'd just done because he instantly withdrew his hand from mine, looking at the ground in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to-"
"Don't apologise," I said quickly, cutting him off.
I instantly felt like an idiot and cursed myself for being so stupid. I said that way to quickly and eagerly, but Stiles only smiled, easing some of the nerves in my stomach.
"So, how are you dealing with power outage? We're basically in the Dark Ages," Stiles joked as he started getting some stuff out of his locker.
I snorted, rolling my eyes.
"I'm doing okay. The major annoyance I have is that I have to use my phone battery wisely," I told him. "What about you?"
Stiles instantly started talking about what a pain in the ass it was not to be able to use internet on his computer.
"...and my phone is already on 50% which sucks-"
Stiles suddenly stopped talking as he dropped his keys on the ground and looked at them strangley. He picked them up, brows furrowing as he observed them.
"What is it?" I prodded curiously.
"This key isn't mine," he said, inspecting one key in particular. "I'm not sure where it came from."
"Huh," I said, looking at the key. "Strange."
Stiles nodded his agreement, still looking at the key. I tore my gaze away and spotted Kira down the hall, staring at me hesitantly.
"I got to go," I told Stiles distractedly. "Have fun with your key."
Stiles mumbled something incoherent, not taking his eyes off his key, and I left him, walking towards Kira just as Scott walked up to Stiles.
Kira's eyes fell on me walking towards her, and then something behind me before turning around, and walking away.
I looked back for a second to see Stiles holding Scott back from walking up to Kira too and frowned. Why was he doing that? I pushed the question away and quickened my pace in an attempt to catch up to Kira.
I started full on running and finally caught up with her, but it seemed Kira wasn't in the mood to talk, since she completely ignored me.
"Kira, we need to talk," I told her.
Kira didn't answer, keeping her gaze focused ahead.
"Come on Kira, it's important," I whined, but she still ignored me, busying herself with getting her books from her locker while occasionally glancing at Scott.
I sighed and turned around to look at the two boys. Scott was looking at Kira from afar, while Stiles' eyes met mine. I smiled a little before turning back to Kira, sighing when I found her walking away from me, again.
I hurriedly walked beside Kira as she started walking away. I said her name again, but to no one's surprise she ignored me again.
Taking a deep breath, I took a risk and hissed, "I think I might be like you."
That certainly got her attention. Her head swivelled to face mine and her eyes were wide.
"What do you mean?" she asked me.
We got to my locker and I started getting my stuff out while talking to Kira.
"Well, its just that all these strange things have been happening to me lately that I have no logical explanations for and..." I trailed off, feeling stupid. What was I supposed to say? And I'm starting to think I'm magical? And I think I have some sort of immunity to fire? And I'm becoming the new Lava Girl from Shark Boy and Lava Girl?
"And?" Kira questioned.
I sighed, biting my lip nervously. What was I thinking? I couldn't tell Kira. She'd think I was crazy or wouldn't believe me. This was a stupid idea.
"Hey, I just walked through 1.21 gigawatts of electricity. I think I'll believe whatever you're trying to say to me," she assured, making me smile slightly.
I took a deep breathe.
"I think I might be immune to fire," I blurted out all at once.
Dread churned in my stomach as I for waited her to answer me. Would she believe me? Would she take me seriously?
"How so?" Kira asked, not a hint of humour in her voice.
I visibly sagged in relief, and I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. She believed me.
"Do you have a lighter with you?" I asked.
Kira checked her pockets before nodding.
"Yeah, I must have left it in there after lighting some candles last night." Kira said as she took a lighter out of one of her pockets.
"Perfect," I said before dragging her off into an empty classroom.
Kira looked at me questioningly but didn't say anything as I closed the door and pulled down the blind.
"Okay, give me the lighter," I said.
Kira passed me the lighter and I took a deep breath for the billionth time today. I turned on the lighter and hovered my hand over the fire before pressing it to my skin. When nothing happened, Kira let out a gasp.
"Woah," she whispered.
I gave her lighter back to her, and she immediately turned it on, pressing her finger to the flame. She cried out in pain and dropped the lighter, clutching her finger.
"Dumbass," I muttered. Kira glared at me and I sighed. "Here, let me take a look."
Just as I touched Kira's finger to get a closer inspection, the burn started fading away. I let out a yelp and dropped her finger, but it was too late.
When Kira hesitantly brought her finger back up, the burn mark was gone.
"I don't feel any pain anymore," Kira breathed as she looked at her finger in wonder.
"I didn't know I could do that," I told her, also observing her finger.
Kira looks at me hesitantly before sighing.
"I have something to show you too," I raised an eyebrow and gestured for her to go on. "Take a picture of me and use the flash."
Both of my eyebrows were now raised at her strange commands, but I followed them and took out my phone, putting it on flash before taking a picture.
It was my turn to exclaim "woah" as I stared at my phone. The picture I took depicted Kira looking at me hesitantly, and this golden flame circling her. It looked like it was protecting her, surrounding her like a shield or something.
I looked up from my phone and to Kira, who was looking at the floor embarrassedly. Obviously, she didn't think it looked as cool as I did.
"It looks really cool," I said truthfully.
Kira raised her head, her expression brightening at my words. Before we could say anything else, we were interrupted by a whistle being blown.
"Class starts in 5 minutes! Just because there's no power, don't expect there to be no school!" Coach yelled through a megaphone in the hallway.
"We'd better get to class," Kira murmured.
"I'll see you later then. I've got Physics," I told her.
Kira sighed and gave me a quick hug before leaving. I walked through the halls to my class, a small smile on my face now that I knew I wasn't alone.
I arrived at my class and spotted Stiles sitting at a desk, who waved me over. I gladly took the seat next to him, trying to subdue the giddy feeling in my stomach.
"Hey, are you alright? You look a bit faint," Stiles said from beside me as he observed me.
My giddiness grew at his words. Obviously I was still a bit pale after confessing my secret to Kira and finding out one of hers, but I was surprised he'd noticed.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, before noticing that Stiles seemed tired. He had deep bags under his eyes and his skin was duller than usual. "Are you okay? You look tired."
Stiles seemed surprise that I noticed and smiled wearily at me.
"I'm good. I just haven't been getting much sleep," he said. "Nothing to worry about.
"Okay," I said smiling, though a pinch of worry went through me anyway. I remember the other day how I'd asked Stiles if he was okay, and he'd said he just hadn't slept well. It made me wonder if Stiles was having some sort of sleeping problem and how long it's been going on for.
Once class was finished, Stiles and I walked out together talking about our memories from the past.
"Remember when we had that epic sleepover and both our dads helped us make the best pillow fort ever?" I asked him as we walked through the hallway.
"That was epic!" Stiles said excitedly. "It reminds me of that time when they took us to that huge indoor playground, and we were lost for about an hour in it."
I laughed at the memory, smiling. Those were the good days.
We stopped talking when we noticed Kira and Scott sitting on the ground next to each other, having what seemed to be a serious conversation. Stiles and I looked at each other before quickly turning the closest corner to give them some privacy.
"Scott has a total crush on her," I told Stiles as we walked outside and into the school gardens.
"What? When did you find out about that?!" Stiles asked, his expression one of shock.
"Just now," I snickered, watching Stiles' expression form into one of horror.
He pointed at me.
"You- you tricked me," he hissed.
I laughed. "I guess I'm just smarter. Better luck next time dummy."
Stiles crossed his arms.
"Bully," he muttered.
"I'm not a bully!" I defended in outrage.
"Yeah, you are! You're bullying me!" He complained.
I scoffed.
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
We both looked at each other for a second before bursting into laughter. We were acting like kids again, and something told me Stiles hadn't done that in a long time.
"Remember that one time when we got married," I joked, before stiffening up. Oh god, why did I say that? That was way too far forward. He's going to think I'm so weird because I brought that up.
To my surprise, Stiles smiled fondly as he thought of the memory. "That was great. You were a very demanding bridezilla," he teased, smirking at me.
"I wasn't that demanding," I said half-heartedly, knowing that I had been that demanding.
"I remember how my dad put me in a little tux and made me stand at the edge of the driveway and how amazed I was when I saw you, even though you were only wearing a cheap kid's wedding dress from the op shop," he said.
"And the rings were lollies," I added.
"And we even got a mini wedding cake from the shops," Stiles said.
We looked at each other, smiling, before I frowned.
"How many times did we get married again?" I asked.
"I think 5 or 6," he said, thinking deeply.
I grinned at his words, but my grin faltered when Stiles suddenly stopped smiling and seemed to act nervous.
"Hey Y/n, if you want, do you want to hang out after school with me? Its okay if you don't want to, but if you do want to you can." He said awkwardly. "If you want to."
I felt the butterflies in my stomach have seizures and couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face.
"Yeah, I want to," I said, and we both smiled.
Funny story, Stiles and Y/n getting married as kids was actually based off of me and a family friend when we were younger.
Also, my sister has COVID so I'll be stuck at home all week which means I'll probably post a chapter everyday instead of once every two days.
Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter and have a good day/night.
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