I ended up spending the whole day with Kira. She was kind and funny, and we found out we both have a lot of things in common. Hanging out with her was fun, and I was glad she was my friend.
It was currently after school, and I was waiting for my dad to pick me up. I checked my phone to find a text from him saying he wasn't able to pick me up.
I let out a frustrated sigh, not wanting to take the 40-minute walk home. I wasn't even sure I knew the way, and the last thing I wanted was to get lost.
"Hey, Y/n, are you okay?" Stiles asked me. I turned to find him staring at me, hands in his pockets.
"Oh, yeah, my dad was supposed to pick me up, but he bailed, so I have to walk home," I told him, putting my phone in my pocket.
"That sucks," He said. I nodded in agreement. He looked to the ground, taking his hands out of his pockets only to fidget with them as he looked up to me hesitantly. "Do you, uh, want a ride? I could drive you- if you want of course."
"That would be great, thank you," I said, smiling.
"No problem. My car's just over here," He said, walking towards a blue jeep.
"Sweet ride," I said as I observed the jeep.
"Thanks. Roscoe's great," He said, admiring his vehicle. I couldn't help the surprised laugh that escaped my lips, and Stiles looked at me questioningly.
"You named it?" I asked him, causing the boy to look at the ground embarrassedly.
"Yeah," He mumbled, not taking his eyes off the ground.
"Awesome," I said, causing Stiles' head to shoot up and a small smile appear on his face at my grin. "But you should have named it Patricia."
"Excuse me, Roscoe is the ultimate name," Stiles said as he opened the door to the driver's seat. I got into the passenger seat, shaking my head.
"I don't know about that,"
"You should, because its true," He said matter of factly. I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever you say."
Stiles started driving before he suddenly stopped. I looked at him in concern, but he had a sheepish look on his face.
"I forgot to ask, what's your address?" I cracked a smile before telling him, and surprise filtered across his face.
"That's close to our house," Stiles said.
"You still live in your old house?" I asked him.
"Yeah, why, you thought we moved?" He asked.
"I guess, yeah. It's nice you didn't though; I always liked your house," I said, and Stiles chuckled. While he drove, we talked about anything and everything. I felt at ease with him, like I could tell him anything. It was comforting being with him after so long apart.
When we made it to my house, I said goodbye and was about to open the car door when Stiles grabbed my arm, stopping me.
"I just wanted to give you my number, so we can talk out of school," He said quickly. I smiled at him, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
"I already have it, remember?" I told him. His mouth opened to shape a small oh.
"Right, yeah." He said, nodding his head awkwardly. "Well, uh, here it is, just in case." My smile widened as he gave me his number, and I thanked him before leaving the car and entering my house.
I felt giddy as I walked through my new house, thinking about Stiles. I thought back to when I was little and the big crush I used to have on him. I smiled as I thought about how I might have a small crush on him now.
Sighing dreamily, I placed my hands on the kitchen counter only to hear my dad yell at me as he turned the corner.
"Y/n! Get your hands off the stove!"
I jumped at his loud voice, startled, and took my hands off the counter. No- the stove. I looked at the stove where my hands had been moments before, confusion warring in my head.
The stove was obviously on now that I looked at it. I had been so distracted thinking about Stiles that I hadn't looked where I was placing my hands and had placed them right on the stove, but I hadn't felt anything.
I looked at my hands, expecting to see burn marks all over them, but they were completely fine. Not a burn anywhere.
I reached my hand out to touch the stove again, but my dad grabbed my hand before I could.
"Careful there, or you'll burn yourself," He warned, checking my hands quickly to make sure I hadn't already burned them. I frowned as I thought about the fact that I should have already burned myself but hadn't.
I hadn't felt anything when my hands were on the stove. They just felt normal, and I would have kept them on there had my dad not yelled at me not to.
I was about to voice my concerns when my dad asked me how my day was. I was brought back to the normal world and decided not to tell my dad what happened and instead ignore the problem until it went away.
"It was good," I told him. "I even made some friends."
My mother, Carol, who had just exited from her office gave me a wide smile. "And who are these new friends?" She asked me.
"Well, I met Stiles again, and we hung out for a bit," I said. My parents looked at each other and shared a grin at my words and I frowned. "What does that mean?"
"It's just that we invited Noah and Stiles over for dinner tonight," my mother said. My eyes widened as I looked to my parents, horrified.
"What do you mean you invited them to dinner?!" I shrieked.
"It means we invited them to dinner," my dad said calmly. I groaned, covering my face with my hands.
"Why would you do that?" I asked them.
"Because they're our friends," my mother said. I removed my hands from my face, giving her a glare. I knew they would embarrass me in front of Stiles. That was their thing.
"Who are your other friends?" My dad asked, changing the subject.
"Friend," I corrected him. "And her name is Kira Yukimura."
My parents looked at each other for a second, unreadable expressions on both their faces. I frowned at their strange behaviour, but their expressions quickly changed to kind smiles as they asked me if she was nice.
"Uh, yeah, she is. Her father is too," I said, a bit put off at their strangeness. "I need to go and do some homework, so I'll see you later."
I tried to move past my parents to walk upstairs but my dad stopped me before I could.
"How do you know Kira's dad?" He asked me, concern lacing his voice.
"He's my history teacher," I told him slowly, unsure what to think of my parent's behaviour.
"Oh, okay," My dad said, giving my mother a look. I tried not to think too much about it and left my parents, going upstairs to my room.
"One more thing!" My mother called from the bottom of the stairs. "The Stilinski's are coming at 6:00!"
I groaned and stomped the rest of the way to my room. I did want to see Stiles again, but I knew my parents would tease me relentlessly after. They somehow always knew whenever I had a crush on someone. They called it parent's intuition. I called it creepy.
I went to my room and got out my school books, frowning at the amount of homework I had. It was my first day of school; I didn't deserve this.
Sighing, I got to work on my homework. It wasn't that hard, but it took a long time to complete. Once I'd finally finished and put my books away, I heard the doorbell ring and realised it was 6:00 already.
I ran down the stairs two steps at a time and beat my parents to the door, opening it with a wide smile. On the doorstep was Stiles and Noah, the latter which I hadn't seen in years.
"Noah, Stiles, how are you?" I asked as my parents walked to the door.
"Pretty good," Stiles said somewhat awkwardly.
"Please, come in," my mother said.
She gestured for them to enter, opening the door a bit wider.
"It's good to see you guys again," Noah said as he walked into our house.
"You too Noah. You know, it was just the other day that..." I rolled my eyes as my mother started talking, completely uninterested in whatever she was saying.
I looked to Stiles who was standing in the hallway with his hands in his pockets awkwardly.
"Want to hang out in my room?" I asked him.
"Yeah, sure," Stiles said.
I took his hand, leading him up the stairs and into my room. Most of the boxes were unpacked, but there were still a few scattered across my room.
Stiles snickered as he noticed the fluffy teddy bear sitting on my shelf that he gave me when we were five. He moved towards it, letting go of my hand so he could pick it up.
"I remember you used to take this everywhere," He said, eyes squinting as he assessed the teddy bear.
I smiled sheepishly at the memory, vividly remembering the tantrums I used to have when I wasn't allowed to take it somewhere.
"What about that T-rex toy that you accidently dropped into the lake?" I asked him.
Stiles laughed out loud at the memory.
"I was in a depressive stage for about a week after that," He said, a small smile on his face.
I was about to say something else when my mother called us down for dinner, just like the old times. As I walked down the stairs with Stiles, seeing my parents and Noah sitting at the dining table, I had an intense feeling of déjà vu; except something was missing.
The realisation hit me like a punch in the gut and I looked around the room, as if expecting to find her in the kitchen, bringing some food to the dining room.
She never came.
I sat down at the table next to Stiles and across from Noah.
"So, Y/n, how was your first day of school at Beacon Hills Highschool?" Noah asked me as we ate.
"Good, though it was a bit strange being the new girl, since I lived here for 6 years," I told him.
"Ah, yes, that would be strange," Noah said with a smile.
We all talked as we ate, and once we'd finished eating I started taking the plates into the kitchen. Stiles brought the rest of the plates in and I started washing them. I accidently put a bit too much soap in the sink, so there was a very thick layer of bubbles as I washed the dishes.
Stiles decided it would be a good idea to throw some of the bubbles at me, splashing me in the process. I gaped at him in betrayal before throwing some bubbles and water back at him.
A small competition broke out between us as we continued to throw bubbles at each other. I tried to dodge some bubbles he threw at me, but slipped on some water on the floor, and started falling forward.
Suddenly, there was an arm around my waist, and I was pulled up by Stiles, his arms around me. Our faces were inches apart as we stared at each other, lost in a trance, before my dad's roaring laughter from the other room brought us back to the present.
I blushed, embarrassed, as Stiles let go of me and took a step back, equally embarrassed.
"Ready to go?" Noah asked Stiles from the other side of the room.
"What? Oh, yeah, I am," Stiles rambled, still a bit flustered.
We all walked to the front door and I gave Stiles an awkward hug goodbye before they left, leaving the house empty.
I said goodnight to my parents and got ready for bed. As I laid down in my bed, waiting for sleep to take me, there was only one thing on my mind.
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