Chapter 6

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Shoyo's POV

Me and Kenma walked back inside. Mum was cooking dinner! I'm sure Kenma will love my Mum's cooking hehe! We went into the Living room where Natsu was sleeping on the couch.
โ€žThat's my little Sister Natsu, Kenma!"
He looked at her and nodded.
โ€žShe looks so peaceful" He said.
โ€žYeah but she's not as peaceful when she's awake" I laughed.
โ€žAnyways Ken Ken, does your arm feel better now?" I asked him with concern.

Kenma was shocked that I asked him that. But he did nod and smile at me.
โ€žKenma look! I have a Chinchilla! Do you wanna pet him?" I asked Ken Ken.

โ€žI'm a Cat person but sure. That thing does look quite Fluffy..."
โ€žHe's not a thing Ken Ken" I whimpered as a Joke.
โ€žI'm sorry I won't call him a thing again don't be sad Shoyo..." He patted my shoulder.
โ€žI'm just kidding Kenma, don't worry about it, He probably doesn't understand us anyways" I  laughed.
โ€žRight..." Kenma mumbled.

I handed him over my light grey chinchilla.
โ€žHe's... soft..." Kenma mumbled.
โ€žPetting him feels so nice..." Kenma smiled.
โ€žWhat's your Chinchillas name, Shoyo?" He asked me.

โ€žI couldn't decide on a name yet, you can help me name him if you want Ken Ken!" I giggled and pet the chinchilla with Kenma.

โ€žOh is that so? What about Cinccino? It's a evolved Chinchilla Pokรฉmon and it Looks a lot like yours." Kenma suggested.

โ€žWaaaahh that sounds so cute! Cinccino it is heh!" I giggled and hugged Kenma. โ€žThank you Kenma I love the name!"

He just blushed at me and mumbled a quiet โ€žYou're welcome".

We pet my chinchilla for some more minutes and then I put him back into his big cage in the Living room.

I could hear my mum calling me And Kenma because the food was ready.

I grabbed Kenma's hand and rushed to the kitchen, where I could see my mum placing chicken wings onto our plates.

โ€žWAAAAAH THAT LOOKS YUMMY THANKS MAMAAAA!" I cheerfully chirped while I was almost drooling.
Kenma couldn't help but laugh, he immediately hid his laughter though.
โ€žDon't hide it Ken Ken!" I whimpered.
โ€žSorry..." He said.

After we finished eating our meals I asked Kenma if he liked my mums cooking and he replied with a โ€žyes". That made me really happy for some reason! And I'm sure Mama was happy Ken Ken likes her food as well!

โ€žKenma dear, it's very Late already, don't you think Your parents are worried about you?" My mama asked Kenma. He seemed uncomfortable, yet he told my mum that his parents wouldn't mind. Something seemed off... he always had weird reactions whenever we asked anything about his parents... Huh...

โ€žMaybe Ken Ken could stay here over night? Nishinoya did that a lot too!" I suggested to my mum, in hopes she'd agree.

โ€žI don't see why not..." She responded. โ€žBut you'll have to lend Kenma your clothes, since he probably doesn't have his own ones here." My mama added.

โ€žOf course I will! Kenma do you Wanna stay here over night?" I asked him

He looked at me awkwardly โ€žSure".

โ€žYaaaaaaay! Let's go upstairs Ken Ken!"

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