Your joking

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Β  Β Β  You have got to be joking.

Β  Β Β  Do you ever get the sudden urge to wrap your arms around a persons neck and just never let go. That's how I feel right now, when I found out I was getting a second shot at life I was happy, overjoyed, ecstatic. But now looking at my current predicament I wanna die all over again.

Β  Β Β  Waking up as Lydia Martin was not on my bucket list. I mean she's gorgeous but she was an absolute raging bitch. She treated most people around her like crap. She did get better but she irritated my soul.

Β  Β Β  I mean but when life gives you lemons make lemonade.

Β  Β Β  Looking around the room it looked ok it was just a bit too much purple but I could work with it. Getting up from the bed I try and guess which season I'm in. I really want to start on season two so I could build relationships with the people around me without making it look too out of the ordinary.

Β  Β Β  Spotting a calendar in the corner I see a date marked First Day Back. It was two days from now that means i have time to get my act together. Deciding to check her closet for anything thatΒ  I would like. Hopefully I won't have to change much I quite like her style.

Β  Β Β  I decided to get my clothes ready so I won't run around like a mad woman trying to find them. Pulling out a white skirt I decide to pair it with a white collared long sleeve shirt, a brown long sleeve sweater on top, and adding a cream colored coat on top. For shoes it was pretty simple a plain white high heeled boot. I'll figure jewelry out on the day.

Β  Β Β  Taking a deep breath I contemplate how I envision my new life to be. I'm definitely going to be nice to everyone around me that's for sure. But in the meantime I want to explore this house and see if I can talk to my new mom.

Β  Β  Β  It took me awhile but I managed to tour the whole house in under one hour and I memorized where everything was so there would be no confusion. When i tried to find my new mom i saw a note on the kitchen counter saying that she had gone to work and she'll see me on the first day with a surprise.

Β  Β Β  I shrugged and discarded the piece of paper and began heading back up to my room. As i entered my room i spotted a cell phone on the dresser. I went to open it wondering if i needed a password surprisingly it did. Trying to guess it took up most of my day but I finally cracked it.

After scrolling through my new phone a looking at my contacts I realized that Jackson was still my boyfriend by his name saved in the phone figuring out i'm either in season one or two. Telling myself that it's enough information for the night I go to sleep slightly aware of the chaos about to ensue.

519 words

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