Chapter 5 - Jar of Hearts

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The next day, Samuel stared at Wooshin and Somi at the lake. Of course they're being sweet, and giggly with the childhood memories.

They're childhood sweethearts after all.

"Remember when we first met?" Somi asked Wooshin.

"Yep. Our classmates keep calling you names and I yelled at them to cut it out. Ever since I protected you from them." Wooshin answered proudly, making Samuel smirk thinking of how much of a show off he was.

Protect huh? Maybe that's why Somi didn't like how Samuel was before. He sighed.

So that's what Somi looks for in a guy. Apparently he was weak back then. But now he built a much better Kim Samuel but Somi's already choosing Wooshin.

Wooshin's a nice guy? Somi would be better off with him. But hiding here won't make her fear disappear. Sam knew that pretty well. They'll both be cowards if they don't face Sohye now.

All of a sudden, Somi's phone started ringing. She got up as soon as she caw the caller ID. Would Samuel guess this right?

Does he even have to guess who it was?

Samuel tried to hide himself behind this huge tree. Luckily this lake was surrounded with trees. It's like the forbidden forest in Harry Potter.

"What do you want me to do? I know you, you, won't just give me a favor without anything in return."

He heard Somi tell the caller, whoever it was.

"I'm in Yongin, I'll probably get to time square mall this afternoon if I leave now." she said before releasing a shaky breath in fear.

"Was that her?" Wooshin asked.

Somi nodded with her puppy dog face. This only means one thing. She wants Wooshin to go with her and be her defender.


"Don't go. You already know that she's going to hurt you." he said.

"But she's blackmailing me." she explained.

"Cut connections with the toxic people in tour life. Stay here and you won't have to deal with her. Come here." Wooshin spread his arms for Somi, but Somi stepped back. She realized that Wooshin doesn't understand her in one bit.

"If I don't go, pictures of me will be sent to the entire student body of Seoul High, including the faculty members. I can't allow her to spread those pictures." she said before running away.

Samuel smiled, running to where Somi ran off.

This will be the time he'll discover that really happened between Somi and Sohye after he left. He wouldn't miss it for the world.

"I'm going to use the car. Don't wait up!" Samuel told his cousins who are currently working hard at the restaurant.

"Where are you going? I wanna come! I can't live with Seongwoo always telling me what to do!" Daniel jumped towards the back seat of the moving car.

"Yah! Kang Daniel! What did you say?" Seongwoo yelled, but the car was moving too fast.

"You're fucking wearing my jersey again." Samuel accused the guy, making his smile fade into a shy smile.

"What do you want me to do? My things are left in the bus remember? They haven't even called yet." Daniel tried to look helpless to make Samuel pity him.

"Next time, get Seongwoo's clothes. Remember how rude he is when you asked for permission. He said he won't let a reckless guy borrow his expensive clothes. Sneak them." Samuel advised, wiggling his brows.

"Yeah! I'll definitely do that." he said raising his feet on the dashboard of the car, this guy just didn't learn about proper etiquette.

"Yah! Kang Daniel, who told you you can put your stinking feet on the dashboard of the car?" Samuel asked in annoyance.

"Nobody. But umma, she told me not to..."

"Not to put your feet on the dashboard. But since she's not here, you're going to do it. How the fuck did they raise you?" Samuel cut him off.

Now that Samuel thought about it, he realized he haven't seen Daniel's mother in person.

He hasn't seen her discipline the wild animal yet.

How much did they control their son to trigger him to do what they didn't allow him to do?

Daniel tapped the dashboard trying to drum something, irritating Samuel once again.

"Wanna listen to music instead?" Samuel asked and he nodded excitedly. Samuel turned on the stereo, and Bling Bling by iKon was up.

Daniel sat there singing the whole thing. At least one of them is enjoying this car ride.

After hours of listening to Daniel sing, Samuel parked the car near the time square spotting Sohye. He put on his black cap and mask to cover his face.

"Sejeong, wait right here. I need to talk to someone." she told the girl next to her. Samuel didn't know a Sejeong that's friends with Sohye. What an unlucky girl. Friends with the school bully.

"There she is." Sohye said when she saw Somi walking towards the entrance. "Stay here." she told Sejeong again before running towards Somi. No need to talk inside. The talk is going to be short.

"Daniel, stay here. I'll eavesdrop a bit. Wait for me right here. Do you understand?" he asked but left without waiting for his answer. The guy doesn't seem to follow orders so why try?

Daniel watched Samuel follow Somi and this other girl. It's none of his business, but then he saw balloons. He wanted to take home for his cousins who stayed in the restaurant to work.

On the way towards the balloons, this girl in front of her accidentally slipped on her high heels. Luckily he was there to catch her.

Romantic? But not really to Daniel, he was so focused at the balloons that he didn't even ask if the girl was fine. After she gained her balance, Daniel left like nothing happened and bought some Balloon's with the tip he got for today.

"Wait! Wait!" the girl called him but Daniel was so focused on the balloons that it was all he can see at the moment.

Sometimes it's that disappointing, if you find someone special but they don't see you the same way. After building a world of fantasy that is was meant to be, but to the other person, you're just the girl who fell, slowing him down to buy balloons.


No worries. He's wearing a jersey. Jersey Number 17, Kim. She took a picture, to make sure she'll know it's him next time he decides to go out wearing the same jersey.

Hopelessly romantic as Sejeong was, she thought it was destiny. But the truth was, she wore the wrong high heels today.


"Somi! Here." Sohye called her to the side.

Somi followed her somewhere where it's just the two of them. The both of them stopped when there's no more other people around. At least that's what they thought. Samuel was just hiding on the other side of a wall, but he can hear them clearly.

"Tell me honestly now. Do you like my boyfriend?" Sohye asked Somi.

"Nope. Never." she answered. Making Samuel want to clap his hands.

"Then why do you have pictures on his phone. Revealing pictures." Sohye yelled angrily.

Samuel's expression changed right away. He doesn't know what to expect on Somi anymore.

"They weren't my selca! Someone took it while I was changing, while we're at Pinky's 'year-end-party'. Didn't you see it was a stolen picture?" she explained, but Sohye smiled, in disbelief.

She thought Somi doesn't have the right to defend herself when her pictures are very revealing and it's on someone else's boyfriend's phone.

"I told you several times to go for Mingyu, but no! You just have to go behind my back and seduce Wonwoo." Sohye accused. "I know everything Somi. Wonwoo told me. Why can't you just admit it?"

"Admit what? I didn't do anything." Somi tried to argue, but there's no convincing Sohye now.

"You were clearly stripping in front of him in this photo!" Sohye showed Somi.

Samuel couldn't take it anymore that he came out where he was hiding, grabbing Sohye's phone to see the picture if it was true.

Sohye squealed in surprise. Samuel looked like a snatcher with the black clothes, black cap and mask.

"Behind her was the bed and the door, on the right side was the wall, the left side was the closet. Then the side where the camera is gotta be the window. Unless rooms on Pinky's house doesn't have windows." Samuel said before taking off his mask.

Somi gasped, but Sohye has her eyes on slits, trying to recognize this person. Deep inside she knew him, she just can't remember.

"If the photographer took it from the window, he's got to be a pervert." Samuel deleted the photos on the gallery and google photos before Sohye can even move.

"I suggest you break up with him, he has no respect for girls." he said calmly, before grabbing Somi's hands, taking her away.

Being dragged once again reminded her of yesterday. Samuel is making it a habit.

"Yah! Kim Samuel, stay out of my life. Who told you you can talk to me after threatening me not to talk to you unless my answer is yes?" Somi's voice broke, but she tried to be taught, even if her life was falling apart at the moment.

Sohye on the other side was puzzled when Somi called this guy Kim Samuel. Must be another Kim Samuel, because the Kim Samuel from Middle school will never be this good looking.

"Fine! I was wrong and insensitive when I demanded 'yes' as an answer." He raised his hand in surrender, but there's no sign of guilt anywhere, from his facial expression, his eyes, posture and gestures. He seem bored and wanted this fight to end.

And he was sure that this is going to end pretty fast.

"Let's just head back before Daniel goes missing. Besides, those pictures are gone now." he said confidently.

"And what if she has copies?" Somi questioned him, making him sigh in disbelief. This girl just doesn't believe in him and thinks he's the same old loser who doesn't know how to fight back.

"What happened?" Sohye screamed. "It's gone! The photos are all gone." her eyes are now fixed in Samuel. His smile with that one crooked teeth made her recognize that it is Kim Samuel.

"You'll pay for this!" Sohye screamed, chasing them. Samuel dragged Somi to where he parked the car and to his surprise, Daniel was already inside.

He picked the locks again. This person just know how to ruin things. Good thing he didn't hot wire, or Samuel would kill him.

Even though, they're in a hurry, Samuel managed to open the passenger door for the lady before he entered the driver seat.

"What's with the balloon's whose birthday is it?" Somi asked when he saw different colored balloons.

"Daniel's just insane." Samuel said before driving away, leaving Sohye running like an idiot, chasing a car.

"Come back here!" Sohye yelled before she was joined by her cousin.

"You know who's the guy in that car?" Sejeong asked nervously. What a coincidence. "Perhaps you know Jersey number 17, Kim?" she asked.

"17 huh? I know him alright. Kim Samuel finally made a comeback. This time I'll take out that trash." she said, before hissing.

Sejeong on the other hand smiled, typing his name on instagram. Kim Samuel, his
knight in shining Armor.


"Who do you think you are..."

"Running 'round leaving scars! Collecting your jar of hearts, tearing love apart. You're gonna catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul." Daniel cut off whatever Somi was saying, singing Jar of Hearts of Christina Perri.

Somi was astound. She's never seen a person quite like Daniel before.

"As I was saying." she cleared her throat, ignoring Daniel who's still singing. "You didn't have to save me. I can take care of myself. This won't change my decision. My answer is no and that's final." she said.

"Cool. I don't need your permission anyway. I'll get my revenge on Sohye with or without you, and you get to choose whether you join forces with me, or stay in fucking Yongin with nice guy Wooshin." he chuckled while speeding.

Somi was silent for a second, trying to analyse what he meant by that. Is he transferring back to Seoul High?

If that's what he means, Somi won't be too scared to come back when class starts. That was a relief. But she tried to make it seem like she's still mad at him.

"You didn't mention that even the guys are making your life miserable. You okay?" he asked, pissed at the taker of that photo he deleted.

Somi shook her head. "Just giving me a hard time. They're probably drunk when they took those photos." she said, changing her tough expression into a defeated one.

"We're going to make them pay." Samuel said, gripping on the steering wheel tightly.

"Would you please stop including me on your revenge?" she knitted her brows in irritation.

Samuel's too eager to take revenge and it's eating him alive. Somi didn't want that bad energy right now. Since the very start, she just wanted a quiet life in Yongin and nice Summer Vacation.

"Okay, I'll cut it out. No need to frown, you'll look ugly." Samuel chuckled.

Somi gasped at Samuel's remark. He's unbelievable. At first when he talked confidently in front of Sohye, she felt proud of him, but now that she realized that he's being too confident, she just wanted to hit him on the head.

But destiny seem to object, because her phone vibrated, interrupting her ideas.

Soyeon: Where's Samuel's photo? I'm not asking for a 1x1 with white background or passport size with collar. Just a stolen picture, just to see how he turned out.

Somi hissed when she realized she totally forgot about that. Now Soyeon must've thought she's lying.

Somi put her phone on the camera app, pretending it's a habit of her to scratch her chin with her phone. Darting her eyes on Samuel who's focused on the road, she snapped few photos.

She checked the stolen shots but none of them was decent. You can barely see his face.

'Maybe one more try.' she leaned forward, pretending to scratch her chin once again. Once again, she checked the stolen shots and there's this one where you can finally see his face. But it's still blurry.

But it will do.

Sitting back, Somi noticed the black cap and black mask that Samuel used earlier and that day on the book sale.

She glared at him, observing if he would look uncomfortable, but Samuel only smiled, reminding Somi when they were younger. That's how he always smiled.

"If you keep staring, I'll start to get the wrong idea." Samuel clicked his tongue, before fixing his hair. "Stop it Somi, I'm feeling a little bit self-conscious." he said before biting his lips.

This guy just had no idea, or he just keeps pretending like he doesn't know.

"You're the guy at the book sale. I'm positive." She pointed accusingly. Samuel's smile faded.

"So what if that's me?" he asked with a serious tone, he's not smiling this time too.

"Were you following me around? Did you bump into me on purpose? How long have you been following me? Why?" she demanded.

But Samuel didn't answer that, he just keep on driving.

Somi gasped in shock, covering her mouth. "Perhaps, are you a stalker now? No wonder you weren't surprised when you saw me on the bus." she gasped once again.

"It was a coincidence Somi." Samuel finally spoke. "Me and Daniel were meeting on the music store. I was lost, and absent minded, looking for Daniel and I bumped into you." he explained.

At that moment when he bumped into her, at first he didn't care, but then that eye contact made him recognize that is was Somi. As much as he wanted to walk away, something keeps telling him to at least pick up the book that she dropped and give it to her. And it was what he did.

"And you did it again today! You followed me. How did you know I'm heading here? Did you install a spy application on my phone and saw Sohye's texts?" she said taking her phone from her pocket when it slipped and landed on Samuel's lap.

Samuel picked it up and saw his stolen picture. He smiled, showing it to Somi. "So what do you call this then? Is this not considered as stalking?" he asked.

Somi was frozen. Once again, everything she said came back to her.

"That's umm..that's just. That's an accident. I didn't know it was on camera mode." she excused.

Without listening any more of her excuse, Samuel fixed his bangs and took a decent photo of him on Somi's phone. "Do you want a selca of me, or you want both of us on the shot?" he asked. But without waiting for an answer, he snapped another photo, and this time it was him and Somi, who looks confused more than ever.

After that he gave back Somi's phone and focused on the road.

Instead of being embarrassed, Somi felt her cheeks burning up. And it might look as red as a tomato right now. She stared at the photos and find herself at peace.

Samuel's real, and he's right beside her. He's not missing or gone. She can talk to him, take pictures with him. If she had to say sorry over and over again, she can finally do that.

"I'm sorry." she cried.

"Don't worry about the photos. It's not a big deal." he said.

"Not that." she said. "It's for making you take all the blame when I was weak." she said before looking outside the car window, wiping her tears.

"I told you, we're done with that. I understand now why you demand to be protected." he said. "Wooshin protected you in a different way. I wasn't the person you needed." he said before making the whole car ride silent, but still words left unsaid.

Somi wanted to correct him, that she didn't need Wooshin back then, and even now, but when she faced him, she noticed his hands on the steering wheel, the friendship ring she got him was gone.

She was more hurt than she expected herself to be.


A/N: Greetings πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ So, Kang Daniel ranked first and I'm so happy for my puppy. Once that fucker debuts, he'll definitely be my Bias. Sorry for the language😱😱😱 thank you for stopping by as usual. Make sure you comment down who you wanted to ship your bias. And please comment down who you wanted to see. If I haven't included any of them in this chapter, I'm so sorry. My chapters are written in advance. Expect to see them after Chapter 8. Bye for now πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

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