Chapter 49 - Wine Tasting

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Second day with new the teachers. It wasn't that bad, knowing that just like the old ones, they protect the student body, not their bank accounts.

Samuel entered the room later than usual. He helped Miss Seulgi carry the workbooks to the classroom. It wasn't because he's diligent and responsible, it was all to avoid staying inside the classroom with Somi.

It was still so hard to think and imagine what kind of date she had with Wooshin. They haven't talked for more than a week and she already replaced him. Must be that easy to replace a Kim Samuel.

Homeroom ended with Miss Seulgi telling them to behave on their classes with their new teachers. Now it's history, Jooheon's class.

They prepared the materials for the wine making. The other students are even advanced that they already looked up the procedure on the internet last night.

Seonho specifically started preparing his fruit of choice. Maybe the teacher would be impressed if he already peeled his oranges.

Where is Jooheon anyway?

He's 10 minutes late. How could a teacher possibly be late and not tell his students ahead of time that he'd be late. Since the only have one hour for this subject, there's no time to waste, they all followed Seonho's lead, peeling their fruits to make sure they finish in time.

Jooheon then entered smelling the citrus fruits first thing. He also saw their fruits peeled off. He clicked his tongue before rubbing his temples. He looked angry at them for some reason.

"What do you think you're doing? I haven't told you to start yet." he told them. Seonho felt responsible.

"I assumed you'd want us to start and not waste time, Sir. It was my all fault." he admitted. He wanted to always admit his faults from now on.

"This is why we hurt ourselves." Jooheon started again. "You assumed too soon that the two of you are already dating, so you didn't waste time and decided to always come early on every date. But in the end, you wasted all your 'right-time' with the wrong person." he said making them smile.

They thought he was going to really scold them but no, this is another bitterness line brom this bitter teacher.

"It's why I'm late today, because I've learned." he muttered.

He distributed the procedures them told them to start.

Thought they already have the procedure, he thought he should read the instructions and briefly explain them for the students to understand clearly.

"Make sure everything is clean, the containers, the materials and the fruits." he told them while checking every student's work.

"Peel that fruit like how your heart was peeled when you saw her with another man." Jooheon said the second instruction, but to Samuel it was something personal. Jooheon wasn't just trying to be bitter, it did felt that way when he saw Somi leave Hotline Bling with Wooshin. It felt like someone's peeling his heart.

"Then squeeze that thing like how she squeezed you when she denied the truth. But as for you Kim Samuel, you have to cut that apple in pieces and use a blender afterwards. Blend it! Crush it like how you were crushed when she said it was over." to Jooheon, it was a past experience, but to Samuel, he felt like he's seeing the future.

He looked terrified, glancing at Somi who was already looking at him as he blended his hear. I mean the apple.

"Yes! Crush that until you can easily squeeze the juice out of it afterwards." Jooheon clapped three times before moving on the the next student. It was Park Jihoon who looked furious with his grapes.

Nope! Not this one. Jooheon thought. Better the grapes than him.

Jihoon was squeezing the blended grapes on the filter as if his hates person was what he was squeezing. Better let him concentrate on the grapes. He looks dangerous, this kid wearing a Brand New Academy Uniform was helping him torture the poor grapes.

Moving on, he let them finish their work.

"Well done class, now I don't want you to ruin that wine for the wine tasting, keep it on a cool place without indirect sunlight. We will bring it after one week after the fermentation process and then cover it with the cork and then let it do it's magic." he told them before leaving the classroom.

Break time, finally after that winemaking in History class. What the hell was that?

"I never knew that History class can be this bitter." Hyeop muttered.

"That's what he said before his life's only sugar magically appeared." Jihoon narrated once again. He never fails to describe his surroundings because Doyeon is now running her way to Hyeop.

Hyeop raised a brow at Baejin, trying to connect 'brain-to-brain' on what's wrong with Jihoon. It seems like Baejin also have no idea because he shook his head and shrugged.

"Mommy and Daddy wanted to have dinner with you again." Doyeon interrupted Hyeop.

"Wow! You're in demand." Jihoon snapped out of his sarcastic world.

"Oh, Jihoon. Yoojung's looking for you." Doyeon told him when she noticed him after speaking.

"Tell her I'm sick." Jihoon muttered before running away. Today, he decided to skip class and just walk around to get some fresh air.

Rushing to the dorm, he changed clothes ditching the colorful ones for the grey and black that Seongwoo bought him. Instead of wearing his hair straight, he messed it up and he's ready to go.

He started walking on the streets not thinking about anything until he was cornered by this tall guy with a black suit. "Hello, I'm Ha Seokjin from Maroo Entertainment. I saw you walking and noticed your good looks." he introduced himself with a business card. "If you are interested on being an actor or an idol, feel free to call me and discuss to you our contract." he told Jihoon.

He wasn't persuasive, he gave a card. It may still be a scam right?

"May I know your name at least." he requested politely.

"James Bond." Jihoon muttered before running away. The agent smiled at how playful this kid is. Sooner or later he might see him again, and next time, he'll be more persuasive.

James Bond? What an impression.

"Mr. Ha, the fans are gathering. We need to get going."

Jihoon hid behind a stall, watching the guy who just scouted him leave on this van that artists use. So, does that make him real?

He finally stopped hiding and stared at the card that was given to him.

Ha Seokjin?

Jihoon immediately took out his phone to search a Ha Seokjin and saw the results. He's a famous actor under Maroo Entertainment, and he introduced himself as James Bond.

Sighing in defeat, he went for some ice cream to forget about what happened. He got the business car but he couldn't call it because because of what he did.

He bought a really big bowl of ice cream and sat there. He looked like his girlfriend just broke up with him since he's all alone eating ice cream. Passers by saw what Ha Seokjin saw in him. They keep taking pictures of him, finishing it with different captions.

Saw a cute guy and ended up buying ice cream.

I'll be a regular customer if he is.

I hope people buy ice cream in the winter, because I need to share a table with this cutie.

Tons of different more spread throughout twitter that people at school knew right away why he's absent. It wasn't a surprise that people would take stolen photos of him. Jihoon's undeniably handsome.

His photos spread like fire on the internet until you can't avoid to see him on twitter and instagram.

Taeyong saw the photos and wondered why Jihoon was roaming around at this hour. There's still four hours before dismissal. He studied the photos and looked for Jihoon immediately.

He found himself staring at Jihoon who's absent minded. People are gathering around outside to take photos, crowding the place. He didn't waste any time and went to Jihoon, sitting in front of him.

"What are you doing kid?" he cooed. "I thought you guys would start anew after the incident. We want you all to graduate." Taeyong finally woke him up to reality.

Jihoon stared at his former teacher, noticing how good looking he was in his own clothes. "TY track." he unconsciously greeted. "What are you doing here?" asks Jihoon who seem to be confused.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. Don't you have class today?" Taeyong intrigued the kid. Instead of showing nervousness and guilt, he hugged Taeyong, showing happiness instead.

Taeyong had no other choice but to hug him back. This kid was never this touchy and thoughtful. Something must've happened.

"What's wrong Jihoon? Why are you skipping class?" Taeyong whispered to the kid.

"Hyung, why does everything that I love ends up leaving me?" Jihoon asked, sitting back to his chair.

Love? Was it a girl? Was it a pet?

"Maybe you love the wrong person." Taeyong told him.

Jihoon nodded, staring at his melted ice cream. So that was the problem. He loves the wrong person.

"Parents can be the wrong people to love?" he asked as he stared outside as if he's looking for someone. He never kept an eye contact with Taeyong the whole time he's here.

Taeyong sighed as soon as he heard his question.

Parents? His parents fight on normal basis until they left him. They didn't have time to raise a child because the fights are frequent until they start to hurt him too. So what does he know about parents?


They were excellent alarm clock though. They're consistent in waking him up at 6AM in the morning with a fight, if he can remember it clearly. There's a lot of yelling and clattering noise.

"Parents aren't that bad." he told the kid without sincerity because it wasn't like that for him. He's sharing an insincere advise and he's not good at those.

"So you mean I can still count on them. They just need a time to adjust right?" Jihoon asked excitedly. Now he's smiling like he always does.

"Adjust to what?" Taeyong asked him.

"That they have a son?" Jihoon was so insure himself that his answer sounded like a question.

A son? Is he fucking joking?

It's funny. As a matter a fact, Taeyong wanted to take note of that because it's joing to be his new parent joke with his friends.

Parents who needs to adjust that they have a son?

Is that reality?

Is that a real concern?

Parents are good creatures right?

They raise a child with all their might and the child ends up a pain in the ass, just like Jihoon who's skipping classes.

"How old are you kid? How long will they adjust to have a child? Where have you been? Where have they been?" Taeyong keeps babbling sentences that only made sense to him because right now, his words are all he can understand. And Jihoon's are nonsense.

He's in High school. For how long would his parents get used to the fact that they have a son.

"Hyung, do you want to buy my house. I'll pay you back when I get famous." he told Taeyong clutching the business card on his pocket. Now he's reconsidering entering Maroo Entertainment.

"House? I'm not that rich Jihoon." Taeyong told him.

"Please! It's all I have left. If they can't adjust that the have a son. I don't need to adjust that I have Parents too." Jihoon begged.

Taeyong do have a lot of savings. Dating with Seulgi isn't that expensive, when they only eat at Hotline Bling then go home.

The only question is, how much is it?

Taeyong asked him if he could see the house so they drove to where it was. The problem now is it was already sold.

Jihoon stood there with a smile on his face. A smile of disappointment maybe.

Taeyong stood there beside him confused. Why is it already sold? "Why did you even put it on sale to start with?" Taeyong asked the kid.

"The plan was we're all going to leave Korea, so they sold the property. Then they forgot to tell me I need to process papers to be able to get out of here. Now I'm left with nothing." he said then his poker face surfaced. It's like he started to accept his fate.

What else can he do?


"Where's Jihoon?" Yoojung asked Doyeon who's busy talking to Kwon Hyeop. She was being rude but she's excited to show him something.

"He's not here." Doyeon answered and it was obvious because Yoojung has eyes too.

She just walked away in defeat, walking towards Somi's table. So this means the situation between her and Samuel was still not okay.

"I'm creeped out by Wooshin." Chungha kept talking over and over as if Somi couldn't hear her.

Somi didn't see any harm that he can do. He would never go that far.Β  Her only concern now is how to tell Samuel that it was Wonwoo who got the list.

She glanced at Soyeon and observed her. She doesn't seem to be the person who would lie. Wonwoo's statement was believable on the other hand. Then why would Soyeon remove herself on the whole picture of getting the list?

Is she planning something terrible? Was it the reason why she suddenly became friends with her? Soyeon was secretly on her side for so long but never revealed it.

Now why is she starting to hang with them?

"Want my cupcake?" Soyeon asked Somi when she noticed her staring at it.

Somi didn't answer and just took the cupcake and ate it. Anything to release stress right now. She glanced at Samuel and caught him staring. Instead of smiling or nodding at her, he looked away pretending like nothing happened.

It frustrated her even more.

He kept her stare asking the heavens for a sign.

If he look at her again, it means she needs to talk to him. And if he doesn't, she'll just ignore him back.

Then Samuel glanced at her with a blank expression. They stared at each other for a long time before Somi decided to signal him to have a private talk.

The two of them found themselves at their secret meeting place once again.

Samuel was at the desk waiting for her. They didn't go together to make it seem that they're not going to meet each other.

When Somi finally arrived, Samuel got off the desk. "Did you contact my parents and confessed what happened?" he asked confusing Somi.



What did happen?

Samuel watched her get confused by his words. "Someone called my parents and told the truth about me being a peeping Tom. They sincerely apologized. It was all good until they decided to take me to LA." he admitted. It was all so shocking for Somi.


Is he joking?

"So you didn't? Then who could it be?" Samuel talked to himself, analyzing what happened.

"I'll go." he said.

Somi forced a laugh. "This is not a good prank Samuel."

Samuel stared at her in the eyes and red her easily. She really thinks this is a prank. So it means it wasn't her who did the prank.

"By the end of the week I needed to go. I wanted to go. I'm not going to be held back by my feelings for you. My life needs a reset. I'm not sure if you can wait for me, but if you can't, Wooshin's there." he paused, waiting for Somi's reaction.

"Fuck you! I already waited for you! You have no idea how long I waited for you Kim Samuel. Do you have any idea how hard it is to wake up every morning trying to figure out where you moved? Nobody knew where you were. I didn't know where you were. You can't go." she begged grabbing into his hand.

It was too extreme for the both of them. "Please tell me this is just a joke." Somi begged him but Samuel didn't respond. They both stared at each other and when he wasn't speaking, she had enough of it and walked away.

On the way to the door, he turned around and yelled. "You don't know how to fight Kim Samuel. Until now you're a coward. But it's not like she meant it. She was angry and trying to get a response from Samuel but there was still zero actions and emotions.

She continued to walk because she didn't know how to take back what she said. She walked faster and faster.


Days passed and not much has changed. Jihoon kept missing class because he finally got accepted in Maroo entertainment to have a different workshops in acting. He never told anyone. He kept it to himself.

Yoojung never got to show him her surprise.

Samuel and Somi got more awkward. She's still waiting for Samuel to tell her that this was nothing but a joke. Today is Friday, it could be their last meeting if Samuel's telling the truth.

Is he?

Jooheon barged in the room, making them all bring out their wine. "Wine tasting everybody. I want you all to discuss the wine, why you chose the fruit and the name." he said.

Students came saying the same things, like:

"Grapes because grapes is the most ideal fruit to make a wine."

"Orange because it's his or her favorite fruit."

Names are lame like:

Swaggy Wine

Fresh Blood

But then it's time for the student who was sleeping the whole time. It was none other than Kim Samuel.

He took a paper bag with his wine inside it. Jooheon smiled when he red the Wine's name that was printed in front of it.

Wine did you leave me?

Their classmates also laughed at it.

"I made this for all the bitter hearts." Samuel said on a serious tone but it was so hilarious that they all laughed.

"I picked apple because one, an apple is a weight loss beverage." he said seriously, and it wasn't funny this time so they thought he was lame and the name of the wine was lame too.

But then...

"For those foodtrips that made you gain lots of weight when the two of you are still dating." he explained making them all laugh. Jooheon also smiled in approval.

"Anti-diabetic, for all the chocolates and sweets that you gave each other."

Again the whole class was on the floor laughing.

"Controls cholesterol and blood pressure, when she told you that you you're not capable to fight for her."

At that one, Somi couldn't put herself to laugh.

"It helps strengthen bones, for that one night that you punched the walls and almost broke a bone."

Because of Samuel's introduction, Joohoen wanted to drink this wine right away. This is his type of wine. Someone finally invented it.

Because of that, he's planning to give him an A for the effort and creativity.

The day ended but Somi's still waiting for Samuel to tell her that it was a joke.

She walked home and went to Hotline Bling, hoping that he would attend his shift. She sat there waiting for nothing.

Soyeon barged in, going straight to the kitchen. After a few minutes, she came out crying, followed by Wonwoo who looks furious. "This is why you don't have friends. You want to help them but you leave out your existence. So what if you gave it to me? You only gave it to me, it was my decision if I wanted to continue. She's not going to hate you. She knew it, I told her and still, she hangs with you." Wonwoo followed her to the parking lot.

Somi followed them too. She wanted to know what's going on.

"Somi still have lunch with you! So what if she knew that you gave me the list?" Wonwoo grabbed her hand to turn her.

"She's thankful of you. I'm thankful of you because when I got cheated on it was you who prevented me to look like an idiot who doesn't know what's going on. I'm sure Somi feels the same way." Wonwoo told her.

"I agree with Wonwoo." Somi stepped in between them, wrapping her hands on Soyeon's sall body. "While everybody's spreading rumors about me, you're the only person who doesn't believe them and text me where it came

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