Chapter 44 - Yeoboseyo

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"Yeoboseyo?" Sohye answered her ringing phone. It was Friday night. Who would call at this time of the night? Aren't they all getting wasted right now?

"I want you to go to Hotline Bling now."

It was an unrecognizable voice as if the person was trying to alter it to a different one. Someone is messing with her.

"If you don't, I'll tell everybody that you cheated on Wonwoo with Hoshi at Joshua's birthday party last year."

Sohye was speechless. Only her friends knew about that because she confessed about it when they were getting wasted at Pinky's place.

It was a secret that they all promised to keep till death. But obviously, promises aren't real because here's one of them using this secret against her.

"Go ahead! Me and Wonwoo are already over. So what's the point of hiding that?" Sohye responded.

"Wait a second."

There was a long pause then, "Any second thoughts? Because I'm going to send the pictures to the whole student body."

Sohye was shocked. She didn't know there were pictures of that event.

"Yah! Jeon Somi! Is this you? There's nobody else who would want me to experience this but you." she responded.

"I'll count down to one, in"

"Fine! I'll do to Hotline Bling but I need to see you and make sure that those photos are deleted and I want to see if there are such things." Sohye negotiated.

"You don't get to make the deal, Sohye. All you are allowed to do is listen carefully and do as I say." then the call ended.


Hotline Bling was reserved by the basketball team. Everybody can order anything for free. Of course Yuta was there with his team like a proud father.

But to Samuel, Yuta was being suspicious. He keeps on giving creepy glances at Seonho. It was as if he's trying to observe him, or Seonho was his type.

Yuta's close to Taeyong, he might be in it with his plan of exposing Seonho.

There's a big possibility.

"And you're here for?" Daniel interrupted, snatching away Samuel's drink that he's not even drinking. It was cola, something different from the blue drink that he's been drinking for couple of nights at Club Hollywood.

"I'm here for the party." Samuel lazily answered, not even exerting energy to look at Daniel.

"Without Somi?" Daniel asked insensitively, finally making Samuel move a muscle and look at him. Not even just look at him but glare at him from head to toe.

"We had a fight, and thanks for bringing that up. I appreciate it." Samuel said in sarcasm, one thing that he needs to take note about Daniel is that he doesn't get offended by sarcasm, and if he does sense sarcasm, he loves irritating you more.

"Fight about what?" he said on the most innocent tone of voice that he can ever muster.

Samuel couldn't believe that Daniel's doing his very best to annoy him even more. Somehow he regretted bringing it up. He shouldn't have brought up about the fight and just ignored him. Because now, he has something better to do in wasting his time, and that's to annoy him.

"Just.... Wooshin things." he stuttered before recalling his encounter with Somi's parents.



Samuel was confused because of Somi's mother's sudden apology. Did Somi finally told them the truth? That means Somi can explain it to his parents.

"I'm glad you transferred back here. At least we can apologize to you my dear." she said before pulling away.

"Cool, I'll just go." Mark Lee excused himself, walking past them. He was observing how uncomfortable Samuel was with this little reunion. He can't even smile.

Why? What happened before?

"On behalf of Somi, we really apologize. We didn't know she was a partΒ of the bullies. We didn't raise her to be that way. You see, she used to get teased a lot and his childhood friend used to protect her." she said with a proud smile.

"I think seeing his childhood friend made her realize that needs to quit being a bully." she continued.

Something inside Samuel felt like he didn't want to hear any more of this. He already felt like his chest start to tighten to the point where he started to frown.

"I personally think Somi needs Wooshin on her side all the time." Somi's father remarked making him want to leave.

What if that's true?

That she needed Wooshin more than him. And that might be the reason why she didn't tell him that she's with Wooshin last night.

(End of Flashback)


"Sejeong told me something." Samuel interrupted, irritating Daniel back. It was effective because he noticed Daniel hold his breath. That made Samuel smirk.

That's not just because Sejeong was suddenly brought up, but because Daniel came into conclusion that Sejeong already confessed to Samuel. He felt hurt and betrayed but why? They never really dated in the first place.

Now that Somi and Samuel are not in good terms, Sejeong might feel like she has a chance with Samuel.

Daniel ran as fast as he could and went to the direction of Sohye's place. He didn't care if the traffic lights are red, he crossed the streets with the cars harshly hitting their horns and yelling at him.

"Are you crazy kid!"

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Are you insane?"

"Have you escaped a sanitarium?"

Technically the answers are yes, yes, yes and yes.

But what he cares about right now is to stop her from going to Hotline Bling. He climbed the fire exit and slid her windows open. The lights were off, but the light passing through her window made it visible. She was on her bed sleeping.

He slowly snuck inside making not even a slight noise, checking her forehead if she's sick. She's not.


She doesn't have a fever. But she is sick!

She's sick if life, and sick of being ignored.

It would've been easy if she has a fever instead.

Today he saw her laugh and cheer at the basketball game, but now she's here sleeping so early.

"It's you." she whispered.

Daniel was caught, but she doesn't have energy to stand up, explain and stop him from leaving. She's done it millions of times in his head but he never talked to her. She's tired of it by now.

"Did you confess to Samuel?" he asked shyly but calm.

Sejeong stood up in frustration, grabbing him to hold. "I told you it wasn't him! It was you and you knew Daniel! Why are you trying to run away! Is this how you like things? Do you want people chasing after you while you ruin the things that should matter?" she asked. She was sobbing.

She went from weak and sleepy to angry. She's crying.

'I made her cry.' Daniel thought. She wanted to wipe her tears but what would that make her think?

That he'll be there to wipe her tears?

That he's gentle?

That he cares?

He does. He wanted to, but that's not him right now. That's not how he knew himself.
In his point of view, he's the reckless kid who would break everything and won't even look back at the mess he's made.

This would be the first time he saw the mess he's responsible of. And it's the girl he cared about, crying and pleading.

This is not what she deserved.

"Well you should've confessed." he said pulling away from her. "I'm going back to Busan, because I'm done here." he said before jumping out her window.

Sejeong continued crying, going back to her bed.


Jihoon pulled Yoojung inside his room, showing her this huge world map on his wall. "X marks the spot. We'll start in New York City." he said, pointing at it on his giant map.

This was his room at his real house. The empty mansion that never mattered until now.

"Why New York City?" Yoojung asked, maybe there was something special about it.

Jihoon smiled and showed him a picture of the city at night. "Because it's the city that never sleeps. We would never sleep and just eat at every stop." he said with a chuckle because he knew that the reason behind it was immature.

Yoojung liked it though, because he saw the part of Jihoon that was random and playful. Not Jihoon that was quiet who only follows his cousins.

"Fine!" she agrees. "We'll follow this map." she pointed at Jihoon's wall.

They both chuckled because there's no way they can bring a wall while travelling the world.

The doorbell suddenly rang. "I'll answer it." Jihoon muttered running downstairs to answer the door. There's this man on a suit that has a clipboard with him.

As soon as Jihoon opened the door, he entered as if he owns the place. There's this family who came inside too.

"So this is the living room. All the furnitures are included." he said making the family look into the couch, the flat-screen TV and the sound system.

Jihoon was confused. What are these people doing here?

Is this a brand new funny Korean reality show, where they barge in and act as if the house is for sale? Because it was funny. As a matter a fact, he wanted to laugh right now, but it would be cuter if people see hom on a TV screen shocked and confused.

So he pretends to be confused.

But his phone rang. He needed to answer it. It was his mother. "Yeoboseyo." he answered.

"Dear, I just wanted to tell you that a real-estate agent is going to be at the house in a few minutes to show potential buyers around. Kindly go there and make sure that the doors arent locked. You can leave after that." his mother told him without even being apologetic.

"My things are here. If I unlock the doors, then someone might take them." Jihoon muttered on an angry tone of voice.

"Okay baby. I'll call Kangmin to help you move your stuff at Baejin's house." she said then hung up.

Jihoon threw his phone on the floor scattering it into many pieces, startling the agent buyers, Yoojung too. She was at the stairs. She followed Jihoon when he didn't came back after 5 minutes.

She scanned the living room and saw the agent and the people.

"Kid, I might ask you step out for a second. You're interrupting my job here." the agent told Jihoon.

Yoojung was breathless. She wanted to scream. How could people treat someone like this?

"You can't make him leave! He owns the house. As long as you haven't sold it, it's his." Yoojung stepped in.

"Look little kid, the owners wanted to sell the house and told me that the house would be empty tonight." the agent argued.

"He's the owners' son." Yoojung explained.

"I'm friends with the owners and I can assure you that they don't have a son. They never talked about having a son and they never planned to have a son. Their only interest is travelling. Since college they planned to travel until their old, which is something you can't do if you have a son that has to be taken care of and has to settle in one place for his schooling." the agent explained.

Jihoon nodded. Now he understood why he was left with the care of Baejin's family. It's why they never came home ever. And it is why they make things simple and allow him to do everything he asks permission to do to shorten the argument.

They can't even remember his name and how he looked like.

Yoojung noticed Jihoon's face. He looked sad and hurt. She understands why but even if you understand, you still don't know how to comfort someone.

The agent felt sorry for Jihoon too. He looked like a decent boy a handsome and cute one. But his friends never told them about their son.

He took his phone out and called them.

The phone starts to ring. "Okay, here's the deal. If I was wrong and they really have a son, then I truly apologize. But if they don't. I want to ask you politely to step out so I can sell the house properly." he explained as the phone rang.

"Was it sold? I never should've doubted you." Jihoon's father answered excitedly.

"Actually, I called because..."

"After we get rid of that mistake investment, we don't even have to go home to Korea because we don't have any reason to go back anymore. Nothing to worry about, because no money is sitting around anymore. Thanks Sungkyu. You're amazing." he said then hung up.

It was on loud speaker so everybody could hear it.

Jihoon heard everything, so did Yoojung. She was waiting for everybody here to say that it was a surprise prank for Jihoon but everybody just stood there.

"See! If they have a kid, they wouldn't sell this house. If they didn't need it, they would at least consider than their kid would need it. But they didn't because they don't have a kid. Get out now or I'll call security." he threatened.

Jihoon was about to get out when Kangmin came, wearing the same stupid jacket that Jihoon's parents gave him. Does he even wash it?

"Sorry I was late. The bus was late. I don't have a car. I don't have rich parents like you do." he chuckled.

"Kangmin?" Sungkyu recognize. Kangmin was his godson. He's friends with his parents.

"Yeah! I'm here to help Jihoon move his stuff. His parents asked me. Maybe this will make us close." Kangmin said hugging Jihoon.

Obviously he doesn't know what's going on here.

"Let's get your stuff." he invited Jihoon, before bmhe too one step at the marble stairs that has a blue carpet for grip and friction, so nobody would slip.

"Kangmin, you know this kid?" Sungkyu asked him. He paused and nodded.

"Yeah! Don't you? He's Park Hae-jin, Park Shin-hye's son." Kangmin answered.

"Son? They don't have a son." Sungkyu clarified.

"They do! And it's Jihoon." he gestured at Jihoon.

"Let's get the stuff and get out of here." Jihoon told Kangmin before he walked past him to get his stuff.

Yoojung helped too. They put Jihoon's stuff at the trunk of her car.

The three of them were silent the whole car ride to Baejin's house. They unloaded the things but let Jihoon talk to his aunt and uncle alone.

"What happened?" Kangmin asked. He was curious the moment he got into the car and nobody was speaking. He knew right then that there's a problem.

"Let me have a phone call." Yoojung excused herself before calling somebody.

"Yeoboseyo! Baby what's going on? You never call me this late before."

"Mommy, I think I want to buy something really big and expensive." Yoojung said.


Pinky and Baejin was hanging at the parking lot of Hotline Bling eating nachos.

"She thought my jealousy was cute?" Pinky asked.

Baejin nodded. "She said she wanted to meet you." he told her but it made Pinky nervous.

"But I'm not the perfect girlfriend. I'm mean and has attitude." she pouted.

"My sister doesn't care about those things. She can look at Lord Voldemort and say that he's only selfish but claver and has a strong will. And that's no joke. That's how she described him." Baejin told her just in case it would comfort her.

Pinky laughed then glanced at the pavement where Seongwoo was. He must be waiting for Chungha. Pinky shook her head at that thought.

"Is your cousin serious with Chungha? Her family has lots of problems and she doesn't seem like a stable person. There's a lot of rumors about her." she told Baejin.

"She seem nice. She treats us all nicely." Baejin told her.

Maybe he's like his sister. Maybe he looks at someone and see positive things about that person. Because one look into Chungha's eyes and you'll know that there's something's up.

She will smile but it seem like it's a cover up for her frown. Her laugh seemed like it's a cover up for her cries.

Something is up with Chungha.

A few moments later, Chungha came excitedly hopping towards Seongwoo who's smiling shyly. For one, Baejin knows that Seongwoo was never shy. His smile is never shy. He can joke around and try hard to be funny, but there's no room for shyness.

"How long have you waited? I told you before I can't come." she said smiling, clearly because of Seongwoo's presence.

"And yet you're here." Seongwoo responded, before walking half way to her still smiling.

He wrapped his arms around her. Chungha always liked how Seonwoo held her. It makes her feel protected and safe from any harm.

Baejin glanced at Chungha, she's also watching Chungha and Seongwoo as if this is a Korean Drama.

"Just tell me if you're done observing them. I know this place where there's really heavenly pastries." Baejin interrupted her.

Pastries? Those are carbs, so Pinky just ignored her and watched Chungha giggle and smile with Seongwoo. But what caught her eye were guys just in front of them, not even that far away from where she and Baejin are standing, watching closely at Seongwoo and Chungha, and even taking some photos.

Who are those?

What are they doing?

She tugged Baejin's sleeves, then pointed at the guys hiding behind the cars. They might did a good job hiding behind Seongwoo and Chungha, but to Baejin and Pinky, they're visible.

Baejin glanced at the men then cursed under his breath. "Fuck! Why are they here?" he asked himself.

Pinky was surprised. Baejin knew these people.

She watched him as he ran his hand on his hair a few times, and keep licking his lips. He doesn't seem like he's in a good mood for pastries now.

"H-how about that pastry you've been talking about?" Pinky tried to distract him but it has no effect.

As a matter a fact, he doesn't seem like he's listening to her. His eyes was shaking then finally he met hers. "Just a minute...I mean....could you just." he paused and glanced at Hotlin Bling. "Go inside for a while. I'll find you there." he said before stretching his ankles and wrists. When he assumed that Pinky's gone, he walked on his tiptoes towards the two men.

Pinky didn't leave, she was watching Baejin like she never heard his instructions.

Baejin grabbed the straps to their cameras, tightening it to their neck before pulling them down to smash the cameras on the floor. Both hit the floor really hard too and almost lost their consciousness.

Baejin took the memory card and stepped at the cameras harshly, until the big lenses that can zoom to the galaxy was in pieces.

Then took the memory cards. "Go apply for a different job." Baejin told them.

Now Seongwoo and Chungha noticed the riot. They went there to see who Baejin was screaming at. As soon as Seongwoo saw the men's faces, he also had the same reaction as Baejin earlier. He ran a hand on his hair and cursed. "Fuck."

"Why? What happened?" Chungha asked. Both of the girls are now curious.

"My father." it was all Seongwoo could say.


Kwon Hyeop and Doyeon are at the mall looking for a new place to try. They always go out for Yogurt or tteokbokki. Something new is never bad.

"How about ice cream?" Doyeon asked.

"Can we find something not frozen?" Hyeop asked.

Doyeon pouted but Hyeop was trying to resist him. Hyeop never really like frozen or sweet food. He hates sweetness.

It's why his life is filled with bitterness.

They walked past this famous clothing line where his brother always walk and pose for. Girls are on his poster taking selca.

There seems to be a sale that has free giveaways such as socks and scarf. People are squeezing themselves in but the store was too much crowded to even get in.

Doyeon smiled and grabbed Hyeop's arms. "Aren't you going to greet your hyung?"

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