You awoke from your sickness to a roaring warm fire infront of you, and a worried Cregan standing beside you, clasping your hand.
Cregan didn't usually convey his emotions very clearly, but he was most expressive with his loved ones.
Your eyes slowly shuttered open, looking at his perfect grey eyes staring down at you. "I-is the baby alright?" You asked hoarsely. His face lighted up, hearing you talk again.
"Oh thank the gods you're safe." He'd say in relief, kissing your hand. "Yes, the baby is well. He's resting now." He said warmly. "What happened?" You asked, still in your drowsy state. "I'm not sure, one minute you were fine, the next you had a fever, and you fainted." He'd say with his brow furrowing, etching with concern. "All your handmaidens have come to me asking to see you, but I refused them all." He said as you softly smiled.
The maester swiftly entered the room. "My lady, If we can I'd like to run some tests on you." He said concerned. You'd look at cregan and nod your head in agreement. Cregan would kiss your hand once again before leaving the room, looking back at you once more.
The Maester would sit you up, measuring your heart beat, where your body hurt, your temperature, and your signs.
After awhile, he'd usher Cregan back into the room. He'd sway in and sit down sternly by your side, placing a hand on your thigh. "It seems the tests have come back, and she has the blood poisoning disease. It occurs in women after pregnancy, and the body tries to fail its own organs. I'm glad we got onto it early, but I'm afraid the recovery process is tedious." He said solemnly. Cregan turned to you and looked at you with sadness in his eyes. You'd hold onto his hand in reassurance.
"So, what do we need to do then?" He said darkly. "We need to monitor her closely, blood let, give her lots of fluids, and surround her with cabbage." Cregan nodded in concern, and softly rubbed your skin.
The recovery process was long and hard, but you persevered. There were days that you couldn't get up, and days that gave you false hope. But finally, after 2 weeks, you were healthy again.
"My lord, I'm happy to tell you that she is fully recovered now, and is in full health." The maester talked to Cregan outside your chambers. You had just finished a bath, cleansing your body of the grime that you'd been laying in. Cregan walked in as you got changed into a new light gown, and the maester would leave.
"My love, you don't know how glad I am that you are safe." He'd tower over you and look into your eyes. "I know my love, it has been an eternity." You'd reply, in which he would embrace you in a hug, burying his head into the crook of your neck, immersing himself in your familiar smell. You could feel his leathers and furs that surrounded his body, and his warm masculine body wrap around you. You stood in each others arms for what felt like an eternity, but you didn't care, because you were happy.
After awhile, you pulled away, suddenly remembering your baby. "The babe, is he okay?" You'd ask in concern. "Rickon is perfectly healthy and fine. He's two weeks tomorrow." He'd inform you. You'd dash out of your chambers to the nursery to see your son. You'd pick him up in your arms and give him a warm embrace, inhaling his new born scent. Cregan would stand behind you, putting one hand on your waist, and the other on the baby's head.
"Our own little family." He said quietly, staring into your son's eyes. You'd smile before saying "speaking of family, I should get my family up here to meet him." "That sounds like a great idea."
Later in the night, you were sat at your desk, writing said letter to your family. Cregan would walk in looking tired and cold. "The walls been busy huh?" You said looking up at him, before swiftly walking over to him to help. He'd nod in response, and melt in your touch as you unbuckled his heavy armour. Once all of his furs and irons and leathers were off, you would feel familiar hands wrap around your waist, embracing you in another hug. You would comb his hair with your fingers, lightly kissing his cheek.
After you'd both taken the proper steps before sleep, you'd both climb into your bed and snuggle into each other's presence. "Gods haven't known how long I've waited for you to be back here in my arms." Your heart would fill with warmth and your face would fill with a soft smile. The first would die out, and you'd melt into each others arms, engulfing one another into each others bodies.
Authors note —•~
Sorry for my absence :( I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if my understanding of sepsis was poor and the recovery time was fast LMAO love yall!'
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