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The One Who Is Worshipped (TOWIW) A.K.A. The Secret Light (TSL)/Laiad Olprit (also referred to as ΞΊΟΟ…Ο†ΟŒ φως): Long deceased. The 7th King since the tribe was founded. The only King to have a single lover. His lover supposedly killed him, but no evidence has been shown to support that claim, just vague theories. Considered the god for this tribe, but nobody is required to worship him. Though, you're seen as a well respected tribe member if you do worship him.

King: The Patriarch of the tribe. He usually has 2-4 lovers in modern times, but only one of the females has eggs, this female being the favorite. He, the King, makes the rules which is considered tribe law, though there aren't many. He's to be treated with utmost respect and never to be judged. He's always in the royals only area in the caverns, rarely seen outside of his living space. He's generally extremely strict and firm, rarely seen as being laid back. One of 3 ranks that can speak to Scavengers.

Queens/King's Lovers: This tribe doesnt have an official 'Queen'. Rather the King usually gets to have a select few dragonesses with him that he deems to be the prettiest and most precious of all the tribe members. They're all used for show, usually adorned with jewelry made of gold, copper and crystals to add to their natural beauty. Only one lover has eggs, which is the favorite and most respected of the Lovers. They're always with the King, unless ordered to do something that's not around him. Usually refered to as "The Ladies" and given the title of "Lady" before their name.

Princes: The eldest prince of the generation gets to be the next King. Unless he dies, in which the second eldest takes his place as heir. The remaining brother's are still princes, even though they're the King's brother in the future. Usually muscled well because of their amazing training from the warriors in their youth. Commonly out and about in the tribe caverns, strutting their stuff to the other ranks, but also found in the royals area at times. Unable to talk to Scavengers until they've become King.

Princesses: Most commonly for show. Most likely to make hybrid offspring due to other tribes seeing them as pretty and taking them from the GemstalWing tribe territory, if theyre out in the open, which results in them becoming captives or something of the sort to others. Nearly classified as medics, but too advanced to be medics, since they're royalty. Always in the royals only area unless told to do something away from their mother and father. If the tribe (or more specifically, the King) sees fit, a princess may be traded off for resources. Once their eldest brother, heir to the throne, becomes King, they become medics if they've not been traded off already.

Warriors: Trained to defend the outskirts and inner portions of the territory that the GemstalWings live in, making sure no other tribes get in without the royalty knowing. They ensure the safety of the tribe and generally are the most physically powerful in the tribe, other than the King. They usually have crystal armor on to defend themselves and others if they're needed, which can be grown tougher or taken off easily.

Scouts: Trained to sneak about and attack things they deem suspicious or a potential threat to the tribe, they usually hang near the outskirts of their tribe territory or around the royals, reporting things they've seen or things of importance. Also used as Messengers for the royals.

Medics: The healers of the tribe, of course, work with the Gardeners and heal fellow tribe members, with the exception of the outlaws. One Medic is often paired with a Gardener to help each other. Most Medics are male, but can still be female. Medics also have the blob shaped pupils and rarely any other pupil shape, though does not exclude them from more commonly found eye shapes. This rank doesnt have very many members because of the pupil shape rarity and their powerful healing abilities, but there's still a fair amount of them.

Aiders: The main rank that can speak Scavenger/Human out of 3 total ranks. They've enabled the GemstalWing tribe to be able to help out the Scavengers if the Scavengers help them in return. Aiders give Scavengers rides around and help them with protection and security related things. Aiders also can be seen helping Medics, due to their own weak healing magic they possess, which doesn't work without a Medic nearby. They can usually be seen with a Warrior or with another Aider. This rank has adapted to growing light crystal armor over their scales when threatened, acting as a defense mechanism that none of the other ranks have, other than the Warriors.

Gardeners: They grow all the plants and herbal flora in the tribe, giving them constant fresh air in the caverns, no matter the place. They're also considered the 'Crystal Tamers' due to their ability to speed up and reverse a crystal's growth, meaning they can grow, shrink and shape crystals to their liking better than other GemstalWings. They're also considered part of the "defense squad" of the tribe, like the Warriors, since this tribe is neutral and is never on offense, unless an allied tribe needs them for assistance. Can also be used as 'Miners' who dig up and collect crystals, gems and geodes.

Apprentices: These are pretty much just dragonets/teenage GemstalWings learning how to fit their rank that their abilities fit into most. Too young to be a defined rank and too old to be a Dragonet. This is essentially just the training phase for other rankings. Examples for specifics would be 'Aider App' for an Aider's Apprentice or 'Warrior App' for a Warrior's Apprentice.

Dragonets: Pretty self explanatory. Too young to be an Apprentice but too old to be considered a mere egg. These little fellas usually just wander about with their mothers, hanging from their mother's necks like a sloth would do. You can only find one per batch of eggs, as most become underdeveloped in the egg stage and tend to not make it. You'll be lucky to find 2 Dragonets hanging onto the same mother. If a Royal has Dragonets, you'll often find from 2-4 total, though 1 may not make it at times. Royalty has a higher hatching success rate, while the other ranks have a lower success rate.

Hybrids: Usually born from a princess or one of The Ladies of the GemstalWings and another tribe. Rarely from lower ranks and other tribes. Most come with "curses" (A.K.A. defects, considered curses by the tribe), but a lucky few are normal. They can be anywhere. They can be in the GemstalWing territory, but usually in other territories. The King has very little power over them, but can still boss them around to a certain extent, leaving them to be free and do whatever they want, despite the Hybrids being the lowest rank. They're just disrespected in the GemstalWing territory because they're not pure blood. One of 3 ranks that can speak to Scavengers.

Curses/Defects consist of:

-Impulsive murdering instincts, which may pair with excessive intrusive thoughts. (NightShade has this, but he has demons to keep it in check.)

-Advanced mind-reading (EXCLUSIVE to the Gem/Night hybrids. NightShade is an example for this, too.)

-Goldfish memory (as I call it. Basically these hybrids are extremely forgetful or have Dementia of some sort.)

-Loss of magic (these hybrids don't have any magic, rendering them pretty useless and defenseless.)

Outlaws: Used to be part of the tribe, contributing well, but did something horribly wrong and now they're an outlaw. Also known as 'criminals' or 'law-breakers' to other tribes. They're casted out to the surface or the very edge of the GemstalWing caverns, where they're forbidden to interact with the other rankings and often get the least food or warmth compared to the higher ups.

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