①④ Play-date

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(F/C) = Favorite color

I greeted Kirishima once I stepped outside. He was wearing khaki shorts and a black hoodie. We started talking as we made our way to the city, we clicked almost instantly.

We stopped in a few shops to get little things like posters and curtains, we were able to carry this stuff with us. But bigger stuff like beside lamps and a new comforter I had to have delivered to the house. I bought LED lights too along with some shelves to display certain decorations on. After quite a while of shopping I got a text from Hizashi.

Present Dad🎤
Hey kid, got called in for a late patrol. Won't be home till late, don't make a mess

I sent him a thumbs up and continued talking with Kirishima.

"Where'd all that money come from?" Kirishima asked.

"It was from-"

Not Nezu!!

"M-my parents. They left it for me." I said. Kirishima didn't think twice about the pause in my sentence.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that. I'm really sorry." I waved my free hand and shut down his sorrow.

"Anyways, are you excited for the sports festival?" I asked trying to ease the awkward tension. Kirishima lightened up.

"Oh hell yeah, I plan to do my best. I just want to get scouted by a good internship, ya'know?" I giggled at Kirishima's livelyness. His excitement made me want to try harder.

We made it to the hardware store and began searching for paint colors, which definitely wasn't as easy as we thought.

"What about this color?" Asked Kirishima, he held up a small dark (F/C) swatch card. "Not too bright, would be a nice wall color."

I grabbed the card from his hand and compared it to the two colors I had in my own hand.

"Yeah.. yeah let's go with that one. I like it." I grabbed a gallon of the specific color and payed for it along with a few rollers, some brushes, a paint tray, and a tarp to cover the carpet in my room. Along with the bags of stuff from the other stores, me and Kirishima had our hands full.

We made it to my house in good time. I pushed the front door open and me and Kirishima brought all my stuff to my room.

"Present Mic has a nice house.. I think it's super cool your related to a pro hero!" Kirishima said. I smiled and scratched the back of my head. "Yeah, right!"

Me and Kirishima started planning on the most efficient way to get everything done. We started by putting the bags and paint in my closet just to keep it out of the way for now. Then we went outside and brought the boxes of stuff that had been delivered up into the hallway outside my room.

"Ok, now the annoying part. We have to take everything out of my room and move it into the hallway so we can paint." I groaned out loud but Kirishima just smiled.

"C'mon (Y/N), it's not gonna get done if you just stand there." He took his hoodie off and tossed it on one of the boxes, revealing the red t-shirt he had on underneath.

Slowly but surely, we dragged everything out of my room. Starting with my nightstand and ending with the bed. We took a minute to rest before laying out the tarps and digging into the paint. Thank god we grabbed the tarps, because we made a mess. At some point, I stepped in the paint tray and made dark (F/C) colored footprints everywhere I walked.

After an hour of painting, we finished. Kirishima and I sat back to back in the middle of my room, the light from the setting sun shined through my window and hit the sides of our faces. "Thanks so much for your help, and your company." I said after a moment of silence.

"No problem. You're cool (Y/N), I like hanging out with you." Even though to him it probably meant nothing, I felt my face get red.

No way he just said that.. AHHHHHH

I laughed it off. "Yeah, same here." I reached forward and grabbed the now half empty paint can. "It says it's dry to the touch within an hour but the room should remain ventilated for at least 6." I put the paint can down. "So we can move all my stuff in the room soon but I'll have to sleep on the couch tonight."

Kirishima stayed silent for a moment. "You wanna get some food while we wait for the paint to dry?" I thought for a second and answered. "Yeah." We both stood up and headed downstairs, Kirishima grabbed his hoodie on the way down.

.⃝    .⃝    .⃝

The two of us were currently sitting in a 24 hour pancake shop devouring our stacks of choice. Mine had fruit on it while Kirishima's had chocolate chips. We kept a conversation going strong almost the whole time we were there; talking about our childhoods, hobbies, favorite songs, and everything in between. After about 45 minutes we payed and left.

It was dark when we left the pancake place. Due to the time of year, it was getting dark earlier. I looked at my phone and realized it was actually almost 8 PM.

"Hey, it's getting pretty late. You can go home if you want." I said to Kirishima. A gust of cold wind blew past me and I shivered while folding my arms in front of me to keep warm.

Kirishima glanced down at me. "Nah, I'll help you move your stuff in your room. Then I'll head home. I wanna help you finish what we started."

I nodded and pulled my thin jacket tighter over my body, Kirishima noticed this. "Are you cold? Do you want my hoodie?" He pulled at the fabric on the front of his hoodie.


I almost passed out I swear. "W-well. Won't you get cold?" Kirishima shook his head. "Nah.. but if it makes you feel better then just trade me." The suggestion made me feel less hesitant and I quickly shrugged the thin jacket off my shoulders.

Good thing this is a big oversized.

Kirishima pulled his hoodie over his head making sure not to mess up his hair. We traded quickly and I slipped the hoodie over my head, leaving the hood on to cover my ears, I made sure to tuck my headfins back as they stuck out quite a bit. It was oversized but still comfy

"I've been meaning to ask you, how do you get your hair to stay like that." I asked. Kirishima widened his eyes and turned to me dramatically.

"LOTS of gel and hairspray."

.⃝    .⃝    .⃝

"Thank you again Kirishima, I'll see you at school tomorrow" Kirishima was standing outside my house, we had just finished moving my stuff back into my room. We renovated a little and he helped hang up most of my shelves.

"Yeah like I said no problem, feel free to text me whenever. Bye (Y/N)" he stepped off the front porch and started walking down the sidewalk. I felt bad that he had to walk home in the dark, especially because it was so late.

Fuck it.

"Hey wait!" I called out, Kirishima stopped walking and turned around the look at me. I quickly slipped my shoes on and stepped out of the house, accidentally slamming the door behind me.

I quickly approached Kirishima. "Let me walk with you, it's late and I feel bad having you walk alone in the dark."

Kirishima gave me a worried look. "But then you'll have to walk home in the dark." I shook my head. "I have a pro hero one call away. You don't."

Kirishima let me walk him home. We stayed pretty close together though just in case something happened, but we made it to his house within about 15 minutes. We said our goodbyes but as he was shutting his front door I noticed I was still wearing his hoodie.

"Oh, Kirishima. Your hoodie." I started taking it off but he stopped me. "Keep it for now, it's still cold." He shrugged off my jacket and handed it to me. "You can give it to me at school tomorrow"

I smiled and took my jacket from his hands "Thank you. Goodnight Kirishima." He smiled back. "Goodnight Y/N"

1393 words
I actually like this chapter, it's kind of a filler but that's ok because everyone reading this already knows the main story line lmao. Next chapter I want to start preparing for the sports festival and then chapters 16-20 will be focusing on the sports festival. Don't ask me how barely mentioned it in these last 4 chapters. Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

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