Start writing your story
Sorry for the cliff hanger last time but we will get right to it in the last chapter some of my art is in it pls tell what you think ;)
Toge said to me "What do you think he is Giyu not saying he likes Sanemi no if he likes you ask and he will be straight with you and I am almost certain that he likes you i mean look at him" Then under his breath i hear him say "Almost as much as I love tuna mayo onigri."
That was odd but i look at Micheal and see him look at me and it makes me blush so much as much as a flipping rose. This is crasy how am i supposed to live after this I am just a anime weeb like i am not supposed to fall for a real man.
"To-Toge how do you know Micheal is like your friend or something."
"Ummm Not really I know him because we went to a school trip a while ago and we stayed in the same room with Yuta." He said Yuta like it was his
"Ooooooh My God you and Yuta are mhmh." He covered my mouth saying
"Shhhhh no one knows yet and how did you find out that we were dating."
"The way you said his name just oozes with love now how long have you two been dating."
"Wait you knew by the way i said his name what are you a love specialist."
"And what if I say i am now tell me hwo long have you two been dating."
"Well now that you now that you know its been 7 months so far."
"OMG have you said it yet or not."
"Ummm what do you mean by that."
"Have you said the l word yet."
As I said that his face weent super red so I knew that he had not said it yet but that was ok becaus I knew how to make him say it to his boyfriend.
"So how much do you love him."
"With all my heart."
"Then why have you not said it yet."
"It's hard to say that do you not know this like are you dumb or stupid."
"No but why don't you two hang with me and the gang at Yujis we are watching the last bit of Demon slayer please."
"Ummm sure we will come."
Then Gojo says "Ok class let's get to class."
Time skip to end of day
I am walking out to go to Yujis car and see Yutan and I call out to him
"Hey come on we're going to Yujis to watch the movie your coming."
"Ok I'll drive me and Toge."
"Ok see you there."
"Yup see you all there."
I get in Yujis car and sit next to Nobora then I start a conversation. "So Nobora do you know anyone else that is datimg in our class."
"Hmm I don't know of any one else besides me and Maki and Yuji an' Megumi."
"Ok thanks for letting me know."
"No problem Liv."
So i found out that they dont know that they are dating i don't know if that is good or bad but i guess we will find out soon. So we get to Yujis and Megumis place and i see that Yuta and Toge get here shortly after us. But the great thing is they sit next to each other thismade me so happy to that they were showing that they loved each other it was so sweet. Then i heard Yuta say
"I love you Toge."
Then Toge looked at him astonished his eyes were open wide as he coud get them i asumed it was cute how he was so suprized.
"I love you to Yuta. Now can we finish the movie and go back to my place please."
My jaw droped they were going to back to their place and do the well you know (sorry no spice yet i dont want to get banned.) Now i know Yuji heard them because his face went really pale for a second and you could tell he didnt want to hear that from them.Now why did any of this matter for the story it doesnt but who cares.
Now that the movie was over i went home but i could not get my mind off of Micheal i mean that man was so fucking hot that he burn a forest down this man is not allowed to be this hot like please save me my knees gave out.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net