Chapter 20: Bloody mind
ASAMI and Yuuji return back to Mei-Mei and Ui-Ui at the train station exit while the teenager explained everything to his teacher on the way there.
"As I was informed, you were pronounced dead." Mei spoke. Asami laughs at her comment, "That's what that old man told you? He sure hoped so that I died."
Mei smirks and began explaining the plan, showing a blueprint of the station on her phone. " The two of us will take Exit 7 directly to B4 and rescue the civilians."
"Suzuki-san, You go directly into B4 and do what you and Satoru are needed to do." Mei stated. Asami nods and turns to Yuuji,
"Be careful, Yuuji."
Before he could say anything Asami was already gone.
The woman lands in front of the veil and extends her arm inside. With her bare foot she steps inside and notices all eyes on her.
"Happy Halloween" She waves at the civilians and walks forward as they moved to the side, making a path for her. A man behind her fainted with his friend catching him by the sight of a woman being only in a see- through robe.
Satoru was now dealing with Jogo who tried to run away from fear and Hanami. Ikari steps in front of Satoru in a challenging way.
"Gojo, Gojo."
Satoru glares at him his hands already informing into fists as he remembers what he did to Asami. "I expected Asami to be here with you, but- Oh right..I killed her!" Ikari began to laughs as Jogo ran away from the scene.
The three surround him from every side. Jogo smirks in thought they have him now cornered. Just as Hanami swinged his arm to attack from behind a flash of green light threw him to the wall.
'Huh?' Satoru glances at the side and sees another green light in a speed of a sound throw Jogo where Hanami stood. 'What is this speed?' He thought and tried to think who has this kind of power.
"Huh?! What is this?!" Ikari yelled and brought out his cursed tool. Satoru looked confused as much as him when the person grabbed Ikari and slid him through the train tracks.
Satoru took this opportunity and dealt with Jogo and Hanami.
"You..." Ikari stood up and glares at the woman in front of him who had a black bathrobe and its hat on her head. "Missed me?" Asami smirks and extends her two arms to the sides.
Ikari clenched his jaw as Asami only tilts her head to the side. Charging immediately at him in immense speed, she brought out her katana and slashed his back.
"I won't have mercy on you, now!" She yells and lifts his chin up with the tip of her weapon, forcing him to look at her from below. Satoru recognised the voice and turned his head to where it came from.
Ikari knew that how she increased her speed that she also got stronger so he stood no chance. He lets go of the weapon as it clanks on the floor.
"Ikari, get up!" Jogo yelled and was attacked by Satoru again. Asami created a barrier around them and towered over her father,
"You'll no longer hurt my family or the ones I love. 15 Years of being a bad father, you still didn't change." Asami slowly lifts her arm with her palm facing his face. 'Blood manipulation technique;' She thought and a tear escaped her eyes.
"Goodbye, Dad."
Ikari slowly lets his eyelids drop, "Goodbye, my little fire." He spoke.
She throws the katana on the floor as Ikari falls beside it. "That bastard failed to kill her." Jogo spoke as the red haired turns to them and Satoru whose eyes widened at the sight.
Asami threw her robe onto Ikari's dead body as she was covered in big leaves. Her eyes land on Satoru as she felt he had his infinity activated.
Her green eyes meet his light blue ones. Asami lets out a laugh and runs towards Satoru into his embrace,
"You're back.." Satoru whispers into her shoulder, Asami nods as tears fell from her eyes. Jogo's fist tightened as he watched the two and motioned to his special-curse friend to attack.
Hanami did so and attacked them with his roots. Just as they were about to hit Satoru who had released his infinity, Asami extends her arm and glares at the two. The roots stopped at the command of her hand as she slowly let go of Gojo and stood in behind him.
"You deal with Volcano head. I'll deal with him." Asami ordered. Satoru nodded with a grin as Hanami pulled his roots back.
Noticing he had holes in his head, she realised Gojo had pulled his 'eyes' out. "You can see me, right?" Asami joked. Hanami took no time and charged another attack towards her.
She jumped onto his roots and tornado-kicked him in the head. "Shadow technique; Black snake." She mumbled and landed on her feet as multiple snakes crawled around her arm and only a black one on her other arm.
She released the snake as it got bigger and towered over Hanami. Just as he was about to attack, he couldn't move off the venomous snakes that crawled onto him and bit his arms.
The black snake crawled around his legs and hissed at his face. Hanami falls onto his knees and groans in pain. Asami slowly walks towards him and crouches down, activating her technique; kiss of death.
She places a kiss on his forehead and moved past him as the black snake followed. Hanami began to choke as he fell onto the floor and dispersed into ashes and dead flowers. The snake crawled around her leg and to her arm.
'She-She killed him!?'
The people moved away from Asami in fear as Jogo began to run and Gojo slowly followed behind.
Asami got off the train tracks and between the people as the train arrived. She felt an attack coming for her and covered herself in peduncles in respond.
Furrowing her eyebrows, she lets the plants down as the train arrived. The people, excitingly, ran toward it in hope they're now saved. They were wrong.
As soon as the doors opened, almost hundred of curses walked out and began attacking people.
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