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Chapter 15: Attack

3 days before the Shibuya accident.

Few days had passed of Asami's meeting with her so dead father. The day later she had received a letter from her little brother, he informed his sister of their father's arrival upon their clan.

"Say hello to my precious Asami and that I will be coming for her head this time." He spoke. Hinata stumbled to his mother's hurt body and fell on his knees beside her. "And tell her that; Mahito says hi."

Was the last thing his father spoke before leaving. He had killed all the sorcerers that protected the clan as they lay on the hard cold concrete in their own pool of blood.

Asami was in state of shock,anger and disappointment when she had found out.

Shocked that Ikari, her father, was with Mahito and the rest. Angry for hurting her mother and her family. And the last, Disappointed. Disappointed that she hadn't killed that bastard the second she saw him.

The first thing she needed to do was end her father once and for all. Then the rest of them. So she did.

Upon her brother's request, her and Gojo arrived at the front gate of the Suzuki clan, her brother being the next in line for the heir as Asami left it to him.

"Asami!" The little boy waved his hand from the outside of the gate to the backyard where little Asami stood, picking strawberries. "Satoru!" She yelled back at the blue-eyed boy and ran towards him. Her mother and his greeted each other as the two kids embrace. "I missed you so much, Asi."

"I missed you, too. Come on, I picked some strawberries for us to eat."

The two kids ran off while Ikari watched them from his window. "Tsk." He turned around and walked away from the window.

Flashbacks appeared to the sorcerers's heads. Satoru noticed Asami's eyes watering and simply placed his hand around her informed fist.

Hinata walked towards the gate as they entered. The two siblings embrace as Asami pulls away. She cups his face and runs her finger over the scars he had from their father not fully healed, "I'm sorry." Was what escaped her mouth.

Hinata only nods and pulls her into a hug, "You couldn't have known. Both of you couldn't have known." He spoke and glanced at Satoru.

Asami walked inside and to her mother's room. She stood there with Satoru by her side, not daring to open it. Biting her lip underneath her mask , stopped herself from shedding a tear in front of her mother and slowly slid the doors open.

Reina had her head bandaged up and bruises all over her body. Ikari tried to kill her and thankfully, he failed.

"My dear rose. Come in, Come in." Reina turned her head at the sound of the doors and finds the two standing there. "Sora, you can leave." She spoke to her maid as she simply nods.

Satoru moves away for the maid to exit, before closing the doors. "Gojo-kun, what a surprise."

"Satoru for you, Rei Rei. Glad to see you." He spoke with a nickname he gave her when he was still a kid. Reina chuckles, but her chuckle turned into a rough cough.

"What has he done to you?" Asami stepped closer to her mother's bed and mumbled. "My rose, I'm alright. As so is Hinata-"

Reina took Asami's hand into hers, "Stop it. Stop lying!" She pulls her hand away. "Look at you! And Hinata! All bandaged up. He could've killed both of you." She yelled and sat down beside the bed. Her head falling into her mother's lap as she sobbed quietly.

"Shh, my rose. He failed after all." She brushes her hand through her red hair and motions Satoru to sit beside her on the other side.

Asami straightens up and brushes her tears away. Her eyes were already red and puffy by the crying. "Do you know why I named you Asami?" Reina questioned.

"Because, I was born when the sun came up. Asami means 'morning sun' and you always said I was the sun in your life that made you live." Asami explains.

"For real?" Satoru questions. Asami laughs and looks at him, "For real."

"And do you know why I call you Rose?" Reina questioned again. Satoru lifted his hand in the air,

" I know this one!" He said. Reina laughs at him still acting like a kid in school, "Because you said and I quote; Your beauty is like a flower on a garden and your hair is full of fire while your stubbornness is like a thorn. All combined you make a Rose." 

Reina claps by his memory. "Good job, Satoru."

"Mother, I promise you; this time i'll end him. For good." Asami spoke and remembered the first time she 'killed' her father.

Asami had grown already into a teenager as Rin was already a part of her as so were her trainings to become a sorcerer like her mother and father.

Just as she entered the house, her father stormed out of their room with her mother following. Yelling.

"Ikari, she's a kid! Me and Yaga will teach her-"

Ikari turns around and slaps his wife across the face. Reina falls to her knees and sees her daughter at the doorway, watching the whole scene. Ikari notices it too and runs over to her.

He grabs Asami by her kimono. "I have all of these problems, because of you! All the clans turning me away when they found out my daughter is a vessel. A servant!"

He throws her outside. Asami rolls down the stairs and onto the concrete. Her flowers falling beside her as she stumbled back to her knees. Reina runs to her daughter and stands in front of her in protection.

Reina used her Blood manipulation and threatened Ikari, "Leave now! Or I won't have a problem ending you!" She yelled. Ikari grins with an evil laugh.

A fight escalated in front of Asami's eyes. Her father tossing her mother's unconscious body to the side. He draws out a cursed weapon and was ready to slice her head off.

Asami was left on her knees, her palms informing into fists on her lap. She looks up to her father and her eyes suddenly glow white. A pound of curse energy escaped from her and threw Ikari far away.

Marks began to show everywhere on her. She walked over to her father who now begged for mercy. "Please, Asami. Spare me. You're still my little fire, aren't you?"

Asami extends her arms as peduncles began tightening around her father's body. "Then burn, you piece of shit!"

Her palm informed into a fist as thorns grew on the peduncles which slashed through his body. Blood splashed all over Asami as he drops to the ground.

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