The story of Thackery Binx? Better, the story of Sanderson sisters? Yes, the old legend of the three witches. So some of you never heard of these? Let me freshen up your mind. On October 31, 1693, in Salem, Massachusetts, Thackery Binx witnesses his little sister Emily being whisked away to the woods by the Sanderson sisters, three witches named Winifred, Sarah, and Mary. Binx confronts the witches, but fails to save Emily and her life force is drained making the witches young again. After that, Binx is transformed into a black cat by the witches, cursed to live forever with his guilt for not saving Emily. Having been alerted by Binx's friend Elijah, the townsfolk arrest the sisters for the murder of Emily. Before the Sanderson sisters are hanged in the town square while denying any knowledge on what happened to Thackery, The oldest of sisters, Winifred casts a curse that will resurrect the sisters during a full moon on All Hallows' Eve if a virgin lights the Black Flame Candle in their cottage. Binx decides to guard the cottage so no one can bring the witches back to life.
Yes, that it is, but do we know if it was only this? Wasn't there someone we forgot about. Someone less important but for the plot and for one of the sisters REALLY important. Maybe it was the Salem Mayor's daughter. Katharina. Here none of you heard of her. Well, what could be said? She was beautiful, her beauty could break hearts, but it dedicated to capture only one heart. And that was heart...Are you curious? It was heart of Winifred Sanderson. The heartless powerful witch fallen for the young girl for the first time she saw her in woods, losted. She never saw something so precious and innocent. Never shared a single feeling for a man, but for this female she did. Katharina felt the same. She was drawn to the dynamic and danger she could explore with the infamous witch. They kept their relationship in secret, except for the two other sisters. Unfortunately Salem wasn't your typical town of fairytale, neither a relationship between a human girl and a witch.
Winifred turned old, as she had no children victims to spare life from. She was so in love with the young girl that she thought she can be a good witch and help others. Although she didn't looked the young as she used to. Her hopeless heart hoped for Katharina to love her still the same, although she wasn't young and beautiful anymore. The scream and terror Katharina showed when she saw her dear witch as an old ugly beggar still sounds through the Salem until today. Winifred's heart broke that day. Completely. And made her to be the heartless cruel witch you know her as. She believed in love and good, thanks to Katharina, but she found out how wrong she was the worst way possible.
Thanks to it Winifred's heart turned to be small, someone could swear there was none, but who knows. Maybe someday somewhere someone could learn to love Winifred. But who could ever learn to love a witch?
And so, the Sanderson sisters were hanged by the Salem townfolk.
Now, there are those who say that on Halloween night, a black cat still guards
the old Sanderson house.
Warning off any might make the witches come back to life.
Is this school or an asylum? Why did I ended up here? Let me out. The class was enjoying, but I felt miserable. Witches scared me and discuss them like that was disturbing. "Gimme a break." I smile and turn at my brother. "We seem to have a skeptic in our midst. Max, would you care to share your California, laid-back, tie-dyed, point of view?"
The way class kept laughing at him, I took my chance. "Granted that you guys here in Salem are all into these black cats and witches and stuff." Attention is mine. "But let's see, Caroline, from these tons of papers I see you done the homework as the only one, so what is this?" I squeeze my Halloween essay. "I wasn't writing about witches, we could pick any creepy theme so I picked a movie Fatal Attraction."
I share an innocent wink with Max. "You are scared of witches, but movies like that doesn't scare you?" The teacher wonders and for first time the class actually look terrified and listen. "No. I mean, there is nothing to be scared about." Dying silence makes it uncomfortable. "How can a witch be worse than a bunny boiler?" One of the classmates asks. "Because there is no bunny boiler unless you ruin their lives. Witch can kill you whenever she wants, there is no sympathy at all."
They agree with me and the lesson is over. "That was cool." I smile at my brother. "It's all about some facts." He laughs and helps me with my books.
I loved him. And entire family for sure. We were good. I also had a little sister Dani. She loved witches, so I liked Max better. We were good buddies, except for me liking bunny boilers. "Did you asked her out?" I asked as I noticed Max's crush crossing the road. Allison, the lucky rich girl. Her mother ran a museum about Sanderson sisters back then. No interest from me. "Not yet, but I plan to do it." Definitely isn't happening.
"Will you put some costume on?" Max asks. Right, we have to take Dani trick or treating tonight. "I think I'll stay home tonight, I'm not feeling to celebrate Halloween, you know. Christmas is my month."
Max is so kind to understand. "You would pull of Alex Forrest for sure." He comments. "I'm pleased to know." I laugh. When we arrived home, mom and dad were already gone to be in time in City Hall for the Halloween party. Even adults are living life better than me. I get to my room and fall on bed with a breath out of relief. So tired.
"Caroline! Caroline!" I freak out as Dani, dressed as witch, runs in my room. "How do I look? What do you think?" I raise my eyebrows. "If you put it down and return my sweet sister, I'll say compliments only."
She laughs out and we hug. "You really aren't coming?" I shook head. "You know it's not my time of the year, I'll make it up for you during Christmas, I promise." I'm glad she accepts it. "Wanna bring some specific candy?" Max chuckles. "Bring me a rabbit." I joke. "What rabbit?" Dani asks. "One day I'll show you. But you're too young for it." I object and point on my wall, full of posters, where's also Fatal Attraction.
"I'm 8 and half, I wanna know Alex too!" I pinch her nose. "I promise you that you will, but now fly!" She runs out hand in hand with Max and I softly watch them. They were fighting but they always made it. Gotta adore them.
I sit back on my bed and leave a sigh. I was practically an adult if we talk about my age, but still I had no clue about world or even life. I simply existed. I wasn't party type, unless it was cinema related. I hated it here. I was nice to all, but I just couldn't really join their wave. What should I call it anyway? Or it was because I haven't met anyone right yet? I'm not living in a movie. Unfortunately. If I could I'd simple jump through TV to some. All I wanted was leave this place. It was a goddamn Salem, town of witches, my biggest fear. Parents supported me to leave but with someone. Exactly. Who? I had no one. I was tired of my explanations. There was no motivation.
Now, I have two options.
Move on and be an average neighbor girl or turn into Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. I prefer not to explain my second thought.
author's note:
hi! this is my first book i post here and i will be happy if you like it. i love Hocus Pocus and my longtime Wattpad bestie denirosgirl and her unconditional love to Winifred Sanderson made me to write this down. they are my otp, so be sure i am in for ride lmao. as a non/disney editor i want add some edits, even if they about to suck. also an important thank you belongs to Caroline's help and support, hope this madness will make you happy. now, don't be a ghost reader and vote because it helps. bye and enjoy✨
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