(for the best experience click the song above and listen while reading. headphones are recommended too. enjoy!)
"Caroline? Caroline, is that you?" I jump from shock to face mom and dad. "What are you doing here? It's so late! And what are you wearing? Where did you get these?" Before I can make up some lie I'm ruined by Max's and Dani's shouting. Thank God.
I'm surprised to see them in company of Allison. "And what are you guys doing here?!" Dad asks. "Mom, dad, the Sanderson sisters came to life! Max is a virgin so when he lighten up the black candle he brought two of them back!" Dani explains.
By the faces of my parents I can tell they took it as a joke.
"The most dangerous of these wasn't brought to life yet, but we still have to warn the people here!" Max joins. "You mean Winifred?" I ask.
Max finally notices me. "Caroline? Oh my, you look amazing! Where did you get these?" He asks. "One of the witches gave these to me." I answer, calm, because I know I can explain them they are no harm. "What? You gotta be joking." Allison says, but I have no reason to deny it.
"Why should I? They are no harm. And Winifred isn't as dangerous as you make her to be." I add. "Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Dad asks, now he's angry. "How do you know about the Winifred Sanderson?!" All three of them ask me.
"Because I brought her to life and she's not what you say..she is my friend." I hardly get the answer out of myself. A friend? I'm not lying. Or maybe something more? No.
The shock and horror in their eyes make me feel anxious. "They putted spell on her! Open the book, you must help her!" Allison orders. Finally. This is the book. I step back as the eye on top of the book checks me.
"That's Winifred's book..so you have stolen it?!" I gasp. I try to take it from them, but Dani's scream ruins it. "They are here! Look, Max, over there! That's Winifred Sanderson!"
I don't know what to do. "We must warn the people!" I take my chance and grab the book, running away. "Caroline?! What are you doing?!" Max shouts as he follows me. "I'll return it to the real owner!" He tries to take it from me, but our attention catch something else. A hypnotizating voice flies in the hall. No one's else voice than Winifred's. What is she doing?
I put a spell on you
And now you're mine.
You can't stop the things I do.
I ain't lyyyyyin'
It's been 300 years
Right down to the day,
Now the witch is back
And there's hell to pay.
I put a spell on you
(She runs on the stage, joined by Mary and Sarah and takes a complete control of the party. I can't help, but just admire her singing. And she complimented my singing before a while. Shame on at this point. She is incredible. Just like a siren. Phenomenal.)
Hello, Salem!
My name's Winifred
What's yours?
I put a spell on you
And now you're gone. (Gone, gone, gone, so long!)
My whammy fell on you
And it was strong. (So strong, so strong, so strong!)
Your wretched little lives
Have all been cursed,
'Cause of all the witches working
I'm the worst!
I put a spell on you
And now you're mine, Caroline!
(As that phrase said, my siblings and Allison turn at me. I ignore it as it caught me off guard on my own. Reactions are mixed. "Hm, so a singer?" I hear mom, surprisingly excited. This was not a partner reveal. Or it was? Max and Dani gave themselves hopeless faces, meanwhile Winifred adresses me a playful smile as she continues to sing.)
If you don't believe,
You'd better get superstitious.
Ask my sisters!
Ah say ento pi alpha mabi upendi
(Ah say ento pi alpha mabi upendi)
In comma coriyama
(In comma coriyama)
Ay (ay) aye (aye) say bye-byyyyyyyyyyye!
Bye bye!
The crowd went wild. They all dance. Dance to their death. Except for me, Max, Dani and Allison. Why? "She cursed them all!" Allison runs over. That's why she asked me where all the parents are. She had this curse planned. But for what?
I yell out from shock as a cat jumps in my arms and make the book fall on ground. I am even more shocked when the cat starts speaking. "Katharina? Miss Mayor, is that you? So you are alive after all."
I can't speak. "A cat? And it's talking!" I panic. "No, Binx, this is Caroline, my sister. Caroline, It's Thackery Binx, remember? The one who Sanderson sisters cursed into cat as he didn't saved his sister Emily." Dani explains.
"You look so much as Mayor's daughter." He says, amazed. "He's right, I have never noticed. Like wow." Allison joins. Not Katharina again. "At this point shoudln't I rename?" I ask and roll my eyes.
"We can't joke now. You can't bring back Winifred's book ever again, she plans to take lives of all the children in Salem." Binx says. "What?" I widen my eyes. "I don't think so, she's not like that. She is radical, but she wouldn't do this." They all look desperate from me. "What has came over you? You were always a born witchhunter!" Max shouts.
"Not all witches are like that, Max!" I object. "That does not matter, we must disappear before they notice us!" Binx orders. "I'm not going with you, I promised Winifred I'll stay!" I say. "She is really cursed, we must take her away!"
Max grabs me and carries me away. "Let me go! Let me go!" I shout, beating him, but nothing helps.
"Caroline? Caroline!" I look up to see that Winifred has noticed us. "That's the brave virgin who lighten up the black candle." Sarah cheers. "After them!" Winifred orders.
Before I'm carried from the City Hall, I keep an eye contact with Winifred. She looks both worried and angry. No, she isn't what they have said about her. I know it. I know her. She might was, but not anymore. Not if I can gurantee it myself.
My beautiful gown is gone as soon as Max finally places me on the ground. I try run back, but he holds me still on the place. "You'll regret this!"
"Don't open the book!" Binx shouts as he notices Allison. "We must, she's under their spell!" The black cat checks me. "No, no..she isn't." Max turns at him. "What do you mean she isn't? Look at her! She's protecting a witch. A WITCH! Caroline's greatest phobia!" Max objects. "Allison, open the book!"
She does it. A red light comes through it, but she turns pages fast. "Find something! Quickly!" Max says as he looks exhausted of holding me back. "There's only a forgetting spell."
"Good! Better than nothing." I gasp "Forgetting? I don't want to forget! No, let me go!" I scream. Before she reads out loud a green storm comes between us and make them jump back.
I'm set free, but not for long. I'm shortly after grabbed from behind. I instantly turn to see Winifred flying and placing me on her broomstick. "Winnie." I say and she sighs for herself, propably calm I'm back with her. "We won't get rid of each other that easily." She little smiles. "I count on it." Does she actually care about me?
"Boooooook." She calls with her singing voice. The book starts to levitate, but Binx jumps on it so it lands back. "You!" Winifred shouts angrily. "Thackery Binx, thou mangy feline. Stul alive?" He growls. "And waiting for you."
"Thou hast waited in vain, and thou will fail to save thy friends, just as thou failed to save thy sister!" Max quickly grabs the book. "What have you done to Caroline?! Give her back!"
Winifred looks at me and hurftully smirks. "Give me the book and she's all yours." That hit me. After all the book is Winifred's priority. Only the book. Not me. But what have I even thought in first place?
My siblings at least care about my safety at this point. They thought I was cursed by her. If I was actually falling in love, I couldn't admit now. My dare thoughts Winifred could feel somehow same were certainly ruined now.
"Never!" Binx protests and they start running away. "After them!" Winifred orders and we fly. They run to hide. Run to hide in school. A true hell on Earth if you ask me.
author's note:
hi! all you witches and wizards this is the last chapter presenting in 2022. and tbh i don't know where we go in 2023 lol. i have some ideas and i do believe i'll make this story to come to an end. but for now i'm stuck in middle of ideas. don't forget play the best song above and say bye-bye. ps vote and enjoy!!✨
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