(for the best experience click the song above and listen while reading. headphones are recommended too. enjoy!)
With scream we return back as a smoke to the giant kiln. I break the door and walk outside. "Hello. I want my book. Bonjour. Je veux mon livre." Still there's little smoke, so I push it away from me.
"We are alive!" Sarah cheers. Really? Idiot. We walk out of the building. "Where are we going?" Mary asks. "Where do you think, you buffon? To find my book!" I answer in anger.
"And find Caroline." Sarah adds. Oh, right. Caroline. Just like my book. They have stolen her from me. What have they done to my little one?
Or did she escaped for purpose? Did I actually caught myself to care for her? I shake it off. This can't be. I learned my lesson. She was alike Katharina, but she felt different. From the girl who was scared of me, to someone I held in my arms in dance without hesitation. What if she was the one? She brought me to life after all. But no. Forget these feelings.
"Winnie, I smell the boy." I turn at Mary. "Go!" She leads me and Sarah to a duo of boys. "Hey, get off me!" These are these two imbeciles who bothered Caroline.
"Look! It's them!" The greasy blonde guy says. "Where is Caroline, you pest!" I shout, but both Mary and Sarah hold me back. I am aware they propably don't know, but I wanted get rid of them since I saw them for first time. "And you are what, I doubt you could be Caroline's girlfriend, but she always had strange tastes. Like that boiling psychopath or whatever it was."
"Alex Forrest, you idiot who will be boiled sooner or later." I glare. Both Sarah and Mary stare at me, clueless.
"Fine, fine. You really should chill out. Thank God Caroline's gone, I wouldn't spend a second with this chick either." The one with the sneakers commented. So you chosen it this way. Again. "I'll show you a chick!" I angrily throw them both by spell at ground, which causes them to collapse. "Take them." I order and we find way to our cottage.
Where else we could? We were running out of time and there was no hope at all. How it could be without my book? And without Caroline. The book was the better option. If I make the potion in time I could live forever, but how without the book and ingredients?
The other option was hopeless. Caroline and me? Caroline to love me? Impossible. How could she? There was nothing to love about me. But somehow I couldn't help these thoughts. What if she could care for me?
"Winnie, what shall we do with them?" Mary asks as these boys were locked in cages. "Torture them, eat them, while I care." I say. "Are you alright?" I hit Mary in her stomache. "No I'm not, you idiot! We will die soon!" Sarah stops tackling the boys and joins the conversation. "We can remember the potion. Remember, Winnie, remember." She says.
"It's hopeless. I can't remember it. I need my book!" I nearly break down. "Or we can find Caroline." Sarah smiles. I want to slap her, but I can't, I just nearly leave out of myself a true sob. "Winnie?" Sarah checks me. "Leave me alone. LEAVE ME ALONE!" Then I angrily run out of the hall.
I'm finally alone. I sit on my bed, holding my head. Is this what dying looks like? Or is it love? That's worse than death. I know it better than anyone. However, I thought it shall never ever get near me. Tables turned. Oh, Caroline.
I was the one who had it all
I was the master of my fate
I never needed anybody in my life
I learned the truth too late
I'll never shake away the pain
I close my eyes but she's still there
(I stand up from the bed and can't help the feeling to see like Caroline could be all around me. Each corner. Each shadow. All the pictures of my memory keep her so near.)
Now I know she'll never leave me
Even as she runs away
She will still torment me
Calm me, hurt me
Move me, come what may
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in
And be with me for evermore
I rage against the trials of love
I curse the fading of the light
Now I know she'll never leave me
Even as she fades from view
She will still inspire me
Be a part of everything I do
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in
And as the long, long nights begin
I'll think of all that might have been
(I open the window and stare into the deep quiet night.)
Waiting here for EVERMOOOOOORE
Now I completely break down with few sobs, hiding my face. Hiding my silent cry and scream. Why we always want things we can't have?
"Caroline. Come to me. Or make thyself known!" I call into the night. Nothing happens. Excepted. "Winnie." I gasp as Mary and Sarah hug me from behind. "I told you to leave me alone!" I command and try turn away from them, until I realize I actually crave for a simple hug.
They place me back on my bed. I hate these acts of kidness, but who am I to judge now? I propably need it. "Winnie, do you wanna hit me? Would that cheer you up?" Mary asks. I throw my arm, but I'm so weak. I can't even beat or slap them anymore.
"I feel it. We are doomed. I feel the icy breath of death upon my neck." I sigh, trying not to cry. "Is death really bothering you now? Or it is your love to Caroline?" Sarah asks.
Mary tries shut her down, but I don't care. She was right in the end. "You're not that dumb, huh?" I mutter. "I see things. And I saw the way Caroline danced with you. She is the one, Winnie! She is. And she will save us."
"Stop with these. Even if she was the one or whatever, we don't know where she is. The end." I say. Sarah is disappointed, Mary just mumbles something for herself.
"And she's not the one. Or what reason she would have to even love me? Right. None! Love means nothing. I much prefer to not love anything or anyone, comprehend?!" I glare and want to throw them away from my room.
Before I can, Sarah starts to shout. "Winnie! Look! Over there!" I upsetly walk over, but I stay in shock when I realize what she's pointing at. There's a red line light coming from the town. "They opened my book! THEY OPENED IT!" I cheer, joined by Mary. "We fly!" I order and run by side of Sarah and Mary to grab our brooms.
It feels like all my agony and anger disappeared. At least for now. I excitingly walk outside, jumping in the air to sit on my broom in the end. "Into the night!" Followed by my sisters we fly to the deep night. Maybe we won't die.
And maybe where is book, there can be Caroline. I wish it so much deep down. "I'm flying, Caroline. For you."
author's note:
hi! this came so random but like i'm so glad i write this down. i thought it would be cool for Winnie have some sad song about Caroline and then this epic cover of Batb's Evermore was found. the singer done amazing job and huge respect for not changing the pronouns, hype the talent! now pls vote and enjoy. bye!!✨
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