•Chapter 1•

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Camila's hair was worn messily on the top her head in a knot. She quickly tied the string of her mini apron to her waist. Adjusting her pink uniform and brushing baby hair off her face, she went out from the staff room and into the diner.

On her way out, Camila expertly took the tray of food to the designated table. She repeated the same fluid movements all over the diner. Serving and waiting on customers, who enter Rio's diner for a bite.

Camila wipe her sweaty palms on her apron, getting ready for rush hour which is during lunch time. This was her only day that she would work on a Friday. She usually just come later for the night shift but she had plans later the evening plus it wouldn't be bad to earn extra cash, to lift some weight on her father's back.

Every time the bell at the door of the diner chimed, Camila would be the first to wait and serve the customers. She was flying left and right across the diner serving and taking orders like she has done this all her life.

During lunch hours, construction workers would come to the Rio's Diner for hot meals. Lounging around till it was time to go back to the site for more heavy work.

As rush hour started to calm down, leaving a few customers left, the diner workers decided that it was almost time for them to close the diner for awhile, for their own lunch break. The door bell chimed and a young man entered.

The young man with brown and thick tussled hair, wearing a white t-shirt underneath a leather jacket, sat at the table near the door.

Camila contemplated on whether she should serve his table or let her co-worker to serve him. In the end, she decided to serve him. A few extra tips wouldn't hurt would it.


Shawn sat lazily on the seat of the diner. He had to handle one of customers that he despises the most. Rich snob teenagers, who always want to modify their expensive car way to ambitiously. His not that much older than them but still he cannot relate with them. Always insisting on modifying that part of a car that is impossible to do, without destroying the car itself.

Shawn let out a heavy and tired sigh, covering his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Hello, welcome to Rio's. What would you like to order?" A sweet feminine voice said for his side.

Shawn peek one eye open from underneath his hand to look at the owner of the unfamiliar voice. He was expecting his usual waitress, Sofia, but instead a petite beauty was standing in front of him. He drop his hand from his face and fully looked at her in the face.

He had not seen her here before. Shawn didn't mind though a new pretty girl for him to play with. He was getting bored with Sofia anyways. He knew that he was already attracted to her without even knowing her name. A slow boyish grin appeared on his face.

"Yes, I would like my usual please." Shawn replied.

"And that is?"

"Black coffee and the beef burger set."

"Ok sir, I will return later with your order." She said with a small smile.

Shawn stared at her the whole entire time as she walk around the diner doing her job. Soon, his order came but it was served by Sofia instead. He was a little irritated but he didn't bother to say it out loud. Sofia was flirting with him but his attention was somewhere else. Usually he would play along but today someone has his full interest. Sofia saw that Shawn was looking at Camila and was irked.

"Why don't you look at me?" She said irritatingly.

"I'm kinda watching someone now." He said as he continue watching the waitress.


"So that's her name." He said looking at Sofia for a second to then look back at Camila again.

Sofia annoyed that she won't be getting any attention from Shawn today stormed off. Camila then look at Sofia stomping off while serving the table next to Shawn's and when she look back at him, her eyes widen in question then quickly averting her eyes away.


'Why does he keep staring at me?' Camila thought. It was honestly making her feel creeped out. Throughout her whole shift, she tried avoiding eye contact with the handsome stranger. He just sat there not budging at all.

  Finally, the man got out of his seat, paid his bill and left the diner. Camila felt her shoulders sag in relief. She let out a sigh and pat her chest to still her pounding heart.

It was time for the diner workers to have their lunch break and for Camila's shift to end. She took off her apron and hung it on the clothes peck that was mounted on the wall next to the back door. She changed to her casual clothes, said farewell to her co-workers and left the diner.

When Camila exit the back door, the young man that came to the diner was sitting on a bench next to the door. He stood up as soon he saw Camila walk out the door. Camila saw him, eyes widening slightly in surprise as she looked away pretending that she had not seen him. She fasten her pace to get away quickly.


She clenched her jaw and ignored him, continuing her journey home. He called her once more, this time Camila decided to get it over with, she turned around with a force smile on her lips.

"Hey." The handsome stranger said, walking up to her.

"How can I help you, señor?"

"Nothing, actually señorita." He said with a cheeky grin that ticked Camila off but at the same time making her feeling funny inside.

"Shawn, by the way." He said, before walking to his motorcycle and putting his helmet on. He winked at her and sped off.

Camila scoff, she can't believe that just happened, it was so random. She rolled her eyes and went home. She had to get ready for her friend's birthday gathering, later that evening.

Camila reached home to see that no one was home yet and let out a tired sigh. She headed up stairs to her room and flopped on her back on the back with her eyes close.

After an hour's rest, she went to her small closet to take out her favourite black dress. It was the first ever purchase she got that was pricey. She laid it on the bed, grabbed her towel and went to wash off all the grime from work. Steam came out from the bathroom as she open the door. Time to doll herself up.


Shawn walk across the parking lot with his guitar strapped to his back. He had a gig at the nightclub, he was usually called in when someone was having a private party and the club needed entertainment for the guest.

He nodded in greeting to the two bodyguards standing at each side of the entrance. They nooses back in acknowledgement and step to the side to let him enter. Gus, the owner of the club came out from his office to greet and thank Shawn for aiming at such a short notice.

After he had greeted everyone, he went to the small stage at the centre back of the club to set up. Shawn's set up was simple which didn't require a lot of time to be ready. The guest, who was having the party walked in with a few of her friends. Some of those friends seemed to show that they were interested in him.

Shawn gave them a small smile back and the girls giggled. Soon more people came and the small club started to fill up. Shawn had already started performing a few minutes ago, when more people entered the club.

As he was performing one of his original songs, he looked out into the crowd to see them enjoying themselves. To describe the party in general, it was almost like a frat party to be honest. People conversing everywhere and doing shots or playing alcoholic games. They we're college students after all.

He then spotted a familiar acquaintance in the sea of people. Camila was talking to the group of girls who came earlier. She was smiling and laughing, having a great time.
Shawn wanted to go over to where she was but he had a job to do. Camila has not notice him yet, he smirked. Later after his gig, he would go over to surprise her.

After three and a half hours later, the next performance came and replaced him so he was free to roam around. The first thing he did was walking to where Camila and her friends were at.

"Señorita." He called Camila from behind her. Camila turned around surprise to see him here.

"Would you like to dance with me?" He asked lifting his palm up for her to hold.

Camila hesitated but all her friends tried to persuade her to take up his offer. Although they sound convincing, Camila still hesitated not moving from her spot. Her friends eventually gave up on persuading her and just pushed her into his arm. Now Camila and Shawn were standing just a few centimetre apart. Shawn pulled her closer to his chest. Camila look up blushing to see Shawn grinning boyishly.

Camila embarrassed, put her palms firmly on Shawn's chest and push him off her. She walked out of the club, covering her face to hide her embarrassment. Shawn still standing from where she had left her looked at Camila leaving. His grin turned from a boyish to a full blown smile.

"Her body fit right in my hands. It felt like ooh-la-la-la."

Next Chapter 2 released on:
||7th July 2019||

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