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     I was walking with Cherry to find some cloth for the hoodies and decided that she should pick, so I left the building. When I left the building, I saw a strange glow coming from an alleyway. I thought this was somehow strange and decided to take my leave and to go back inside. The reason I did this because if this was a horror movie, I would be dead within seconds because of doing the opposite. However, there was a side of me that wanted to see who is there. A side of me that thought that someone would be there and that would be a chill guy. Now that I think of it I don't really have any chill guys in my friend group, but that doesn't stop me. On the other hand, I want to go. So guess what I end up doing? I go in the alleyway. Once I look around, I see a man smoking a cigarette that looks like one that Daddy Dearest would try to use. Hey, another guy to save.

??? Pov

     I was smoking another cigarette and wanted to look around to see who was there. When I tell you I almost died from choking on the cigarette, I mean it. I really forgot how to breathe because of what I saw, but I kept my cool and beckoned her over. I was going to offer her one of my cigarettes, but she looked me directly in my eyes, closed her own and kissed my cheek. I have never been so shocked in my life, we only just met a couple of moments ago, and it was very out of line- "There, now you don't have to worry about coughing to death." Huh? What does she mean? I don't think I would die like that. (who's tellin him?)

     I thanked her and she left, which was good, but I want to get to know her more. Hey, we won't meet again, so why do I feel this hope inside that we'll see each other again like some guy worried about his girlfriend? God I hate this kind of feeling for this reason.

Cherry pov

     I think she left me. Did she really ditch me? Why do I feel like this? "Hey, I'm back, thought you needed to pick your own colors. I'll pay." She came back!

"Hey! I thought you left." I reply.

"Of course not, you can't use your own money on things like this!"

Oh what anyone would give for her friendship.

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